Is bad closure better than no closure?

Is bad closure better than no closure?

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Ask your mother.


Yes. It's better than meaningless speculation that may or may never be answered.

Samurai Jack proved conclusively that the answer is no.

It was melancholy, but hey he made it back to the past.

That wasn't bad closure, but in general yes.

Is something negative bad tho. What I mean, Samurai Jack's ending leaves the watcher unsure. Unsure whether Jack has made the right decision, or whether he should destroy Aku, even though it would obviously destroy all the friends he had made over the years of thaveling through the post-aku Earth. Afterwards you come to realize, that this might not be the best ending for Jack's and Ashi's relationships, but it was the one, that saved humanity millenia of Aku's terrible reign. It's deep, it makes you think, and it's fukken dope.

i think i would preferred a short paragraph on how a series ends rather than a wacky final season years later

>Ashi use her time travel powers to send Jack to the past, she stay and die against Aku.
>Jack is back, but when Ashi was a child.
>Jack save Ashi and her sisters, now he has a loli harem.
Best end!

I would say no closure is better. There is always hope with no closure, but a bad ending can strip that away.

The closure is not bad because Jack's wifu died. It's bad because it's a worse narrative than what we've come to expect from the series and it's creators. The 'bad closure' isnt the last episode, it's the last season.

No, but this was the latter.

If by bad you mean badly written like this was then no.

As a Zero Escape fan I'll say it damn well CAN be.



I just have that silly hope that there could be a way to fix it. Helping myself with fanart and fanfiction is my only exit. The series is what a fan loves, not what is canon or not. Yeah, it's such a big contradiction. So?

People bitch about Jack seemingly killing everyone, but not knowing whether they will be reborn or not is the entire point. Neither Jack nor viewer will ever get to know that for sure now, and they both can only hope. Never before in the series have the viewership been as close to Jack's feelings as they were in the finale.

>season is about how the timeline was not doomed and there was hope for that future
>Jack delete everything out of nowhere

Nevermind that Jack actually have given up going to the past several times before to help people of this timeline he decided to destroy

Scaramouche was the only good thing in this shit

No, in this case it was much worse

Jack did his job, he got back to the past and defeated Aku. It sucks that it undid the existence of all his future friends, but Aku fucked with time travel and that was the cost of unfucking it.


>season is about how the timeline was not doomed and there was hope for that future

What show were you watching? "All hope is lost" was literally the tagline, Jack spent 50 years unsuccessfully trying to defeat Aku and eventually lost his sword and went crazy. Aku was too powerful.

this. we all knew going back to the past to kill aku was going to erase everyone he knew. Ashi just brought it home more directly, especially to Jack.

A delayed game could become good, a rushed game is bad forever


There was an entire episode dedicated to ashi learning all the differences Jack had managed to make, despite aku's influence

Depends on the closure.
Bad Closure that somehow retcons or reveals shit that'd be better off not said, nah.
Closure that doesn't retroactively ruin anything is fine, it's just kind of a bad landing but wouldn't retroactively ruin anything.
Unless it's like a really bad unsatisfying ending.

Yes, as shitty as the ending to nu-jack was I think it was better than just leaving it off at the baby sitting episode for the rest of eternity

Just because it was the final episode that aired, doesn't mean it was the final act of Jack's story. The Jump Good episode is by far the best final ending that we could have gotten from the animated series, and it's what my friends and I consider to be the end of the show.