Why doesn't he wear pants?

Why doesn't he wear pants?

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There were only like 6 other people on the entire planet

A.) That doesn't answer my question and B.) everyone else wears pants.

>tfw when I lost the episodes
Does anybody has a working link?

what is this
is this for kids
is this actually in the show or not


What the fuck do you think?

so he can tempt Goomo into becoming a homosexual with him

Simple. He wears red skin tights

R.I.P. Vodka Capital

What happened to them anyway?


He likes to feel the wind on his loins

but why
What happened to Pirata and Capitano?

pirata and capitano is already done and they're slowly uploading eps to youtube for dome reason
dont know what happened to the english dub

Someone finally picked up? That's pretty great, even when the studio is dead now.
And as long an english speaking channel doesn't air it, it won't have an english dub.

Do you know if they made a new studio?



>the one phase where Sup Forums tried to make it their FiM
I remember 2011

If he puts some pants on will he die?

Ah, the Sabrina-Online approach. Always a good one.
I should re-read that comic. Zig Zag a cute.