
guys, I (partially) revealed my powerlevel to a female friend of mine and now she says she needs to "distance" herself from me.

Not because what I said was factually wrong or anything, she admits that, but because -I quote- "your ideas are not good for me".

How the fuck do I even argue with that?
It's sickening.
All I said was that Trump's victory (and Brexit) show that the world is back on track, we then of course got into an argument, because the default position in Germany is to be a Hillary supporter. Note that she asked ME what I think about the election. I didn't bring it up myself.

How do I fix this, guys? 5 fucking years I've had a good friend in her, and now this?

Either be a cuck and apologize and change your views.

Or tell her she's disgusting and that you're disappointed in yourself for not noticing before.

Anyone who would disown a friend over a political opinion is a low tier retard.

Everyone knows that "your" ideas arent good for anyone.

Remember WW2?
Top kek.

Ethnic nationalism/conservatism is about as much a failed ideology as state socialism.

You could always try for other fish. I am sure some "women" would enjoy to be your slave ala sharia style.

Pol is such a despicable place.

You need to revise your vetting process to screen out bishes like this to begin with.
Try starting with "make me a sandwich" and go from there.

Slide it

>Ethnic nationalism/conservatism is about as much a failed ideology as state socialism.

Where did it fail?

keep redpilling her, never cuck out. if you lose her, so be it

you lost nothing of value

Just don't talk to her for a period, she will turn, females always change their minds.


go and have a gud cry about how painful it is to be alone and without a warm person

- then realize after much crying that you are upset and angry that someone would says they luv u but not when u think differently then they thought u think - coz this mean they only like what they imagine u to be and not u

go find u self a bit and become whole person then find another whole person oki ^^

Just stop being ugly, that should fix it

>pol is despicable

>i am somehow not part of pol even when i post here

She obviously isn't that great a friend if she needs distance just because of a different opinion. Regardless, enjoy being a friendzoned cuck. Its what we all expect from Germany these days anyway.

Explain that experiencing differing opinions is exactly what's necessary for interesting discussion and personal growth. By retreating fast she's showing how little confidence she has in her own opinions.

No wonder Germany will be a caliphate in 20 years

>female friend
lmao cuck

If she needs to distance herself from you because you voiced your opinion, then she wasn't a good friend to begin with.


Too long didn't read just find a new one

Tell her that if she thinks 5 years of friendship is worth ruining over a personal opinion, than she can fuck off

OP, just go fuller left than she is. Go old school left. Watch Zizeks latest videos for hints

Hiliary and DRC are middle class capitalists. They are the status quo. Any real person would reject the Democrats just how they reject the (traditional) Republicans.

She's testing you to see if you can stand up for yourself. You either have to put her in her place, making her humble, or be fine without her, making her insecure and jealous. If you back down and cuck out, she'll see you as weak, and then it's over anyways.

Keep being you.
It's now on her to wake up.
Keep doing what you're doing.

tell her friends can agree to disagree
fuck her if she's too much of a child to do that
who are the fascists again?

My Mexican friend hasn't talked to me since the morning after. Fuck him, when trump is inaugurated he's getting. Reported to ICE. That's it, his loss,

Fuck sucking up to her, post the bitches pic or gtfo

17th post best post also check'd.

The fact is that the people against us are so brainwashed that they will never see reason. Additionally, they are proving to be dangerous. I was talking to a few people about trump winning, people who voted for him and one woman screamed how we were racist and then threatened our jobs by threatening to report us. I walked over and told her that I won't stand to be threatened like that. Turns out, she has managed to scare monger everyone around her at this point and most who work near her won't even talk to me. Not even the people who voted trump.

I thought we might get some breathing room but it's turning out that they're only going to double down. We might have violence after all guys.

Where were your proud homogeneous nations during the dark ages?

How come "ethnic nationalism" had never been tried before?

Economics determine social policy, not your dream feel good ethnostate.

Middle ages: Serfdom, feudalism. Anybody could come and be a "guest" or a "citizen" if he/she had shekels.

Dark ages: feudalism. Muh family.

Imperial ages: hetereogeneous countries. Monarchies, empires.

modern ages: see above.

Now in 2016 you guys want your one ethnicity nations?

best advice here

what do you expect, all my german friends are brainwashed sjws at this point

>dat feeling when you are a psychopath
>and everyone of your "friends", get power leveled under your influence
>then you show your power level and get approval

feels good man!

Sorry Habib.

>Female friends

Don't be a cunt all your life, Hans.

You will never ever lose a genuinely good friend by expressing your opinion.
The correct response to this lass is "go fuck yourself."

Im pragmatic. I couldnt care less about your "plight" or "struggle" or "cultural jihad".

Im here for the keks and with popcorn.

>caring about the opinions of women

Boohoo, let her distance herself and suck a Muhammad's dick. People who can't tolerate different opinions aren't worth associating with.

based Austrian

Trump is great. Trump is anti-establishment. Don't mind his cabinet picks, they are just temporary. No one associated is funded by kikes, trust me. If anyone ever criticizes Trump, they are just CTR.

Remember pawns, if you're ever cornered, just bring up how worse of a candidate Hillary is. Never argue in favor of Trump, only attack Hillary on every narrative.

Stand down, be quiet. Trump wants the best for you *pats head*. Trump will lower your taxes, you want more money right?

Good boy. Good Sup Forums. You'll make a great pet.
>rubs hands

Find a new friend.

Your weakness disgusts me. Your punishment must be more severe.

This girl my gf has been friends with for over a decade has now blocked all communication with my gf because she supports Trump. My gf is understandably upset about this but it just goes to show how petty and double sided the left can be. It's just their nature.

Achmed, go home to Anatolia, your goats are lonely.

>"your ideas are not good for me"

Guess she had too much fun last christmas in cologne

yeah OP I know this game. girl I was seeing stopped seeing me over Trump. best friend said i was as bad as the terrorists for islam blah blah blah.. You be you, unshakably. now, lefty girls are starting to come around since i am immovable and very confident on these subjects etc.. forge a path, when things turn you will be viking material.

>i am different than others on pol

>everybody else is one person

>female friend
You're a faggot.

Redpill her and put White babies in her or move on.

you need a fucking girlfriend man.

I bet you think you dont fuck pussy cause Jews are telling all the girls that you have a smelly cock.

Explain to her about cults and cultist behaviour.

yup. hold your ground or be put down

Read the sticky.

>1 post by this ID thread again

> "your ideas are not good for me".
>How the fuck do I even argue with that?

you're not meant to, she's just saying being around you is emotionally unsettling when you are ranting about how jews need to be gassed or whatever, but since you're male all you care about is being technically right and not how that actually effects your relationships

eg you would be technically right if you talked non-stop about how gory the latest ISIS beheading videos you saw online were but the practical effects of that for your social life is no one is going to want to talk to you

Ghost the regressive cunt.

I know its hard to believe that people who simply dont care visit this place too.

This place is like a public toilet. You dont want to stay, but the written text is eye catching.

This happened to me because I got drunk and told a Canadian friend that all her LGBTBBQ mates were mentally ill. She got over it in a couple of weeks

All you have to do is make her believe you care about her. If you don't know how to do that then you don't actually care about her, you just care about the relationship.

Anti white, pro-zionist shill. Disregarded. Enjoy your bluepill.

>Just spent half an hour discussing the decline of western civilization with a stranger who sat next to me at the library
> Left-wing family is okay with my right-wing ideology and open to discussion
>Nobody has ever insulted or tried to distance themselves from me when talking about politics

Do you guys really get shit for your views?

Tfw your gf is fully aware of your power level.

Thank you for correcting the record

OP back

we had our differences before.
for one, obviously about the refugee crisis, which I accurately predicted right from the start to become a disaster (with rapes, crime etc.) and that the only practicable solution would be to adopt what the australians do.
and just about a week ago, major newspapers published "Germany needs to take the Australian approach" and stuff like that.
back when it started, she shunned me, distanced herself, just like now, only to later see her error.
happened a few times more with other issues.
don't know if this is the final straw, since she told me how I think wasn't "christian", and that my worldview isn't compatible with her "christian" worldview.

but when I asked her to name a specific point where she believes our opinions differ, she told me she had to much to do today to discuss it any further.

what the fuck?

Tell her that the truth, much like deez nuts, can be bitter, but she must swallow it

this desu senpai

Yes. Do Icelanders really tolerate based opinions? I'd imagine your whores wouldn't like it if you quoted statistics on promiscuity's link to divorce.

She is brainwashed and you are killing her identity by killing all she believes in.

>what is crippling loneliness

Build a wall between you and her, lad.

If you've not stuck your cock in it by now, its not worth it.

You sound like a self-righteous asshole who doesn't actually understand anything you're really saying and regurgitates alt-right talking points to maintain your virginity

You might be fucked. You can't just unload all the red pills friend you have to ease into it. If it was me I would wait a week see if she wants to grab coffee and act like it never happened.

>>being around you is emotionally unsettling when you are ranting about how jews need to be gassed

actually kek'd.

but that's the thing, I said nothing like that. just opinions that are not mainstream, like Trump not being the end of the world or Brexit being a sign of democracy at work.

five fucking years. just like that?

>she told me how I think wasn't "christian", and that my worldview isn't compatible with her "christian" worldview.
christians are cucks, news at 11

the ability to have a rational argument is the core of intellect. you can discuss the topics with her, and if she is an intelligent person who is willing not only to teach you, but to learn from you, then she will value your friendship even more. if she is willing to end your friendship because she is unwilling to change her opinions or provide counter argument, then she is not worth it (unless you start fking her)

women aren't rational, they will spout random regurgitated lines from MSM, they don't want a discussion.

They just want a 'oh yeah i agree too hehehehehe', you failed when you tried to interact with her logically and intelligently, should have said, 'its an interesting election' and left it at that.

also female friends kek

>being friend with communists
Guess who will be hanging out with their allies on the day of the rope!

Like any argument with a liberal, take the moral high ground. Tell her you're disappointed in her political views and her poor character. She's been your "friend" for five years and yet she's ready to drop you instantly. Don't worry about losing her and tell her what you actually think. After that she'll be attracted to you sexually.

Most Icelanders are pretty based, even the leftists since even they donĀ“t want more refugees. And nobody in this country cares about divorce statistics, since marriage is generally considered silly.

you might be on to something. she did mention her own "christianity" suspiciously often as the reason our ideas aren't "compatible".

but again, when I asked her I've she could be more specific, she didn't name anything.

>5 fucking years I've had a good friend in her
you need to get your good friend out of her and get into her yourself
if you know what i mean

Quit being a pussy and find better friends

Friends accept you for who you are.

probably going for this one again.

funny alternative of course would be "you're a christian, right? so forgive me".

Alright lad here's what you fucking do

You wait for her to come crawling back (she will) because women love both attention and drama, and she can get both from you.

However, this time you are fucking offended. You tell her that your adherence to nonchristian values has warped her mind into thinking she is the more christian one. Say you don't know what Chris on the cross would make of a genderfluid potatokin but you do know that he does not like greedy money lenders.

You say
>look, femanon, either you stop getting yourself whipped up into a frenzy by mainstream media lies, and then feel deflated and so come to me, and then get offended when I point out the mainstream media lies, which you in fact agree with but are in denial about, and your anger towards me is actually anger you feel towards yourself

Then you grab your cock through your beige khakis and you say
>if you want me to show you how a real man lives his life, then be by my side. If you want to hear a man parrot back the mainstream media lies you so readily believe, then strap on a fake penis and get ready to peg a whole lot of man children

Then you wait for her response. If she is swayed by your manliness, you will notice her breathing hasten and her lips part; then you msut lean in for the kill, grabbing her, kissing her

If she does nothing, you unzip your beige khakis, forcefully pull your testicles out of them, tug on them with real force so she can see how tough you are and so they're all the way dangled and out, and do a simultaneous moonwalk/nazi salute away

>Guess who will be hanging out with their allies on the day of the rope!

We aren't at war, dipshit.

Reading this post lowered my IQ.

>Trust me goyim, nations have always been heterogenous
Nice try, Schlomo

will the men surrounding us beat their chests and high five eachother with their erections shouting "it's our privilege"?

who gives a fuck? you said it yourself, you revealed your true self and she doesnt like that side of you. why would you want to continue pretending to be someone you're not?


Immoral whores reeeeeeeee

Yet. One Lithium here is ready though.

Flat our wrong.

In all previous eras it was unwritten law. ONce minorities (like jews) got too upppity they were killed or expelled.

What do you mean by immorality?

in Germany, you don't have the luxury to be yourself, at least not politically.

Completly your fault.
You should have never revelaed your powerlevel, not even to your wife.
You should just said that you enjoy Trump's victory becuase it's a funny meme. Just like americans said tot the polsters they were gonna vote Hilarry but when in the booth voted for the god emperor.

Don't run after her, let her alone. Chances are she will get peeved you don't and make contact with you. She may be trying to yank your leash, see what kind off control she has over you. Stand back let her come to you.

Here's a solution for you: don't have female friends.

the men around you will recoil and snarl, for they have been programmed to be fearful of real men

You just need to be a real man, tell her firmly that her anger is actually at herself for believing media lies, and for wanting to be popular for believing the same lies as everybody else

>women hate being told that they want to be popular, because you called them both unpopular and a wannabe without saying either word, and they will want to prove to you that you are wrong so they can 'win', which is a situation you can easily manipulate into sex
>women hate being told that they want to be popular, because you called them both unpopular and a wannabe without saying either word, and they will want to prove to you that you are wrong so they can 'win', which is a situation you can easily manipulate into sex
>women hate being told that they want to be popular, because you called them both unpopular and a wannabe without saying either word, and they will want to prove to you that you are wrong so they can 'win', which is a situation you can easily manipulate into sex

I've managed to convince my friends slowly through the years that fascism isn't evil, that people cannot be controlled without laws or if they fear the consequences of breaking the law, and that psychopaths are noble
And to be respected

They quote me when they don't realize it, but credit isn't what matters, I have already corrupted them

Red pills are scary. Just reassure her it wont change her and and try to take it slower from now on

If someone can't handle being friends with a dissenting opinion, they are mentally weak.