These are the cartoon that children watch in 2018

>these are the cartoon that children watch in 2018
the absolute state of Youtube

Other urls found in this thread:¶ms=EAEYATgBSAFYDWILb2haRFAxdmMyY1VoCw%3D%3D&v=I1uhjBDBiP4&mode=NORMAL&app=desktop

This has got to be made by some russian AI or fetishists, right?

what's that


6.1 M views

what the fuck is that shit

jesus fucking christ


>Misunderstanding Eat Shit
>Forced Slavery in Club Stripper
>Revenge Hypnosis

Remember, Jewtube's algorithm makes children more likely to see these than adults are likely to see a Mark Dice video.

Mark Dice rots your brain faster.

It's all just shitty flash cartoons with unauthorized replicas of licensed characters in disturbingly dysmorphic, nonsensical scenarios. Basically, it's just like the crap I used to watch back when Newgrounds was young. I guess that makes this, nu-Newgrounds.

who the fuck makes this though

indians enslaved by their algorithm overlords

this is some MK ultra shit

>top right corner

Dead Space 2 memories all coming back

>incognito mode

I mean it's comparing catshit to dogshit but the live action and CG ones are even worse.

Reminder that some of the accounts linked to these vids have been conclusively linked to actual CP


>a massive ACTUAL conspiracy is taking over youtube video
>litteral hidden pedo rings are trying to brainwash kids to fuck over the next generation of children
>litterally NO ONE gives a fuck in the media
what the fuck

I have seen some of my nephews watch some of these videos. If you want someone to blame, blame lazy ass parents.

>forced strip club slavery

Reminder that if you watch these long enough your recommendations will become littered with "BAD BABY" videos which get tons of views because it's secret advertisements for pedophiles.

>Love Story!
Nothing more romantic than putting a needling in someone elses eye.

No one watches these, the views are from bots

what the fuck



[Citation needed]

Probably looks less disturbing in motion.

People can exactly predict what keywords youtube's algorithm will promote so they just make that. Even if it's disgusting and doesn't make sense. Then it gets promoted by the algorithm and shows up at the related video list and gets viewed by millions of kids. Somehow the actual content doesn't matter.

It's some kind of fucked up feedback loop of humanity. The shit that people like on youtube goes into the algorithm and it promotes more shit similar to that because Google figures its what people want to see, but this also makes shit like that get more popular from the extra exposure so people ACTUALLY like it more, then people make more if it and that goes back into the algorithm and its just an endless whirlpool of shit spiraling deeper and deeper until we're all senseless mental mutants and our culture is unrecognizable from decade to decade.

Jesus fuck. I thought people saying this shit was linked to cp were just memeing.

i don't have kids which means i found time to learn what this BS actually is. people who have kids have to work and will never find the time to even know what this stuff is

>state of youtube

i guess you're right. youtube bans me all the time but that crap is allowed to stay.

how about we look at what country most of those videos are coming from and raise awareness about where this bullshit is originating.

I too collect screencaps of videos that were taken off of YouTube months ago you fucking outrage farming faggot

No, these are, after what happen many years ago parents are not that stupid

>>Checking to see if pedophile videos are still up

Wow THIS isn't saying anything you fucking creep

I saw my 5 year old nephew watching this shit one day, along with the freaks dressed as Spiderman and Elsa with their insane obsession with needles, and those weird toy and candy channels. I told him if I ever caught him watching anything like that again he'd never get the iPad when he came over anymore. Told my sister as well to make sure he doesn't watch it at home and he hasn't ever since.

These channels and videos are kind of fucking terrifying. These kids will just watch this shit on hours because of autoplay.

Do I even want to know what's happening in the third one on the right column?

Mickey looks like Pink Wojak


I don't think I can fap to this but I can try.

Maybe if we kill a bunch of people.

This shit is fucking insane.

Meanwhile, American parents continue to be ignorant, oblivious and generally bad at parenting.

It's basically the same as any shitty flashes you watched on deviantart for your fetish. Why does this make you think kids would normally watch this?

>parents actually let their kids use the internet in the current year
the absolute state of the western culture

I sent these to trustedflagger, this channel is going down.


no it's really not
shitty flashes were not made with the intention to groom kids/toddler

Actual Jew here. Even if your worst dumbass conspiracy theories about us were true, we wouldn't want to rule a world in which everyone watched this shit

>These channels and videos are kind of fucking terrifying. These kids will just watch this shit on hours because of autoplay.

Agreed completely. I think there are sweatshops full of people making these things all over the world.

99% of kids are smart enough to avoid this.

what is even your point ?

American parents are stupid because they are all sticking tablets in front of their fucking kids and letting them watch all this bullshit unfiltered.

God lord if we are a perverts just imagine how will be the next generations, IMAGINE!!!!

I saw a couple of little girls warching this on the metro a few months back. It's repetitive as fuck, don't know how they can watch that crap.

Pretty sure this whole mess already got its share of the spotlight, people just moved on to the next big thing.

This is MK Ultra fucking shit.

Watching these things makes me uncomfortable. Not scared or anything, just uncomfortable, like I want to turn it off and think about something else.


>Mikey Mouse Take Liberties(...)
>"funny story!"
>w/ Paw Patrol Full Episodes

>youtube fucks over small time content creators in favor to protect these people

place to report and get channels like that taken down.

No they are not, they might of done this back in 2012 but not know because of things like this.

Also this.

Fuck off.

regardless of that, parents are still ignorant what their kids may be viewing.

They could watching Oney cartoons or what the fuck ever.

I've seen HotDiggedyDemon's MLP .MOV series playing on a kid's tablet before.

Not anymore as today's parents remember when they were kids and want to avoid the bad stuff they went through with their kids.

underage b& pls

Why the hell do this shits have so many views?

Oh, you mean like when they had advanced devices with internet connection, with an unrestricted access to god knows what may be being streamed to their impressionable minds?


it is a sick, sick world we live in where real human beings make messed up videos just to cash in on what little kids are most likely to randomly type into YouTube

Because children don't have the brain development of adults, and they do not have a concept of time like you or me cause when you're 2-6 years old every minute counts and you feel it, vs being 30 and having that much a span. Children like that are curious about those kinds of "strange" things that involve the body, and can rewatch the same content over and over without getting bored.

It's also why the most viewed content has no voices, only grunts, since it has no language barrier.

It all ads up to a ton of views.

Every time someone posts one of these they get even more insane

anything still up?

>parents are not that stupid

you're a dumb motherfucker if you think the babies that see the kinda shit like what's in OP have parents that even monitor what their kid is watching.

>Implying that this is only an issue with American parents
Western parents in general are just as willing to let their kids sit in front of a screen and be exposed to this horrifying shit, don't fucking kid yourself.
It's not an American issue, it's an issue in the entire fucking Western world these days.

My 2-year old niece watches YouTube all the time. It pisses me off, but whenever I take the phone she throws a tantrum and everyone treats me like the bad guy. I've seen her watching some sketchy cartoons, although nothing like "Elsa literally eating shit", but pretty close.
I have seen her watch Bad Babies a ton. Her mom won't let her watch Bad Babies, if she's paying attention, but it shows up in related videos constantly.
So for those you asking where all the views come from: dumbass single moms letting their phone raise their kids.

>I take the phone she throws a tantrum and everyone treats me like the bad guy. I

just show them what she's watching.


My sister is actually aware of the Elsagate thing. She refers to the Bad Babies creators as pedophiles. But she'll just switch to another video, usually of some nursery rhyme. The kid will find it's way back to Bad Babies pretty easily, though, it's a related video on everything. It doesn't occur to her to just take the phone away. Honestly, even if she isn't watching creepy, gross videos, I think she spends too much time on YouTube to begin with. And if she cries, someone will give her a phone to calm her down, and she acts mesmerized. It just seems unhealthy, but she's not my kid.

The fact that people put physical effort into this really confuses me

Why the fuck
Why the actual fuck
Do so many of these have to deal with surgery and body mutilation
I don't understand

>ten years from now people will be posting this kinda shit in nostalgia threads instead of stuff like tubgirl or pain olympics

and the cycle of life goes on

No they do put up restrictions.
No, it's because those cartoons are made in the middle east and India and kids are not that stupid.
>Not American, get some type of Satellite package for her and no more garbage.

>kids arent that stupid

LOL the only moron is you user.


These ones are oddly cute in a way.

People don't talk about that when dealing with nostalgia, they talk about Nicktoons and 16 bit video games.

No, I deal with kids everyday and all they talk about is Tex Avery, The Three Stooges and Rudy Vallée.

I saw a video like two days ago where someone was recalling an old video just like that nostalgically.


You're delusional, seek help.

Cross my heart.....hope to die.....stick a needle in my eye

>We still don't know what's causing this

I looked through my history just for you user

Sure, people remember the shows they watched nostalgically. I know my childhood memories are mostly based on stuff like transformers armada and bionicles. But I also remember that one maze that had a screamer at the end of it, or happy tree friends, or stuff like that. Obviously those aren't as extreme as the original examples I listed but you know what I mean. When you grow up on the internet you remember the weird shit you come across just as much as the "safe" stuff you saw on TV or in magazines.

Joke on you for letting kids on the internet.
Remember the 3-6-9-12 rule:
>No tv before 3
>No vidya before 6
>No internet before 9
>No social media before 12

