Why has this guy turned into such a salty cuck?

Why has this guy turned into such a salty cuck?

What changed? Why did he down grade his former power level to a state of salty cuckhood?

Is he still trying to get into coalburner Ana Kasparian's pants or something?



Qui-Gon jinn

Is that Weird Al Yankovic?

He's one of those atheists that don't believe in having kids so...

well, my guess would be his hippy haircut grew inward and manipulates his brain now

I can't stand listening to this stupid fuck, he sounds like he has a throatful of semen every time he opens his mouth.

I fucking hate him so much. That voice. Fuck him.

he's a one-issue "voter"

he only cares about le science

When has he not been? Calling out Anita Sarkesian is not a big deal.

He is an EU gibsmedat jerkoff and the funny money train just derailed

You can't have science in an unstable country. Especially one filled with 3rd worlders (which they're doing to Europe and the US)

This seems to be it as far as I can work out. Attacking social issues like femenism and religion is fine. Economic issues are a different matter, if it will affect his science funding then he's pissed about it.

Do you people sometimes just stop and think maybe you over use the term "cuck." Maybe just a little bit?

Have you ever decided to stop being such a Jew?

>Ana Kasparian

Sorry for the typo. Meant to say Ana "New Nose" Kasparian

He still hasn't recovered from Brexit and "Sargon" shitting on him during both Brexit and Trump

Ohai thar thunderf00t. Glad you could join us.

just fucking look at him, holy shit

He has crowded teeth like most British ````people'''

Post a pic of yourself Anders

Why is he a cuck?

Jews are some of the smartest best people on this planet. Jews have made this world a better place time and time again. This world would be one hundred years behind without Jewish inventors etc.

>I can't stand listening to this stupid fuck, he sounds like he has a throatful of semen every time he opens his mouth.


One issue voters are fucking cancer. To paraphrase a YouTube comment I read somewhere: People don't go to politicians for their science for the same reason they don't go to scientists for their politics.

Jews are some of the smartest best people on this planet. Jews have made this world a better place time and time again. This world would be one hundred years behind without Jewish inventors etc.

He's not really red-pilled.
He's just an old-school libtard who's jealous of Staci Green and Anita Sarkesian's success because feminism hijacked the old-school liberalism. (Which it did.)