Comparing breasts to fruit, breakin some new ground there Jeph

Comparing breasts to fruit, breakin some new ground there Jeph

>tfw no insecure gf with big tits

Anime wall scrolls.

These are still a thing? Or is jeph stuck in the 90s?

Stop posting this shit.

make me

Why isn't she leaning down for some dick sucking?
Just suck his dick, you dumb blue robot.

we need to get back to the best robot

Here is my best case scenario headcanon prediction buzzword
>Dale and Marigold try to talk it out
>Things go even worse
>Break up, thus killing the last remaining normal hetero relationship that anyone remembers.
>Dale ends up getting pity robo sex from May
>Marigold gets pity lesbian robo sex from Momo
A man can dream...

Someone edit the robot girl's clothes off again.


>this aint about bein fair, just suck it up and apologize for answering her loaded question the way she wanted you to

love it

ok but have you ever dated anyone?
of all the shit that QC gets away with, this one is actually true. Just tell women what they wanna hear and avoid the fight. If you take their side enough they start to second guess themselves and they wind up taking your side.

I know, I'm pointing out how much I hate that because I /am/ in a relationship and I fucking hate that and call her on it every time

and yes, it does always make it worse but I'm vindicated when she tells her therapist and the therapist takes my side

then that only makes it even worse

but whatever, she's got ass and isn't the kind of crazy that breaks anything, just bitches and that's been getting less and less the more and more me and her therapist hit her with cold hard facts and documented instances of her being a fucking nutcase

You should break up.

but she has a big dick

You say that, but in all my life I've never known a woman to actually put as much effort into changing how she acts as she does, and more often than not in the last year she's been admitting more and more often that shes a looney and will make/is making more of an effort to keep herself in check

I just shit on her on the internet because we aren't out of the woods yet and she still fights me on whether or not shes in the wrong

All in all I've always subscribed to a 'love isn't an emotion its a choice' mentality anyway, if you meet someone and they take over your whole world and they're the only thing you care about, that shits gonna fade and if it was the foundation for the relationship, enjoy getting cheated on and divorced or whatever, I'll be over here with my build-a-bitch that I've been coaching into the ideal gf for two years

Hey by all means, if you want to be her life and behavioral coach then I can't tell you otherwise.
Your post calls her a nutcase so I was under the assumption this was some kind of torture for you, not that calling her a build-a-bitch is making it any better.

You do you.

oh, that's just how I talk

meant to add that none of it is as bad as it sounds, and some other stuff, but shes out of the shower and I started asking myself why I was even justifying my relationship like this to someone who for for all my intents and purposes wont have ever existed once the thread 404's so I'm just gonna go smash, and post this to brag about how I get laid cause its about all I've got going on today

nvm her soap had lavender and shes allergic so now shes got a rash on her cooter, no sex for me

well that was anticlimactic

welcome to relationships

gone get my dick sucked though, so that's cool

almost better

but a man cant live on bread alone, its been forever since I got sex and not blowjobs, its kinda weird being tired of them

fun fact since I'm already blogging, I took this girls virginity and then we let her little brother sleep on the mattress with the same (washed) sheets for like 6 months, then gave it to her aunt.

I could still see the stain, but it looked about the same as all the sweat stains because it was my old ass nasty mattress anyway

I take pleasure in the little things like that, and think fondly about it often.

Wen did Dale become brown Marten?

(And i do t mean in personality, I mean art style, Jeph is regressing)

Jeph probably is pumping Eurobeat in the background of his "Studio."




I had to double take because I thought this strip was a few years old. Is old the new art style?

I don't read this shitty comic, but I'd appreciate it if someone could post Marigold's big tits.

Realistic scenario: absence of a robosex continues indefinitely.



>Comparing breasts to fruit
do you not?

I usually go

flat>palmful>handful>overflowing handful>two hands

>using the metric system
Get the fuck out of here


You guys are alright