Global Warming

Why should we care?

From what I understand global warming implies :
>death of people I will never meet
>disparition of 3rd world clay i'll never go to
>death of species i'll never see
>some ressources like electricity or fresh water still being produced but differently/recycled

so where's the problem? I get that all of those implications are somewhat sad but, without trying to be edgy or anything, it's not like it's the kind of thing that will keep you awake at night.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no chink gf

they are cute, aren't they?

>tfw had qt asian gf
>tfw she lives in new york
still hurts to think of what could've been

The agenda here is that global warming become an indisputable premise like racism that cannot be argued with, and therefore any policy based on it will also be indisputable.

I find it interesting how many of these types of threads have popped up over the past few days.

how are you going to dispute global warming tho? gonna call decades of science research hoax like trump?

How are you going to call it real when it's all theory with no proof?

Name pls

If true: I don't care at all.
If fake: I don't care at all.


I disputed global warming and I was right, they had to change it to """man-made climate change"""

>>disparition of 3rd world clay i'll never go to

all those 3rd worlders (mostly african, asian) will become "environmental refugees"

and guess where they are all gonna go?

yeah you should worry about it

theories and research are quite different from facts. Or haven't they taught you that in high school yet?

Which is why building the wall is so important, so they can be stopped and gunned down at the border. Eventually they'll get the message and die quietly out of sight.
because you know hight tech nasa that sends shit into space would spread theories and hoaxes

its literally not even real

See how it say "climate change" and not global warming. There's a reason for that.

If I could add

>Every few years they cry about how waters will rise and mass starvation etc...
None of their doomsday predictions have been coming true... none of them ... for the past 50 FUCKING YEARS NOW.

So yea lets pollute this bitch,

yeah right because global warming is only part of bigger set of issues that follow climate change
just kill yourself

they are going the EU, whom under Merkel's 5th and 6th term, will be glad to take them

op is french so this will directly affect him

not if we global warming faster than they can walk
they'll be toast before they leave africa

>muh man made climate change
Just out of curiosity lets look back and see how warm the earth was 65 million years ago.

>Sabertooth cats in Cars

Is it fucking possible that the climate can change hard and fast with out us?... I mean a small tug closer to the sun could drastically change
>but al gore

Oh nm ... al gore and government funded studies that have nothing to gain and everything to lose if they question the climate narrative.

France will be impacted negligibly, except that as the Sahara spreads more refugees from Africa will be a thing. As long as you go full nat-soc by then you should be fine. Your south will produce a little less food and your north will produce a little more food. Add in the net gain in places like Germany and Europe is in great shape. And that's not even considering the MASSIVE amount of agriculture that is going to EXPLODE out of Russia. If anything you guys need to be worried about TOO MUCH food saturating the market.

The US is in a similar situation: it's current "breadbasket" is going to dry out, but northern regions will start producing more to compensate. Do we really care if our food is grown in the Dakotas instead of Kansas? And Canadian agriculture will boom just like Russia's will.

Sure there will be an adjustment period, but the changes will be gradual enough that the markets should easily be able to keep pace.

Again the worst problem is how this will effect Africa, South Asia, and Central/South America. Those places will be fucked, and that means they'll be desperate to get out. As long as you guys get your walls built that's not going to be a problem.

>brings climate change diagram with millions of years on scale
>denies drastic changes in mere decades observed by scientists
keep it up proud of you


fast climate change (in geological terms) is always linked to mass extinctions

is it the end of world? no. biospheres bounce back

no one is arguing that. the argument is that it will have an economic and social impact on the human population that in the end, will be absorbed by the developed world

>earth is a static thing where climates only change hard and fast because Man invented the wheel and burned a few things

>climate has nothing to do with the fact that we are a spec of dust orbiting a giant nuclear ball - and one tug in either direction can either freeze us into an ice age - or heat us into eocene Optimum

Do you science by MSNBC and FOX new by chance? Holy shit.

>so where's the problem? I get that all of those implications are somewhat sad
The idea is racism of money.
Only people with money can afford clean energy.
Poor people use energy that is not clean and are hated because of it.
It's easier to blame a country instead of saying it's money, hooking it into politics.

>Global Warming
>Why should we care?
It is going to affect you when your government asks you for more money so they can implement clean energy.
It's not that you need to care, it is that you can't avoid it.

the more people in the world
the more money has to spread out
the more energy is needed

Powerful people are pushing this, they make others push it, they affect you.
If you have a stable population with strong borders and use cleaner energy than others you avoid most of this attention.

you heard the man ! grant us a source of this rice cookie!

Except for the dutch, none of the middle european countries have to worry about global warming mid and short term.

But boy are the americans and chinese fucked if things continue this way.

some mass extinction events are worse than others... Man did survive the end of the last ice age and there is a lot of evidence coming out now that shows it was a pretty fast event - and that is possibly where the "flood" myths come from world wide.

But no lets stay in the fucking box with out questioning anything - because that is how science works.

>climate changed because earth constantly changes it's orbit
:DD:D:D well memed
seems like your reasoning based on faux news my nigger
I already gave you links to NASA reports and research

geh nach Düsseldorf und such was neues.

>Well memed

Ok so how did the last ice age end? .... Ill fucking wait.


Yeah man! You could've been living in New York! With a chink girlfriend!

has even a positive side!
when the sea level rises, berlin will finally fuck off.

Melts ice, water in ocean increases, cities get flooded more often.

Wild life habitat gets destroyed, therefore possibly impacting food chain, which fucks people dependent on the animals in the food chain. I.E fishes

Increase in heat will fuck over certain crops, affecting billions.

Change in weather pattern due to increase in water, loss of ice, etc will create a different climate. Effects are unknown but it will effect most everyone

That's a fucking dick.

that's. a. trap.

>Ice ages come in predictable cycles from the geologic record
>has nothing to do with the sun or solar events
>Wooly Mammoths driving Mack Trucks

It's all good.

thats a trap

holy shit
you know that variable orbit is only one of several possible theories that is not proved to be the one and only

Whether or not climate change is cyclical or man-made is beside the point. It is the indisputable nature of climate change discourse that necessitates indisputable technocratic, captalist-grounded solutions that is the issue.

you are looking at it wrong

it doesn't matter if eventually its proven that human impact had little to do in the way of climate change; 1st world leftists will push the narrative that it was White Man's doing.

and 3rd world reactionary movements will demand help from the 1st world White Man because they will think its their fault

and remember china and india will be affected, and you have countries with nukes who will eat up that narrative for political gain

Truuu, gravity and the earth revolving around the sun are just (((theories)))

There's nothing much we can do about climate change, but I still think we need strong pollution controls. I rather not wake up one morning to find the nice river outside my house has been turned into an open sewer.


this. but I will further say that climate change discourse necessitates that 3rd world states get on board with 1st world sociopolitical arrangements furthering the system that got us in this mess in the first place

also name?

Well I thought about the whole climate refugees problem but we're already being flooded by refugees of all kind so really this whole "refugees coming to France" issue has nothing to do with global warming. Global warming is just an excuse, some people are able to live in the middle of the fucking desert in the US, if africans had their shit together they would probably be able to do the same. Refugees of all kind should be told fuck off, we're full

You're in this thread to take part in the conversation and not to get your daily yellow fever fix, right?

well there you go :
is her :

is her :

Found the sauce

you have to be over 18 to post on Sup Forums

the objections to climate change at the TOP are largely economic and resource based. people look at charts and starvation and think "fuck me, all the ____ are going to come here" or "there goes record profits".

realistically, the rich countries will survive. even the US could flat out steal land and resources if it absolutely came down to it. China arguably already is (South China Sea fishing grounds), and the Saudis are buying African farmland wholesale too. its not like we cant buy from Canada, worst comes to worst, or build desalinizers (very expensive, but doable for a huge economy like US or China).

the uber fucked people are those in Africa, central/south america, and other places with neither a strong government nor the economic heft to survive the storm.

then u have the literal apocalypse-tier events at small islands as they get swallowed up in worst-case scenarios
