Everyone's going crazy over Elsa and i'm just sitting here staring at this beautiful woman :)

Everyone's going crazy over Elsa and i'm just sitting here staring at this beautiful woman :)

nope. she's ugly.

she's too quirky. Hot though.

Cute :)

Frozen is overrated and bland.

Anna is ugly. Elsa is pretty!

>5 replies
>1 poster

Exactly how autistic are you?

there's only one way for me to meet my girl :/

You tell me. You replied too genius.

Why would you want Else or Anna when you could have a super hunky snowman? Oh, the things I would do to that carrot...

I'd stick it in Olaf my holes.

Why can't Anna be the character everyone talks about? Why do Olaf and Elsa get all the attention?

Why can't you stop talking to yourself?

why are you replying if you don't have too?

Anna is a nudist girl.

Shes even more Sluttier than Elsa, user.

always thought she was prettier than that other girl.

neither woman is that attractive.

I love you Anna!!!

anna is beautiful when she sleeps

80% of this thread is just one guy

they both have the exact same 3D model you fucking autists

Anna is glamorous and perfect. She is better than Elsa in every way. I fell in love with her when I first saw her on screen. I strive to meet a girl like Anna

no one cares about Anna, everyone wants to talk about Elsa:(

because Elsa is elegant and ladylike. Anna is a free-spirted nudist.


gratz newfag you just figured out how Sup Forums threads work

Anna > Elsa everyday