What is the Sup Forums consensus about Percy's green arrow since it will end? Personally it was fun...

What is the Sup Forums consensus about Percy's green arrow since it will end? Personally it was fun, The characterization is good and the story is simple but it's nice and nothing pretentious, and god the art is good

Good art, Oliver/Dinah appeases my inner shipper
Not the most memorable of stories though.

What is Markplier doing in his team?

Markiplier has his own book he doesn’t need discount Batman

Completely forgettable rubbish outside of Dinah shipping and bringing Eddie back

Pretty good, god tier art. Just glad Dinah is back in the book. Ollie without a good supporting cast just doesn't work

Pretty good. Would have been better without bringing back Moira. Robert was already bought back. Doing it to Moira feels cheap. Also should have had a less connected storyline between arcs. I would have liked if the Merlyn stuff was separate from the Circle for example

Good art, generic story. Would have preferred losing Diggle and the fat hacker guy, bringing in Roy, Merlyn, Onomotopeoia etc.

Great art, mediocre writing.

Jesus fuck, why are they all extreme manlets and womanlets?

none of them are standing straight against the wall, user.

I really doubt straightening his knees a bit will put Oliver above 5'10", at best.

Pretty fun. Nothing earth shattering amazing, but I'll take consistency. You think they'll compile his run into one hardcover? Because I'd buy it

Good art. Bad writing. Percy`s dialoges are pretentious and annoying.

he's also at least one person away from the wall. If he was against it, standing straight, he'd clearly touch the 6'0 line.

It's hella freakin' social justice, my man. Sup Forums lives for this shit.

How? Examples

I liked the road trip arc

>defending manlets
Sorry your favourite cape is a manlet bro, now go back to the pit.

>less than 5'10" is considered an extreme manlet
Please kill yourself

His clothing is that of a bugger of men.

In this day in age, when crimes against God are common, nay, encouraged, where homosexuals are allowed to marry openly within the walls of a Church, in front of God and everyone, unopposed and with impunity, my heart sinks with disgust at my very existence among such abominations of the soul. We must continue to pray for a Savior, to come and strike the homosexuals down for their crimes...indeed, I have a solution: we should send them all, the gays I mean, to a remote island with random weapons strewn about the premises, and watch for sport as they kill each other to be the sole survivor: whose reward shall be death.
Alternatively we could nuke the island. Either way, it would be only in the service of God.

That'd be cool, but didn't they cancel the hardcover deluxe already? I don't know if this was popular enough for a big edition.

Don't you have better people to crucify?

I only read the first trade, but I REALLY didn't like it... The most memorable thing about it to me was how much of a fucking CUNT Dinah was to Ollie. Like bringing up Roy's heroin addiction out of the blue and shit.

Mmmm.... Not really.

>and god the art is good
Whatever flaws you can find in the writing there's no denying these were one hell of regulars and guests artists

I don't know, I haven't heard anything.

That's kinda been the point of Arrow since the 70s

Great art wasted on absolutely shit writing. Non pretentious is just a buzzword for creatively bankrupt.

Besides sexy Ollie/Dinah, Emiko has been my favorite from this run

Dinah hasn't been the sweet team mom since nu52. She's less of a biznatch here than in, say, batgirl but She's still too hard on Ollie and the gang.

Emi was the MVP for characters, but the art? Dayum.

I liked it. Not the best, but far from a bad run.

Don't read any of it before rebirth.

How are you even suppose to read this? Does the number represent the the line above or below them? Because it is above, they are a bunch of hobbits.

Who's the soyboy on the right?

Every team needs a tech guy.

Is Eddie Fyers still a villain? I miss Eddie from Grell's run.

Mike Grell was late 80s pleb

Does he get to dip is usb drive into Yumiko's port?

>Roy is in the book
>Merlyn is in the book.
>Talking shit on Diggle.
Neck yourself ya?

It also make Hal and Ollie buddies again. That was a nice arc

It really was. And the league no longer hated him either for something that was never explained really.

too simple