A master after only a few weeks of training (at most) because she was "hard working". Huh. Interesting

A master after only a few weeks of training (at most) because she was "hard working". Huh. Interesting.

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The show takes place over 9 months, they probably spent a month or two at the North Pole. It did help that she was a prodigy and powerful bender, first episode literally has her destroying an iceberg through sheer anger.

So in other words, she was already an OP stronk womyn mary sue from the start. Thanks for clarifying.

To be fair, Aang was pretty much a master in the same time as well, and could have done it quicker had he actually put in the effort.

Problem is, he's just very, very gifted, and it's hard to give too much of a shit about the other bending styles when air (if you ignore the sub arts), is clearly the best one.

Aang is never a master at any element except air during TLA, and it took him 6 years to master it.

>Aang masters all the elements in a few months, where literally every other avatar took years

But let me guess, you're not mad about that.

Yes and no. She was strong but unskilled because she didn't have any teachers or material to work with until she found those scrolls. Zuko was the only bender that was part of the main cast that wasn't a prodigy, he was just trained by one of the greatest firebenders in the world.

Men have higher spiritual strength than women, so yeah that's a little more realistic. There's also the fact that Aang is a god incarnate, which Katara isn't. Nice excuses though.

Yes but she somehow also learned flawlessly and managed to be a perfect teacher despite having no real training. Almost like there's an agenda at work

>Yes but she somehow also learned flawlessly
She was a prodigy, like Toph, Azula, and Aang
>no real training
She has combat experience, literally fought her way to the North Pole.
>Almost like there's an agenda at work
If you want to have one of those threads just take it to Sup Forums and title it "Feminist Agendas in Cartoons".

everyone Aang runs into is a million-in-one genius special snowflake
I mean he just so happened to be best friends to Bumi pre-freezing, of all people ...

>Aang masters all the elements in a few months
No he doesn't.

>everybody I disagree with is a le racist Nazi :cccc

Try again

He didn't, Katara, Toph, and Zuko literally tell him that in Part 1 of Sozin's Comet.

Toph, Azula, and Aang had multiple years to master their element. Even if you want to lie and bullshit and claim Aang mastered 4 elements before his fight with Ozai, you could at least chalk that up to him being the avatar with otherworldly potential.

But I don't want to concede that first point. Aang did not master all the elements. He simply became proficient in them and then had to rely on deux ex machina to beat Ozai. Whereas Katara was stated to be a master on multiple occasions.

I didn't say anything about racism or nazis, but if you're looking for a specific response you'll probably find it there.

Main character plot armor is one heck of a power-up

>if i kill him, i'll be just like him

wow what a deep character

That isn't why she didn't do it
And that episode was great fuck you

Almost like it's a kids show or something.

Or so they could once again show the main roastie take the "moral high ground"

Why is everyone older than 15 and younger than 60 so incompetent in ATLA?

Wow, it's not like Aang also took the same moral standpoint.

The war killed all the competent ones. Lrn2 history you fucking casual.

What exactly you wanted to happen? turn the guy into a human pincushion? yeah that's a great lesson to teach the kids
>Remember kids, if someone wrongs you, fucking waste the fucker.
Also, how come you aren't complaining about Toph, a blind, even younger, girl prodigy?

>Avatarfags will defend things that they criticize other cartoons for

Who says I don't also have a problem with her? Muh diversability at its finest.

Doesn't change the fact that it's a feminine standpoint. An eye for an eye. That's how the ancients understood it, and the world was at a golden age.


why do I like azula and toph so much if I just want to bitch about women

Katara went around fighting people from all around the world, trained by Pakku, been dabbling in waterbending since she was like 3-5. Not that unbelievable she got so good. Natural genius and all that. Toph taught herself earthbending by watching badgermoles and fighting in the Earth Rumble pit, too.

>This triggers the Azulafag

The only two geniuses outside of the air element he knew were Bumi and Toph, Katara was just gifted, considering she was self-taught. And Aang will always suck at fire because he was taught by a crispy cuck instead of his mad genius sister or at least repentant Fire Nation Himmler.

fucking good smug face, but don't beat the real goddess for this.

>Toph taught herself earthbending by watching badgermoles and fighting in the Earth Rumble pit, too.
After doing so for years. YEARS. You fucking retard. Why in the fuck do you dipshits always fall back to the talents of people like Toph or Azula when they had YEARS to master their shit relative to Katara's months.

>That's how the ancients understood it, and the world was at a golden age.
>Golden age

>the real goddess

Iirc, she was moving actual clumps of land the first time she met the badgermoles. Even adults could pretty much just toss rocks.


You do realize we're talking about benders becoming masters and not benders figuring out how to lift a rock or move water a bit right.

She is still a pre-teen girl that only trained in secret when her parents weren't looking and is far better than battle hardened soldiers because of main character plot armor.

Yeah, but by only observing badgermoles. It's not like badgermoles taught her proper forms or such things. Katara's been waterbending since possibly an even younger age.

>a male peace guru preaches to break the vicious circle of revenge to a emotionally distraught female.
Truly, the greatest philosophical words i have heard in my life

Yea, becoming a master earthbender after years of learning from the original earthbenders is a stretch. Definitely. I'll grant you that.

You know what's even more of a stretch? Becoming a master waterbender after 1-2 months. I cannot believe people still try to compare Katara's progress to Toph's or Azula's.

>One learns under a master for a bit then self taught later
>The other learns by watching animals
Both are ridiculous, quit lying to yourself.

Both are ridiculous. One is less ridiculous (learning from similarly-blind, original benders for years). One is way more ridiculous (Katara becoming a master after 2 months at best). These comparisons have always been retarded.

Toph learned from badgermoles. Katara learned from fucking PAKKU aka the best on-screen ATLA waterbender. If Toph never just magically stumbled on badgermoles as a kid and met Bumi the same age Katara met Pakku than she'd be a master earthbender in probably less time. Fuck.

>If Toph never just magically stumbled on badgermoles as a kid and met Bumi the same age Katara met Pakku than she'd be a master earthbender in probably less time
Don't care about this weird and baseless assertion.

You know it's true.

man of tastes

>why do I like azula and toph so much
I retract my comment and salute your superior taste, please accept my apologies.

>Waaaaaah, every woman that is good at something is a feminist Mary Sue, waaaaaah!

Toph and Azula are great characters. It's Katara who is annoyingly powerful in such a short amount of time. Arguments like yours have been utterly destroyed numerous times but they always come back.


>But I didn't forgive him. I'll never forgive him.
I love ATLA. If this was any other cartoon Katara would've forgiven him.

>It's Katara who is annoyingly powerful in such a short amount of time

toph had an advantage learning earthbending because of her blindness.

Dude leave me alone it's just how I feel even if TLA is still a fantastic show overall...

One would assume that carnal urges messes with bending.

Well she was taught by Pakku, went around fighting people around the world, trained with Aang every other day. I think it makes sense. It was kind of neat how she progressed through the show, rather than like Azula and Toph just waltzing in as OP super benders. You know?

Nah because they waltzed in after training for years.

No I mean Katara split an iceberg in half through SHEER ANGER in the first 5 minutes of the show.

It's not so much that she was "an OP stronk womyn mary sue" as you put it as the pace of the story demanded that she be able to teach Aang so they could leave the north pole. They got shit to day, you know.

they're in the middle of a war. all the competent adults are shipped off to fight, and only the most competent hardy people make it past 60 due to the weak ones getting killed off.

er I said it was neat how we saw her progress, just like we saw Aang and Sokka become more competent. It's more satisfying than seeing Azula and Toph come into the show as powerful as they'll ever be, more or less.

>I cannot believe people still try to compare Katara's progress to Toph's or Azula's.
They are all more powerful than 99% of adult benders due to their main character plot armor.

Even Azula was a teenager with no real war experience.

Which bothered the shit out of me, even as a kid

Aang was pretty powerful despite lusting for brown pussy 24/7

His lust was so great he became a bisexual brown girl in his next life.

Azula would lose a fight agaisn't any of the old men of the original White Lotus. Even the swordman.

>Since you can’t see I should tell you I’m rolling my eyes

We talk about lust but I can see Katara and Aang experimenting off camera during ATLA. They're teenagers for fucks sake.

Of course they would. We all did at some points of our lives.

She "experimented" with Jet

>we all did at some point in our lives

>We all did at some point

>teen girl going for a bald childish manlet 2 years her junior
It's like you forgot what being a kid was like. It's more likely that she took Sokka's seal grease lubed dick up her ass. They were the only teens living in the village for years. They even acted like an old married couple. But if you want to insist that a girl from a savage ice tribe is too civilized for incest, she would sooner fuck one of the many freedom-fighters they met on their journey that Aang. Even fucking Zuko had a bigger chance to hit that.

I hated the end of that episode. It would have meant so much more if the guy had regretted what he'd done and surrendered himself to Katara as repentance. Then her choosing not to kill him would have been much more powerful than him being a sniveling weak baby begging for his life.

Bro, are you serious? I was shipping Watercest for years.

that would've been so typical

Name three times it's happened.

just playing up the sympathetic card after a character's done something heinous. "I regret everything. I'm a changed man."
it just seems cheap. an easy way for one character to forgive another. but Kya's killer still being repugnant made Katara's decision harder. I really like how they handled the episode, it's not something you'd expect from a kid's cartoon.

>I always wondered what kind of person could do such a thing, but now that I see you, I think I understand. There's just nothing inside you. Nothing at all.

>Men have higher spiritual strength than women

Modern day Sartre

>Men have higher spiritual strength than women


>Team of children defeat warlord and his army

I always imagined that Katara was basically the spiritual focus of the South Pole since she was last southern water bender.

All three seasons take place over the course of a single year.

So yeah a few months.

Yeah but the Air Nomads were totally gay.

I had that same theory too. I’m not sure there was anyone there to actually teach her the basic water bending moves in the first place. Could be some water spirit had to correct th bending balance or some bullshit and put all the bending mojo in her

I was fine with the show's portrayal of the kid characters in a war until The Drill when it completely crosses the line into kids' cartoon.

The Hapless Adult Syndrome and the "only the relevant characters are allowed to do stuff" are at their worst: the Earth General hands over the complete defense of the outer wall to some teenagers he just met, Ba Sing Se's most elite earthbender fighters get wrecked by two non-bender rich teenage girls with no war experience and Toph is the only one allowed to slow down the drill despite there being thousands of earthbenders in the city.

Also it's jarring how we go from hearing about how Iroh lost his son in battle in the first Siege to Ba Sing Se to seeing Mai and Ty Lee cartwheeling with no armor past trained soldiers and being more worried about getting dirty in the mud than about the fucking battle they are in.

And the budget limitations make the fight look less like something out of The Hundred Year War and more like something from The Hundred Year Small Skirmishes

Fuck, meant for

Of course, they were vegetarians.

>And the budget limitations make the fight look less like something out of The Hundred Year War and more like something from The Hundred Year Small Skirmishes
Wasn't just that episode. I honestly questioned whether or not there was actually a war going on several times.

Yeah, but it's excusable in "village of the week" episodes, not in the siege of the Earth Kingdom's capital, especially after the North Pole battle.

And Aang was a master Airbender as a kid even before they found out he was the Avatar, your point?

Ba Sing Se military sucks
I'm curious how Ty Lee and Mai would've fared against a group of Dai Li agents, though

>"We have our differences, you meditate to the South while I meditate to the North, but I embrace you no matter the orientation of our prayer directions."
Nah, Aang was totally a bottom boy at the temple, why do you think he's so submissive and feminine?

>don't migrate anywhere


Aang never masters any element except air you fuck.

Then why did they segregate their temples by gender? So gays would have it better?

Speaking of which, one thing I really liked about ATLA was how the Northern Water Tribe was really sexist but when it came time to see the Fire Nation it had female leaders and even allowed women to serve in their military but now they went in the really weak direction of "the good guy nations were all accepting of gays but Sozin was a hardcore homophobe"

He basically mastered Water by book 3