Is civilization screwed?

I don't want to bring children into a world that's 40% African. How do we get them to stay on their own continent?

Don't worry by the end of the century we'll be able to turn them White.

Either CRISPR will let us modify them into functioning members of society or space exploration will finally let us get the fuck off this decaying rock.

One big war in Africa and the number is back to 'acceptable'.


It is a true tragic comedy.

The only reason they will have such a bloated population is because of aid from everyone else.

Again being nice always bites you in the ass.

>back to 'acceptable'.

You mean like 0?

>One big war in Africa and the number is back to 'acceptable'.

You mean like the one FBIAnon mentioned between U.S. and Russia. I guess Soros really doesn't like blacks after all!

This is bad, but not for the reasons you think.

No one has more to lose from there being so many Africans than the Africans themselves.

Given how dependant they are on foreign aid for food, and how they're getting fucked in the ass by desertification, costal erosion, and the lose of marine life from ocean acidification Africa is on track to have the greatest famine in human history.

As soon as it starts nations will tear themselves and each other apart, the destruction will only make things worse, infectous diseases will run rampant.

That's the really horrible thing about Africa's population boom, the people who will suffer the most are the African's themselves.

By not letting them in. Thats all that there is to it.

What new viruses have the boys-in-the-lab been working on? The last few started well with opening numbers, but haven't been the hit we've been looking for.

Why not just bomb africa and start over?
most of them are gonna die due to hunger or disease anyway might as well make a safe haven for the whites there

They'll probably start starving to death before that happens.

I know it's completely unfeasible but I've always wanted to see what would happen if all foreign aid was pulled out of Africa. Would they be able to pick themselves back up afterwards?

Whites going extinct will be our greatest revenge. After we're gone I hope the Chinese eradicate everyone else in the worst way possible.

You realize that they'll be in Africa right? This isn't saying that eveyone will be mixed in the future, just that Africa is going to have explosive population growth going into the mid 21st century.

>keep pumping aid into Africa
>stupid niggers keep using it to pump babies
>too many niglets to pay for
>cut aid
>billions of dead niggers in half a century
>evil whitey

>not wanting honorary Aryans to take the throne if it came down to it




Leftist need to be stopped.

Black dudes don't go for black girls, so how do they keep multiplying?

tell that to europe

Europe is still a thing? I thought they wuz afrika and shit



2200 - the world is BLACKED!

By not bringing children in, you're increasing the problem.

Kinda funny that the most non-advanced societies are staying so relevant.

Literally how?
I understand they pop out babies left and right but how are they sustaining them?

And if Africa gets even more messed up, they all will be coming to Europe.
Our present refugee crisis is just a breeze compared to the storm that will come.
Europe must be ready, or all will be lost.

as long as women can vote, this won't be a possibility. we are going to be destroyed by african hordes.

>The world's population has tripled in 65 years
Jesus Christ, I knew it was bad but not this bad. I'm glad I live at this moment, imagine living in a time where there are literally "too many people" and something has to be done about it.

No you will take them in as refugees and dump them into europe

Because the west keeps sending them money.

If everyone stopped sending them aid, they'd all start dying off.

Christ, the only reason the world population is so fucking bloated in the first place is because of Africa, China, and India.
At least China took measures back in the 80's to reduce it's population which are finally starting to take effect.
Even India's population is starting to slow a bit because of the sheer fucking density.

But Africa? We just need to stop supporting those fucks. The weak will starve off and the strong will carry on, the way nature intended it.

>I don't want to bring children into a world that's 40% African.
then, you know what you must do...


But AIDS cancel some of that out, right?

You mean after white civilization has moved to other planets?

>tfw you won't live to see the first white-only planet.

That assumes starvation, war, and disease don't curb it first.

More African people just means more cannonfodder for warlords to conscript. They'll keep their population in check themselves unless they improve as human beings.

Once we can edit genes, I imagine they'll be a surge of blond haired, blue eyed people on the planet.

The aid of Africa is the fall of the Earth. The continent is on life support, someone pls end it.

Why the fuck do westcucks keep giving africans resources and letting them breed? Just let them starve in their shithole if they don't want to work and be civilized.

Nigger holocaust

Infographics like this are mindblowingly retarded and are usually made by far-right websites to bait clicks

The reality is that Medicine advances fucking rapidly. With it, stuff like cloning, gene modification, immortality - you get the idea. We'll have all of those by the end of this century. Africa will obviously have none.

>Once we can edit genes, I imagine they'll be a surge of blond haired, blue eyed people on the planet.

Not going to happen. How is science supposed to advance if world is mostly populated by blacks that need to be fed by the others? And they are proud of beeing black.

>by the end of this century

WEW lad

Fuck'em, I mean literally.


>Infographics like this are mindblowingly retarded and are usually made by far-right websites to bait clicks

Oh look it's the bulgarian cuck. We meet again. Here's a map from the Nazi death squad website wikipedia.

>You realize that they'll be in Africa right?
Tell that to Minnesota and Maine.

Bring back the Military Frontier in Austria-Hungry and re-Establish the Knights of Rhodes to guard the Mediterranean and we'll be fine.

My post is implying that it is statistically impossible for that model to retain the same linearity as it currently has you dumb fucking leaf, especially in the age of computational power multiplying every few years

>coin flip: heads

Oh well I guess it has a 100% chance of being heads then lmao

Here's an animation from a known 1488 stormtrooper forum.

You are fucking retarded
The only way to fix that is to have white kids in a world that's 40% African.
You should probably consider hopping on the good foot or drinking bleach so your stupidity can't be passed on

I wasn't implying anything about the validity of the models, just your ridiculous assertion about right wing websites.

my ridiculous hope is, if trump can bring back jobs, i can get money for college, get into the aerospace industry, have a small number of kids that i can funnel resources into, get my family into the occupation, and perhaps my descendants can be a part of the group that goes on to colonies space while the morons here keep fucking each other r selectively until they all starve to death. probably not gonna work out, but we all need something to do while were waiting to die.

Whats weird is they keep on breeding, fighting and the ones that survive breed more. This is gonna be one hell of a natural selection in 50 years. 6ft tall niggers maturing in 8 years and constantly fighting.

Stop sending foreign aid and medical supplies to Africa, India or middle-east and (third+fourth) World population will soon drop by half.

This all happens because when oooga-boogas or curryfaggets receives medicine against mosquitos or AIDS and survives another day, he wont use gift of life or second chance to teach himself or other people about how to protect yourself or help building community; he would instead use newborn baby as fleshlight or gang-rape whatever got vagina.

Really, stop, stop now. When you see some ooga-booga starving on TV, turn to other channel, the worst thing you can do is gibe money to them.

Africans are Christian and Muslim so I call bullshit on this. They probably disembowled her because they thought she was a witch.

Well that's much better then.

Stop supporting them. Just pull the plug and leave them all on their own. Without their gibmedats, they won't be so compelled to have 7 children per women. They will also fight each other and have a couple genocides, probably


let them develop naturally, or let them become savages again just like South Africa

The Micheal Jackson technique

(white face)

Who cares about retards? It is the very end of 2016.
Retards are past.

I agree, but the aid will only stop when western countries stop sending it, which will be caused by our own financial problems. This next world War, really will be a world war.

It was waste of good tits.

More AIDS.. worked for a few decades

Sup Forums really needs to start worshiping AIDS-chan.

She killed 1 million Africans last year alone.