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I heard futaposting is common here. Is it true? Star Wars is trash btw

Dickgirls are the true balance.

Reminder the EU was canon until some dickwad entered the Mortis temple and changed the timeline resulting in the new canon. Star Wars Rebirth when?

Man, I just catch up with what's going on and I feel Filoni created a big freaking plothole.

Also, what's the point of keeping Ahsoka alive? I like her, but he really needs to let her go.

I was told that there's Time Travel in Star Wars now. This true?

There was, but now there isn't.

>I feel Filoni created a big freaking plothole
What you mean?

I can't find the new episode in the mega where are they?

>Filoni created a way to save Luke and Han from their shitty TLJ fate
>can now retcon MaRey Sue out of existence


The time travelling thing. I understand Ahsoka why she stopped Erza from saving Kanan, but it makes no sense why she can't try to save Anakin.

Which bring another problem. If Kanan was the one who guided Ezra to this world to save Ahsoka, then why Qui-Gon didn't do the same and have Obi-Wan enter this world to save Anakin?

Yeah, Filoni invented it just to save his waifu

I know it's silly, but I kind of hope in Episode 9, the Resistance finds a deactivated army of Battle Droids that they turn on to fight the First Order.

If they actually did that I would forgive them for a great many things. Not everything mind you, but a great many things.

didn't rebels already do this plot though?

Does anyone have a link to the new episodes? I can't find anything in hd.

Why Kanan wanted Ahsoka to be saved in the first place?

so she can deus ex machina the rebel crew out of the finale

When you put it in this way, it does create a big plot hole.

I hate aussies

*teleports into the past and saves your alien waifu*

she couldn't save Anakin because Sheev ran their asses out of there, but on top of that she had already given up on saving Anakin.

Didn't A New Hope and Return of the Jedi already do a Death Star Plot?

The temple entrance was sealed and destroyed, there is no longer a way to access it. Sheev was using Sith incantations to peer across time and space to find ezra, not to create a temple portal.

She declared that she can't save her master before Sheev appeared.

And why did she give up on him? Saving him will save the galaxy.

What part of her saying pulling them out of these mouments would change everything did you not understand? they cant becuase then them being there wouldnt happen, Ashoka getting pulled out happened becuase that's what already happened

Sure, but normies haven't seen that plot. They only watch the movies.

So was Plageius able to save people from death by pulling them through force Stargates?

This is still not n excuse because Qui-Gon could have try to have Obi-Wan save Anakin right after ROTS.

So can we all agree now that the first instance of time travel was when Rey first touched the lightsaber and bounced around to 3 ABY Bespin, 10 ABY Jakku, 25 ABY Luke's Academy, whenever/whereever the Knights of Ren bit was, and Starkiller Base?

And why it's bad to change everything exactly?

There are still other temples. The one on Jedha may have a Mortis mural (until Krinnic nukes it). Sheev doesn't know how to open it, but Ezra, Sabine, and possibly Ahsoka do.

Did Rebels jump the shark?

you probably still have to deal with time paradoxes and shit, but the episode doesn't really go into too much detail. I mean if she saved Anakin then the entirety of star wars collapses in on itself.

Rey will be the one to reopen the temple and access that location. She will then sacrifice herself to save Han, Luke and the entire galaxy.

Truly cementing her place as the greatest of MaReys.

Fucking with past events may make it worse, you can't know.

>the entirety of star wars collapses in on itself
Why it would? Saving Anakin will bring balance to the force much sooner and stop the empire and first order from raising.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Kylo reacted to her like she was physically there.

And that would be Star Wars collapsing upon itself. It would change everything.

Saving Ahsoka doesn't change all of the events that occurred afterwards because she's not involved in anything.

Or maybe with Vader out of the picture sooner, Snoke shows up to challenge Sheev, and everything goes to shit.

yes but it stops almost every single movie and series from ever really happening, including this one. What could she even do to save anakin anyways?

So the Daughter/Convoree has a name: Morai.
When will they reveal that the Son's name is Snoke?

All of this could simply be avoided if Qui-Gon have Obi-Wan save Anakin right after the events of ROTS because this mean that not many things changed yet.

>mfw during this scene the music stops
>a single stormtrooper blocks the clones path
>youtube.com/watch?v=tbLx5HRYI30 starts playing
>Our final moment. The battle has ended, but we are not yet free! The war is over... but... You and I still have a score to settle.
>cody casts his helmet off over the side

>stops almost every single movie and series from ever really happening
Easy, Filoni should have not created time travel in the first time just to save Ahsoka.


Calm down, brainlets. The time travel doesn't break any of the existing canon because it's entirely closed loop. Ezra didn't change the outcome of Ahsoka vs Vader, the fight ALWAYS ended with Ahsoka being pulled through the gateway. Just like the reason Kanan died in the first place is that Ezra decided in the future not to rescue him. The time travel can't be used to alter existing events because any effect it had on the timeline is pre-determined.

How buttblasted is Sup Forums going to be?

imagine the smell

>at last...this mission in our dreams...is complete

>I am Jangos's doppleganger. And you are his. Just... like your father... you're pretty good.

What does orange dick smell like?

Smegma and a lingering hint of stale braaap.

I wish they would split the timeline. Create an alternate future free of Abrams. Too bad Disney would never really allow it.

How long after Rebels ends will they announce Star Wars: Resistance and Clone Wars season 7, Sup Forums?

The next animated series is ST era. We're fucked.

what did sheev want ahsoka for?

To torture vader with
>ashoka and sheev just chilling
>vader walks in

Anyone got a link to this new episode?

But we know there are multiple animooted serieses in the works. They will likely be in different eras. TCW already had a head-start, and people actually would go nuts if they continued it. They'd be fools not to. They could have separate series during all 3 trilogies if they wanted.

What if Ahsoka is an ancient Sith Lord? We shouldn't have truted a girl with a dick.

To kill, durr. They must have an "unaccounted-for" list.

Resistance will probably be tied to the ST. Either something to justify a time skip for ep9, or something prior to ep7 to destroy any fan illusions about Luke having some kind of productive non-empire life after ep6.

fucking fags fuck off

Leia's Resistance isn't even a thing until like 25 years after RotJ, right? About the same time Ben goes bad and Luke fucks off to Ahch-To. Resistance could only be set within the 5 years before TFA until IX.

How old is Ben? He looks at least 30, even in the emo flashbacks.

Filoni did write himself into a corner and created bigger problems with the latest rebel episode.

And honsetly, Ahsoka's death at Vader's hands was more sadder and meaningful than whatever Filoni planning to do with her now.

>Filoni had to show normies how to really create a unique and never before seen look at the force.

30 in TLJ and about 23 or 24 in the Jake Skywalker flashback

Anyone reading the TLJ novelization yet?

I'm not Rian fan by any means and I think what Filoni did was dumb.

>TFW we will never have a show where sheev is just on speed dial to fuck with the protagonists constantly.
>TFW we will never have a scene where a character just chills with sheev.

It was perfect. It gives LSG an easy way to reboot the ST if it gets too shit. Which already happened in my opinion.

>rehasing Blade Runner plot
>Ezra dies in the last episode to save Ahsoka because "this isn't his story"

>Sheev pulls Ashoka and Ezra though the portal, he does not kill them and just hangs out.
>Wakky hijinks whenever Vader comes around as sheev fucks with his cyberboi constantly.
Why cant we just have a comfy show?

You guys realized that minister in the new episodes is Snoke, right?

Here we see him moments before getting his face disfigured and becoming trapped for over a decade inside a temple full of the secrets of the force.

>no sitcom with laughtracks starring sheev

Beyond Palpatine interfering, thematically she didn't attempt to save Anakin for the same reason she stopped Ezra from saving Kanan: both have lost their masters, and their place is to accept that loss.

From a storytelling perspective, while the reason to not save Kanan is cut and dry, Ahsoka's reason for not saving Anakin IMO basically boils down to it running contrary to her S2 arc, when she comes to accept that the good person she knew has become the evil that is Vader. Could she find some solution or point in the timeline that saves Anakin? Maybe, but I don't think she's emotionally equipped to find a solution in light of her just recently accepting a pretty difficult truth.

In regards to why other force users haven't been lead to the Lothal temple, I feel like the same cloudiness that's been brought up about predicting the future probably also applies.

>time travel to save a woman who had their arc end fine
Bravo Moffat

What did you folks think of Mauler's critique of TLJ?

The Son's name will be Keram


It was really good. However his review of Black Panther was the complete opposite. I guess the success of his TLJ review went to his head.

Fuck off, dude was tiny. Mortis son is clearly Snoke. Literally the only character Snoke could be besides being a totally new character.

So did the Ones dying mean fuck all?

Rian Johnson requested the timeline split, because his plans for his project is a reboot of the original trilogy, allowing future Disney to pretend George Lucas never existed. It's basically what they do with all the fairytale movies.

He cucked Fixer.

*(in his mind)

Are you talking about the first video or the critique because I want to watch it but I am not spending close to 5 hours watching someone critique a movie.

The evil white male had to die, and some brave womyn had to take his place, there was no female jedi around so they shited on their own lore. Im not even jocking here.
We can't have white males masters or at least not beign idiots.

Mortis Son is too handsome and does not have blue eyes like Snoke and the Minister


>Rebels is almost over
>the new show won't be out for a while and will be about the fucking Resibellion

Abrams already did this with Star Trek. They split the timeline so that there would technically be two, but never used the original again.

They could actually make it fun by making it about the knights of ren or about a group of apprentices that kylo trains after he kills Snoke.

Say what you will about the episode, but I do like how the shit Sheev pulls really shows how he is pretty much THE embodiment of the darkside.

It makes me more mad at the ST for having shit villains compared to Sheev

Sheev has literally never not been amazing no matter the situation.

Why does everything Star Wars have to turn to shit? I really likes Rebels, but this is just too much bullshit.

Eye color doesn't matter. See: cartoon Saw, Rogue One Saw. Also, Sheev and Vader's eyes change. Snoke in TFA/ TLJ is about 55 years after TCW.