If President Trump decided to flip on his stance and pardoned Snowden, would anybody be upset?

If President Trump decided to flip on his stance and pardoned Snowden, would anybody be upset?

He should pardon snowden and put him on our cyber-defence force.
He is a valuable asset to the nation, he should be pardoned and brought back to our side of the pond to fight against our enemies.

No? Snowden's a national hero and the fact that this isn't broadly in agreement is a goddamn shame

Trump's a putz though, he won't do shit. Better than Hillary at least.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man pardon Snowden!!

Hell no. It'd give me more of a reason to be proud of El Presidente.

Trump strongly supports everything snowden was against and has said that the collection of data within the US will become easier under his administration. But no one ever talks about the shit trump says that we disagree with in this echo chamber.

No wiki leaks is one thing to be pardoned but he's a traitor that have the Chinese and Russians our secrets so fuck that nigga

I'd offer him 5 years of hard time 10 years of no computer probation after he got out.

and no way he gets close to anyone with a security clearance or its the death penalty.

for exposing how your government is corrupt ?

>it's fine that you gave secrets to the Russians and revealed our capabilities to them as long as you did that one thing that one time that I liked, then I won't hold individuals to account for all the acts they do because I'm a partisan hack
You're damn right I'll be upset

>for exposing how your government is corrupt ?
America. lel

Yes. He should pardon Assange instead and leave the ex-NSA cuck to rot in Russia.

Good point, however I'd argue it's better to have someone that clearly states what his positions are (even if they suck) rather than an affirmative action president setting everything up to surveil even Merkel's cat's asshole behind smiles and jokes

source? fuck off shill

Kek at least bother to learn about Snowden before posting about a bunch of shitty buzzwords. You sound like the typical establishment dick sucking cuck.

He shouldn't be pardond he needs to come back stand before a fake trial then have some sort of nonenforcable punishment penalty bestowed upon him.

It's on his fucking website you uninformed dolt.

Snowden is a faggot russian shill

I swear to god, it almost feels like this is a Good Cop Bad Cop routine, where they set up some heinous surveillance apparatus and change laws so it can be used against people and we can detain people indefinitely- and its sold to us with Good Guy Barack Obama who's just this wacky relateable president guy who knows how to meme on social media with Cool Uncle Biden- then enforced under Spooky Fascist Trump

You Snowden cocksucker sound exactly like the Bradley Manningfags. You all need to swing providing you're not posting from Russia behind seven proxies.

You would honestly trust this guy?

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