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Apparently, according to some image I don't have, I'm on the border between Nationalist and Conservative.

Feels good man.


If your not in the blue square, your getting the death squad


What does this mean

Sieg fucking heil.

Source for these???????????????

Was awhile I did them, don't think I remember all.







my results are weird. wtf did u all answer?

>LibLeft cuck

I'm curious, regardless of your result, what would you label yourself as?

I consider myself alt-right. This test seems bunk, no immigration questions

it is funny, up here i am considered very right-wing in my opinions.

who hurt you? Was it a girl?

This is a few months old, but I don't give a shit.


I legitimately need to know what i would be classified as


The last time I took this test, about 3 years ago, I was Libertarian left, roughly in the centre of the green square. That's before I was properly red-pilled. I'm pretty pleased with my placement, I think it reflects my stance pretty accurately.

1776 mother fuckers!

I'm cool

which major opinions of yours shifted? the 2 issues holding me back is the blanket statements. Like, the "all women are stupid" shit just isn't true. I'm married and definitely the dumb-dumb of the two of us. We have a mexican maid clean for us, we both work and she holds it down. She also voted trump.

Also this is my favorite example of what your are.

You are a piece of chomskyite trash.

excellent. im a huge pothead so it all makes sense now.

fuck roads


Just checking

It wasnt a good get

This is how it should look.

I think it was the questions about corporations that shifted. ultimately, I now believe in a completely free market, with as little bureaucracy and red-tape as possible. I don't exactly like multi-national corporations monopolising everything and suffocating small businesses, but I believe in their right to do it. If a multi-national corporation's services/products are better than a small-business competitors', then the corporation deserves to thrive over the small business.


Top tier here


he's the extremist centrist

a giant douche

purple tier master race reporting



This isn't that bad right?

Hello literally Hitler

I guess that could work if tax loopholes weren't available to the large corporations alone, and the profits are often funnelled to other countries. it becomes unfair at that point, no?

now hwat

if you're not in the blue or purple you need to fuck off

Did the spekr one, too.

kek this is the best one yet

How did I do?

terrible, quit being a pussy

awful you cock sucker

What does this mean?

it means you're a coward

Shit test, it doesn't even ask about fun control, and my religious views probably tone down my results a lot. Here's mine. Blue box, best box.



I like you

I moved again... now I'm red... HELP ME

You're a leaf, that's your natural habitat

This seems accurate.

spekr one feels better

I just, I don't know, I consider myself a republican/conservative/nationalist, I voted for Trump, is this thing accurate at all???

I was in the green box the last time I took it so I think I've improved a bit.

What do these mean?!?!?

yah it's not that bad


what are you talking about it's awful

did the spekr

i did the spekr, am i cool yet?

The scottish national party got in the same zone stupid cuck

Get in here muh libby!

Man, fuck deez Nazis am I right?

no you stupid faggot both tests are flawed and you're the only one who decides where you stand politically.

BLM and feminazi territory.

But I hate both of those groups with a deep passion...

It's fine. I wouldn't take the tests too seriously. Even I don't identify with my spot too well

>implying scottish people aren't cucks


Scottish nationalist=white nationalist.

But you're farther more cucked on the social scale than anyone you fat nigger



lmao what is this


there needs to be code to check for conflicting opinions. if we are on this board with these scores we aint libs, just confused and scared

I don't even know
I took it like yesterday

i've talked to scots, they are in favor of open borders

Sauce on site?

le ebin XD


R8 pls

I've talked to whites that said we need open borders too but not any white nationalists, dick breath

What if I'm borderline authoritarian/libertarian but I'm ultra right wing?


