I was just scrolling through my facebook and one of my faggot libtard friends shared this...

I was just scrolling through my facebook and one of my faggot libtard friends shared this. Are these people fucking serious? I know they love calling Trump Hilter, but holy shit this is petty. The worst part are all the people going DAS RIGHT!

Hitler also didn't pay any income tax and then was reminded that he has a lot of income tax

Trump eats meat, argument btfo

>liberals getting fucking offended over him not taking taxpayer money.



What next, are liberals going to advocate for animal cruelity because Adolf Hitler created one of the first anti-animal cruelity laws?

/r/ing the pic with both Trump and Hitler drinking water and "WELL WELL WELL"

Hitler drank water.

When there's literally a fucking tvtropes page saying "you're a fucking idiot; your argument is bullshit," you might need to shut the fuck up.


but jfk did it too tho

I don't want to derail the thread away from OP's image, but do you guys ever let your political opinions get in the way of your friendship with others? I usually just avoid talking about it because back during George W. Bush's first term I saw it almost destroy my sister's marriage, she (a dentist) and her husband (a US Marine) constantly argued about what the Bush administration would do to this country, and their arguing exploded after Bush declared war on Iraq and her husband started going on tour. Every time they got in the same room or on the phone they would never stop bickering about that shit back then because they never agreed on politics.

KEK true that

>but do you guys ever let your political opinions
>revealing your power level
keked hartly


>fuck off newfag

Friend... ship..?

Bring up and , and ask everyone to explain when they inevitably say "NOT THE SAME THING"

George Washington also did not accept money for being president

My aunt said that she wasn't for Trump and I told her if we didn't vote for Trump we'd be flooded with radical Muslims. I doubt she'd even be against Trump in the first place if it wasn't for the MSM and their lying narratives.

Mention that JFK didn't take salary.

I mean he did, but he didn't keep any of it.

I have very liberal, progressive friends who know I voted Trump, and we just don't talk about it.

>Trump doesn't take the money

>Trump takes the money
>lol told u he was a broke faggot xD

it is literally impossible to win with these people.

Trump burns his meat in the ovens, literally Hitler

Open the gate a little!

Not needing to accept a 400k salary is the height of white make privilege

The only winning move is not to play.

In fact, I would go as far as to say liberals take pride in their ability to feel whatever emotion they want, either hate or love, with no regard whatsoever for objective reality.


Oh shit, that's fucked up. Now post your response with your name blacked out.

I am sure you said something to stand up against these racists and bigots.

It's where the friend "a boat load of friends" came from, you keep them on your friend ship. Nothing like a bunch of sea men you can call on day or night.