Redditor here just to let you know you've been BTFO

Antisemites apologise

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Post the proof?

its almost like the holocaust happened...
fuck off stormfags

"Mermelstein, in turn, submitted a notarized account of his internment at Auschwitz and how he witnessed Nazi guards ushering his mother and two sisters and others towards (as he learned later) gas chamber number five."

He went into the gas chambers 3 times and magically survived by yahweh's blessing.

His testimony is the only proof you need you anti-semite. Jews would never lie.

oy vey i seen em wif my own eyes goyim, pay up

but that's not proof, just testimonial

In a pre-trial determination, Judge Thomas T. Johnson declared: "This court does take judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944. It is not reasonably subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a fact."

whoa holy shit it was NOTARIZED? i need a minute, my entire worldview has been shattered...


I wonder what was the judge's (((name )))

That's how it feels to be an enlightened uropean

>oy vey got it was awful, there was a masturbation machine inside the gas chamber that masturbated them to death, and then they gassed them Zyklon B™ and made the corpses into soap and lampshades! you could tell what nationality the person was by the color of the soap!
>t. mermelstein

That's the Jewiest thing I've ever read.

>He he he $40k extra goy

>The judge did not rule on the question of whether the institute actually had a legal contract with the businessman. The institute and Mr. Mermelstein had exchanged letters that William Cox, Mr. Mermelstein's attorney, contends constituted a contract.

lmao, jews are incredible

I guess everyone in the Siberian camps really was a Nazi spy. A judge said so.

>Jews were gassed to death
>it is simply a fact

This is why people deny. Fuck these lying kikes.

Oy vey goy, are you making fun of the holocaust, By the shekels in my pocket i'll have you know they had roller coasters that threw jews straight into ovens.


Truly epic. The whole hysteria around the holocaust is just terrible, and I'm not even a denier. In what world is a witness testimony enough to prove a claim? And worth 90k at that too.

If the whole court case is about doubt towards the existance of the gas chambers, how can the judge take a JUDICIAL NOTICE of their existance?

Shut up kike

How did he survive Auschwitz if it was a death camp?

Buddy, my uncle works at Nintendo and he saw it happen.

>its a fact because it's a fact

>mfw people think the Nuremberg Trials weren't a kangaroo court
>Article 19.

>The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence. It shall adopt and apply to the greatest possible extent expeditious and nontechnical procedure, and shall admit any evidence which it deems to be of probative value.

He was just lucky goyim. Don't think too hard about it or I'll fine you and arrest you for hatethink

Another one of these threads


I see that's how the Hauge tribunal was born.


Capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy, yes.

What sources, you ask?

We have here the notarized account of a survivor, one Mr. Mermelstein.

You'd like to dispute the accuracy of this source?

Well, this court takes judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944. It is not reasonably subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy.

What sources, you ask?

There should be a better system for holding judges accountable for terrible judgements

It's a really important job, but too many of them let it go to their head that they can just make shit up and everybody has to go along with it

qwhere is the .gov link to the court decision

>tangible proof
Nice (((judge))).

I don't doubt that Jews were killed in gas chambers. What I do doubt is the numbers

now lets see proof that exactly 6 million jews died in the hall of cost.

im willing to bet the real numbers are a million or less.

the red cross begs to differ




t reddit


The Holocaust never happened but I wish it did

obviously some people were gassed. I imagine it was far less than 6 million jews.

>mfw Nazis were tried for the "Supreme Crime" of initiating a war of aggression

How can a board that largely supported Trump be Anti-Semitic? All of his kids have married Jews so far and he's super Pro-Israel.

Sup Forums BTFO

No you, because the Holocaust never happened and Hitler did nothing wrong.


Andrea tanataros will never suffucoate you with her thighs. Why even live senpai



How? There were no facilities capable of gassing people to death.

The power of Meme Memenstein is obviously not to be trifled with.

I will make a holocaust remembrance week event and just make people read the nonsense within the nuremberg testimonies. That should get me a few angry calls.

Anti-semitism is a boogeyman and it's actually quite rational to criticize the actions of the jews. Your belief that this means irrationally hate every jew is an illusion of your terrible perception. Trump is playing it smart, most jews aren't "in on it", but they are affected by decisions their leaders have made to turn them in to a cultural weapon. The jewish identity must be destroyed so they can meld in to the nations they inhabit, or it must be reborn and they are given their own nation. A nation that doesn't lobby and cheat other governments for its own good.

>Its a fact because it's a fact, now give me your money.

For the record, I believe the Holocaust happened, but this is retarded.

No user.
Go and ask for money to create a art exhibit for the holocaust, you'll 100% get funded.

Then make pictures and post all the ridiculous stories.

It's hilarious that leddit upvotes this crap without even seeing that they made them pay it for FUCKING NOTHING. Do they even have a brain or does that website just suck it out of their heads like every kike invention.

This honestly enrages me

>injurious denial to established fact

top fucking kek.

>offering jews money to support the holocaust

lmao retards

Jew Logic

>God is real because Bible said he is.
>Bible is true because god said it is.

>Holocaust happened because Jews said it is.
>Jews are honest because the holocaust happened.

Same goes for money, communist, etc.



But there were

Why do people want to deny this shit?

What's funny is that this is EXACTLY what goebbles talked about the jews doing. "The Big Lie". They just keep repeating the story over and over again and claiming it as fact, and so it essentially becomes a fact in everyone's minds. And then, for some reason, the burden of proof now falls upon the denier to prove it did NOT happen. It's so fucked up

Rules of evidence are bullshit.

It's like a fucking Kafka novel.

>how he witnessed Nazi guards ushering his mother and two sisters and others towards (as he learned later) gas chamber number five."

>He had it notarized

Niggers gonna Nig

Just fucking nuke Israel already.

what's worse, I doubt this whole case wasnt just a sham to legitimize persecuting "antisemites"


>Judge Thomas T. Johnson of the Superior Court of (((Los Angeles))) County

Check the story of the french historian Robert Faurisson, he proved it was fake. Video on youtube

What if plebbit is playing 4D chess?

At the end of the day providing """""proof""""" in the form of a (((testimonial))) and then forcing someone to pay $90 000 to a kike because of this isn't going to help stop holocaust denial.

He should go collect his $1,000,000 prize from James Randi for making 6 gorillion people disappear

This is why Jewish women are the Queens of guilt trips; Jewish men have no innate sense of fucking shame.

Holy shit
And how fucking low do you have to be to actually accept the money


17 million

Should have asked for hard factual proof like pictures of the facilities with pipes and written documents of what those pipes were used for.

I mean if someone signs off that the cat in the hat is a real walking rhyming cat does it mean it is real?

and then they wonder why people despise them

Tolerant left.

>here sign this testimony I wrote
Easiest shekels of his fucking life

You dumb nigger , the gas wasn't piped in, it was dropped in as granules then heated.

Of course not. Anyone with even an atom of human goodness decency in their souls will be enraged by this. It strengthens their argument, because all good people will side with their opposition.

Mindblowing (samefag but jew i can't restrain myself of lying)

I feel like I'm going fucking insane reading those reddit comments. People are literally openly calling for people who don't immediately believe what they're told to be locked up for thought crime

It's fucking scary

In france it's a crime. Check "loi gayssot".

So, there's still no proof.


are you going to samefag again over those trips? I mean you might as well keep it going

>forced to pay $40,000 more for no reason

thanks, kikes

>tangible proof


That's the world we live in, user.

That's what we're trying to fight.

We're fighting the badthink thought police.

And Germany. No matter how undisputed the evidence is for something, it shouldn't be a fucking crime to deny it. That's literally locking people up for thinking the "wrong" thing.


There's no proof of anything, just a jew jewing.

Check article 19 et seq. of the nuremberg trial legislation. It basically says that any proof provided by the allies will be held as truth.

>People are literally
No. These are not people. They're subhumans.
