Does anyone else feel way more confident after the Trump Win?

I do. I feel self assured etc. I feel like it's 1980 again.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah. The White Man will regain his rightful glory.

I had a brief surge of a few days but it wore off. I wasted it by relishing liberal tears and not committing to a life change.

If your self-assurance is influenced by a rich politician that you've never met, then you were never self-assured in the first place.

Yeah I still feel it. Its glorious.

I feel this way too. We're back! I just committed to doing things I had put off forever. It was like Trump's get unlocked something within me. Unleashed!


>says this on an online hentai basketweaving forum

Yeah, it was like SJWs and Jews etc. were like You can't Do it Don, It's impossible Daahhnald...and then...he Did it.

Swing and a miss.

I don't get my self-assurance from Sup Forums or presidential candidates.

That would be pathetic.

>swing and a miss

poor guy.

the first time in a good few years ive smiled everyday for a week straight

its sad that i even see that as a thing but it kinda shows where we were on the depression scale 2013 being the worst year in my fuckin life and 2016 so far being the greatest

Very good bongbrother. Very good! We've got your back now. Win.




I don't know and there is something that seems 'right' about the Trump a e s t h e t i c. Like comfy and ASMR, like we have been waiting for it to come again since 1988. We have been prepared/we're preparing for this moment in our collective unconscious:

only some who saw and was alive how great the economy was in the 80s could bring us back to it from our decline

>Nice thoughts
>Nice sounds

>Does anyone else feel way more confident after the Trump Win?

I want parties, fireworks, snap weddings and lots of breeding.

That's how I feel about Trump Triumphant.

I lost my virginity a few days after, I got a promotion at my job, and my grades at the UNI are at an all time high. Sup Forums if there's something you want, go for it now. Meme magick is working in our favor for now.

Since Brexit and Trump, absolutely.

>88 77 360
Nice digits my man.

I'm still in shock. That fucking picture :D. I want to go to the inauguration.


>depression scale 2013 being the worst year in my fuckin life and 2016 so far being the greatest

Exactly the same here user.


I hope he legalizes pussy grabbing when he's crowned.

We're Back



Those digits

hahah. ASMR VIBES! Keep it up, brothers!

