Streaming services and German networks invest more into content and Animated movies are generally the internationally...

Streaming services and German networks invest more into content and Animated movies are generally the internationally most successfull movies Germany produces.

The question is: how high is the chance of a German cartoon revolution happening soon?

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none. Germans have no creativity and their draconian government stifles free expression.

For some reason thought maya the bee was animated in Australia


Saturday Morning Cartoons in Germany

>Der Masters of Industrial Efficiency
>Klaus & Friends Integration Hour
>Taxman and Omar Tariff
>The Amazing Bureaucrats
>Super Soros and Wizards of the EU

Low because they want to sell it to other countries.
Also Germany doesn't make many movies about that time in general.

unfunny Sup Forums nonsense.

>Arbeit Macht Funny


That one was really the most funny and yet most depressing picture I did see some years ago.

Then again, if our German neighbors love doing that stuff even in their free time, more power to them.

>Super Soros and Wizards of the EU

Germans have this strange philosophy, that cartoons have to be aimed at little children. Not just children but little children. You Probably won't find any german cartoon that is aimed at an older targed audience than children from the age of 0-6

You made me want to watch Maya The Bee Movie again now, OP. Really delightful film.

reminder that the original german voice actor of Willy quit his career afterwards because he simply couldn't do other voices anymore

Pls stop, you're hurting me
>animation student in germany

I´m German and I don´t see this coming. Its more wishfull thinking than fact. There is sometalent here, but be are still decades behind the French, British and even the Italians when it comes to a decent comic and animation industry.
Fick dich zurück nach Sup Forums.
Oddly enough the most successfull animated german movies like Kleines Arschloch and the Werner series are aimed at adults.

there was some other German voice actor who voiced a high-pitched puppet in a children's show, who got throat cancer.

am german can confirm this

Just a day in the life.

>Look at this net

>Kleines Arschloch and the Werner series are aimed at adults.

I can't watch it anymore as an adult. It's 95% toilet humor without much depth.

Germans hate cartoons. German kids tv is full of hell shows like:

Du tust dir das selbst an.
Lern lieber schnell Französisch.

it's just as """adult""" as american entertainment for adults

Nobody said it was for smart adults.

More nudity and sex, though. Mostly played for laughs. You know the old "couple fucking in the background with squeaky toy sounds" gag.

Ist Englisch nicht genug?
Ich meine in der Animation wird doch eh zu 99% englisch gesprochen.

Schon mal versucht, mit Franzmännern Englisch zu reden?
Die tun gern so als würden sie die Sprache nicht verstehen.

>Nobody said it was for smart adults.
This. Its adult humor, but very, VERY low brow. The only thing we had closely to intelligent adult animaton in Germany were those short sketches by Loriot in the 1970s.

To be fair, bad humor is a big problem in German entertainment in general. Once you remove it you get great movies like "Die Welle", "Das Parfüm" or "Felidae"

Dunno, Tatort: Im Schmerz Geboren was absolutely hilarious to me.
That thing is just reference after reference strapped together into the vague shape of a movie that desperately wants to be action but fails on the budget and cinematography to the point becoming a comedy written for film critics.
An absolutely glorious mess!

The CGI series and movies are animated in Belgium.
Germany don't have much involvement with Maya, even the original series was made in Japan.
They just seem to think it's theirs because one crazy nazi wrote the book.

Why the fuck did they want him to sound like a drunk old man anyway?
In the original he was voiced by Masako Nozawa and was supposed to be Maya's age, none of this "my voice broke" bullshit.

Nah, the movies are German/Australian. There is also a silent movie from the 20's using footage of actual insects.

Which country animated the penis?

An angry french speaker from Belgium

I bet it's way more Australian than German

Animation is propably dirt cheap in Germany. Just use trainees and you don't have to pay them

Is there a single good quality German cartoon? Because I have yet to see one


But I seriously doubt Germany did the animation.
Too high quality for them.

That movie had no right to be that well made with such a shitty premise.

Tobias Totz und sein Löwe
Der kleine Rabe Socke
Der kleine Eisbär

for shows I guess Wunschpunsch or Urmel
they all could have been animated in different countries though

>Tobias Totz und sein Löwe

Holy shit I completely forgot this movie existed.
Must have seen that when I was like seven or something.


I saw this German animation where a kid has to tame lions or something, and his father gets testicle cancer and meanwhile he befriends a dandelion pixie or something, whom he later rapes. It was drawn in a very exaggerated, minimalist lineart style, and all the characters were nude.

nvm I found it, it's called "Wir Lebten Im Gras."

oh also how could I ever forget fucking TOM UND DAS fucking ERDBEERMARMELADEBROT MIT fucking HONIG