Why do virtually all college professors and students have such complete, utter hatred for this novel...

Why do virtually all college professors and students have such complete, utter hatred for this novel? Does its political worldview really offend them that much?

It's too long and windy. It comes off like a bad lifetime movie, it has to be long because she's not a good enough writer to have deep and poignant themes without 1,000 pages. I still liked it though.

As for the philosophy, obviously they would hate it, they are all marxists.

Written by a Jew.

Currently reading it. If you are an edgy 14 year in a coming of age phase, I can recommend you to read this book and you'll probably like it. Ayn Rand is absolutely retarded. Whenever I see a grown man, or even worse, a politican cheer for her ideology, I cannot help myself but laugh my ass off

Grow the fuck up.

Because any retard can see it advocates going back to 19th century English robber baron capitalism where we sent kids down chimneys and people got their arms ripped off by evil industrial machines and everyone laughed at them.

Anthem is clear more concise crystalization of Rand's beliefs. Much like a fraudulent painting is coveted by 'experts' until it's exposed as such, philosophy and ideology is proving itself to be devoid of solutions in the real world

>objective morality

Can someone explain in a condensed manner why this is universally regarded as retarded?

It's horribly written, honestly. Long-winded, self-congratulatory, horrible characterization, etc. I'm not even really hostile to her ideas, she was just terrible at expressing them. Tried hard to finish it, could not.

It's a great title for a book to be honest.

Because Anus Rand is the patron saint of genetically inferior, deluded dorks who cry themselves to sleep believing they have heroic inner qualities.

the book holds individual achievement and ability as the highest standard, this offense most people

see: It's just edgy kids that probably haven't even read any of her books. I mean the book is not good, but it's not horrible either.

The philosophy is not really a philosophy it's more like a statement. A hyperbolic display of capitalism.

Telsa wanted to give away wireless electricity for free to everyone on the Planet.

I will say many of her points have merit however.

Irony post.

You can't be a lefty after reading it. At least not a intellectually honest one.

It's a absolute kill shot to anything Marxism.

That beeing said, it's still really jewy in its own way.

Separated from the book you might say she has some legitimate points but the book itself is very poorly written.

>tfw when you like it because it reads like a bad lifetime movie

The Fountainhead would be the best novel ever written if the last 50 pages never happened.

Why the fuck do cucks hate Ayn Rand so much? Can anyone explain this to me? I read the Fountainhead and thought it was a fine book.

It's too long.

Her stories have

>strong male protagonists
>submissive female characters
>right wing ideologies
>hard as fuck to swallow redpills

It should be a no brainer why leftists and SJWs hate Ayn Rand.

Because of her jewy bullshit liberalism.

Nothing wrong with achieving in your own, but their Jewish hatred for the state. Based in their knowledge that it is for the people that live there, and not for them, is a real turnoff.

She's literally the only good writer, literallye very other writer is bad

Literally any philosophy except Ayn Rands objectivism is trash that I laugh at

Grow up freak

>muh robber barron
You're mentally retarded, seek help

>morality is subjective
trolling much

it's universially regarded as the ONLY good book in existance unless you are a communist

Literally the only book I read is by Ayn Rand, all other writers are trash

If you don't love Ayn Rand you are genetically inferior trash who is subhuman

WTF no. Thats the only thing I don't like about Ayn Rand is that she promotes people to achieve something for herself. She hates laziness and people who sleep in till 12 like me. I just love Ayn Rand because she hates the government and doesn't like rules, even anarchists like Chomsky love Rules so I turn to Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand is garbage and so is basically all libertarianism. Basically the idea that if we just don't look after huge mega corporations run by globalists and the elite they will somehow help us, yeah fucking right. If you trust Hillarys' donors and George Soros to look after your best interest your a useful idiot who should be gassed.

Why do they hate it?

Just imagine spending the majority of your life teaching and receiving white guilt and then suffering the level of cognitive dissonance upon reading passages such as this on page 938:

>"A sin without volition is a slap at morality and an insolent contradiction in terms: that which is outside the possibility of choice is outside the province of morality."

>"If man is evil by birth, he has no will, no power to change it; if he has no will, he can be neither good nor evil; a robot is amoral."

>"To hold, as man's sin, a fact not open to his choice is a mockery of morality."

>"To hold man's nature as his sin is a mockery of nature."

>"To punish him for a crime he committed before he was born is a mockery of justice."

>"To hold him guilty in a matter where no innocence exists is a mockery of reason."

>"To destroy morality, nature justice and reason by means of a single concept is feat of evil hardly to be matched. Yet THAT is the root of your code."

It completely cripples their entire ideology.

Objectivism was is a bad portmanteau of Nietchze and Aristotle. Rand was a pretty shitty person. And the Fountainhead was the only decent thing she wrote.

It's funny because with a mass exodus of sjws it's happening in reverse.

If you aren't libertarian you are human garbage. But sure keep shilling for Soros you anti-libertarian traitor. You're a moron I hope you have cancer

Literally trash philosophers. Nothing good came out of them

The actress who plays Dagny Taggart in part 1 of the movie is so fucking hot.

who was educated by soviet bolsheviks, and released her from the iron curtain to the west

aristotle was rand's biggest influence, leaf

t. reddit

Wait nvm that's actually correct

You, you're the fucking redditor

its trash.

Also its horrifying to try and read.

Aristotle didn't believe in scientific method, believed in slavery, believed in huge authoritarian government. The opposite of Rand

She was anti-communist

>a fucking leaf

Day of the Rake when?

rand had no sense of irony, writing flat characters with autistic dialogue; more of a polemicist than a novelist

Although at least they aren't Christians, Christians are all trash

Literally the only good literature is Ayn Rand, all books that aren't written by Ayn Rand are trash and hard to read.

If we're going I'm taking NZ with me shitcunt also no more whistler for you bogans

aristotle literally fucked Europe up for a good thousand plus years

I like Ayn Rand's philosophy (don't agree everywhere but whatever) but that book SUCKS ASS. Try The Fountainhead. Its actually a good read.

they can claim every republican must agree with it and they're hypocrites if they don't

Atlas Shrugged is to some extent or some parts featured in BioShock vidya story, right?

Literally any book except that one is trash

in the most superficial way, at least.

what about [spoiler]mein kampf[/spoiler]

have you read it?

amean aside from the themes being utter bullshit, it's not even an interesting novel.

You're as dumb as shit if you think big corps won't create monopolies, abuse power and pervert your libertarian paradise rendering it anything but libertarian and just more of the same cuckservative faggot shit.


>Does its political worldview really offend them that much?

Yes. It outs them as being worthless and unnecessary--while their entire self-esteem is based on convincing themselves that they're worth something and that they're indispensable to society.

Awesome look here ^

It's a German saying that a philosophy critiquing how altruism is self-destructive is "Retarded".


>Whenever I see a grown man, or even worse, a politician cheer for her ideology, I cannot help myself but laugh
Paul Ryan's favorite book

Whatever retard.

you're confusing liberals with conservatives.

liberals get their self-righteousness from pretending to think themselves worthless. I AM THE MOST HUMBLE PERSON ON THE BLOCK!!!

They rankle at the idea that the rich are somehow worth more. That's all. And they're right. Rich or poor we're all just a bunch of stinky apes.

Are we in inverse-land now? Aristotle is the basic fundament of logic. I do not agree with him on all counts but empiricism is the fundament of knowledge. As much as I prefer Plato on metaphysics.

It's shit.

Try The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, characters are flat, but not Ayn Rand's paper flat.

Oh wow would you look at that.


Hitler called me inferior in that book. He said because of my race im inferior I didn't like that

You're dumber than rocks. Under libertarianism corporations wouldn't exist due to abundance of resources making them obsolete. You're so stupid. You globalist moron.

Heinlein is pretty cool in my book. Herbert is way better.

Monopolies are created by governments you retarded convict Australian.

Yes. It, in no uncertain terms, completely destroys everything they hold dear. It is 100% destruction to their lifestyle, their ideals, and their morals.

They have little to no argument against it either. Instead, they talk about how boring it is.

Really makes me think.

What are you doing, leaf.

Yes, society is supported by the intellectuals. But the intellectuals are supported by the working class who give them food, water, infrastructure and iPads.

That book is shit

what's to argue?

she proposes that if we remove the innovators society will collapse.

as if there weren't new innovators born every day or waiting in the wings right now for a shot at running the place.

she is literally retarded.

The thing I couldn't stand in Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead where the "they looked into each others eyes, no words needed to be said, they knew everything in that moment" romance moments.

>Hitler called me inferior in that book. He said because of my race im inferior I didn't like that.

Yeah it's clear that you're doing some wierd reverse troll here. Now go gas yourself please?

I liked Anthem more.

Because they're not autistic teenagers.

Worst thing in that series was the space muslim crap of the first 3. At least he got rid of that shit for the last 3.

When Trump becomes president, is he going to implement a range ban on leaf IPs for Sup Forums?

I can't take it anymore.

Based Jewish Woman

Well she was a soulless jew, as materialistic as only they can be.

Do you expect her to have a gift for poetic descriptions of romantic love?

I dont think you understood the book.

I read that when I was 14 and I thought it was the best book ever. Now I think it's just good.

>The man without a purpose is a man who drifts at the mercy of random feelings or unidentified urges and is capable of any evil, because he is totally out of control of his own life

still is my favorite quote ever, tho

yeah, the cheerleading was annoying. They were also the villains though.

It's a shit novel from a literary perspective. It's a shit thesis from a philosophical perspective. And it's a shit expose of the masses. Everyone hates on it, because it sucks in every way imaginable.

Most retarded leaf I've seen on this entire board. Well done, you fucking mega autist.

What books did you read after that you found better?

Not an argument.

It's mostly hated by SJWs and socialists.

The book explains why the phrase "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is so retarded and evil.
The dumb and useless becomes the masters and the geniuses becomes their slaves. Completely insane when you think about it. It's a society where people like Chris-chan can love like a king.

Not well written and it exposes a childish philosophy, from a person who lived off welfare. Not surprising, a woman wrote it


butthurt randroids all over this thread


Ok you're trolling

stop claiming your opinion is betetr

Sadly these people think the capitalist creed "from each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed" is any better.

The stupid capitalist vs communist dichotomy needs to die.

Reminder the greatest living philosopher and most intelligent man in the world (Stefan Molyneux) is 90% an objectivist.

It will always fail for the sane reason communism will always fails, actually bioshock portrayed it pretty accurately in the light
People are not prefect , there are lazy people , there are niggers and moochers. worst of all there are smart people , all it takes is one frank fontain to bring it all down

I loved his "culture of critique" did you read it yet?

You're a reallly bad troll, enjoy ban

A lot of Brazilian literature, but I don't even think that's her best book. I like We The Living a bit more.

If you believe in an immortal soul that philosophy doesn't work

I hate how Bioshock is popular for the wrong reasons.

"Gamers" love it for the twist and aesthetic, but its real strength was in the stellar narrative. It's probably the greatest critique of Ancap I've ever seen.

"I sense the great chain pulling away from me. Perhaps it's time I gave it a tug."

Ancap doesn't work because people suck. They really drive it home by showing how Ryan SUPPORTED Fontaine at first

You never even opened the book. If you did your reading comp is way bad

I love threads like this from people who have never studied philosophy. Objectivism an extension of post-scientific post-industrial Aristotelianism. It's easy to say "Rand was a moron!" without addressing even a single argument. Say "Aristotle was a moron!" Without an argument and you would be laughed out of any serious intellectual setting. Ask questions if you want, I studied her extensively back in college.

I wish they would pull the critique on both sides, unless the whole vox segment was showing how both ideologies end up in a shit show

Protip: "Not an argument" is not an argument.

No one said it was.