What does Sup Forums think of Obama's entire 8 year presidency, now that it's almost over?

What does Sup Forums think of Obama's entire 8 year presidency, now that it's almost over?

very mediocre

Obama didn du nuffin'.

No, seriously, he literally did not do anything. Osama bin Ladin was the only notable discrepancy.

They had 8 years to fix the Electoral College. Why didn't they take care of it then?


Hahahahahaha! He sucked. There was no recovery. There are more people out of the workforce that any other time. He does anything Soros tells him to do.


>Obama didn du nuffin'.
Checked for accuracy

an ongoing operation predating obama. only found him by a lucky misstep by his courier

He passed obamacare... that alone makes him the second worst president of all time (LBJ is #1 of course).

I know you basement dwelling faggots don't care about obamacare... but to all the Americans that actually have jobs and a life... it fucking sucks beyond belief.

If you look past all the stupid fucking talking points on both side Obama was a full centrist as seen by his foreign and domestic stances on Gitmo, surveillance, the chilly relationship with Russia, and the re-established relations with the EU. In that way you could say the guy was almost Reagan-esque.

His most "liberal," policy that got passed with clearly the ACA which was based mostly on Romney's plan in MASS. I think the 11 million who got covered under it was good, but clearly it had flaws: (1) taxed penalties (2) healthy young people didn't need it. I think if he had just extended medicare and medicade to encompass more people and work with insurance companies/hospitals/doctors to actually lower costs it probably would not have been as hated. Certain segments would have hated it regardless. Any part of it would have probably been amended like the rising premiums if Congress had stayed somewhat Democratic.

Honestly I can say personally I was fine under Bush 41, fine under eight years of Obama, and probably will survive four years of Trump.

Glad........that it's almost over. 8 wasted years for America, I don't blame them for being pissed.

Definitely a missed opportunity; but the president can't create "jobs," out of thin air. If we'd stop blowing money on things like the "drug war," on weed and shit we could actually start investing in the people of this country.

Shit like mining and manufacturing jobs are never coming back.

>probably will survive four years of Trump.

emphasis on "probably"

king nigger put more blacks out of work and more on food stamps, lol. But he doubled our debt and every country he visits laughs at him when he comes. Made America weak so he can btfo to his birthplace in kenya


This. The USA government ran on autopilot for 8 years.

Actually the one thing he did do was increase the budget size and debt to incorporate his 'niggers to to hospital free' card.

Every single fucking president increases the budget size. Trump will to and the president after him. It's just how government spending fucking works moron.

You have two fucking choices: raise taxes or cut spending and I don't mean just changing budget items; you have to really fucking cut shit to the bone.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>he thought the ACA was about insuring poor people

haha holy fuck
it was never anything but welfare for obamas owners

No recent president added another 3rd to the budget and called it a quarter (which it is. Of the new budget).
Even so the debt alone is an impressive feat.

There's something like 2.7 billion in mandatory spending. For the deficit itself BO didn't really do too bad, in fact his financials are showing downward if GDP would continue to rise.

Federal debt is the real concern, but again to get that to something rational then you'll need a President and Congress to make real hard choices that the American Public wouldn't like.

Mediocre at best. It was really a waste of time since Trump will under everything Obama wants to be known for.