You big smelly willy

You big smelly willy

When im through with you, you're gonna be pee sitting down like a girl!

A Saiyan always sprinkles when he tickles!

Defeating a sandwich
only makes it tastier


"you am not a reall sumper sand!" LOL


>its a cartoon

>spend 2012 pretending game grumps are my buddies and that I would make an entertaining guest

That's what you get for acting demure Virginia.


>no mention of game grumps in the OP
>OP was quoting a cartoon

Can you idiots be a little less autistic?

It's a simple mistake. This cartoon was made by Oney, who is a clone of Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson.

>comparing Chris O'Neil to Arin "multiple chins" Hanson

I can understand the hate for game grumps, but chris did nothing wrong.

Doesn't he copy the Game Grumps format with a couple of disgusting gay furries?

Do you just parrot whatever opinion you hear and don't judge things for yourself?


I didn't know the Grumps invented that format, and even if they did Oney perfected it by actually being funny

then prove me wrong.

this guy gets it.

yeah i love it when he funny screams or when he references cartoons, its also good when he makes funny noises in silly voices

>it's a pat and woolie spend half the video in menus episode

You don't know anything about oneyng and are just dismissing it as stupid random humor like a jaded teenager.

this, he also is ironic and above it all and thats why its good he is a fucking comedic genius and if you don't think so you're just IGNORANT

>dingdong and julian are going to appear less and less due to working on their games
>that means sleepycabin members will be appearing more on oneyplays

the new Heart of Darkness video with Zach and Nial makes me want more sleepycast

>game grumps invented lets plays


you do realize he was making cartoons before lets plays right?

I think it's more the format of
>animated intro
>break every session into a bunch of 10 minute videos for maximum jewery
>upload a couple of videos a day so you don't run out of content

Just like Egoraptor.

so basically every let's player's channel ever. great good to know you're very narrow minded.

Pick out 2 other popular lp channels that do that and show me one that did it before GG.

Oh wow what a coincidence. That surely makes ALL the difference in discerning between two individuals.

Just a reminder LegendaryFrog teamed up with the Cinema Snob.

How about you just accept that they're different people with different methods of humor? Chris is far better then arin in both talent and comedy.

>animator turned letsplayer copies an animator turned letsplayer
Chris was always a massive Arin dicksucker and he copies whatever Arin does. He's diet Arin. Only plebs and children like Arin, but only contrarians plebs and tweens like Chris. Who gives a fuck about these former animators anymore? All they do is yell retarded noises into a mic with their retarded friends while they play video games you can play yourself.

Because its funny. Stop being so stagnated and just open yourself up to the humor.

basically every fucking one

Its like you've never even seen it and just assume this. They actually make good jokes if you listen.

>can't list one example
Hi, Richard Peter Korzeniowski.

"ah-oww-WOP! ah-owww-WOP! ah-oww-WOP!" is such a brilliant joke!

but he didn't.

you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel now aren't you?