Are Mormons the pinnacle of Christian faith

Are Mormons the pinnacle of Christian faith.

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no but the pinnacle of white genes in america aesthetics wise

Based cult, but they aren't Catholic, therefore not Christian.

Mormons arent Christians you blasphemous bastard.

I certainly hope not, they are a bunch of faggots in magic underoos.

They are rebellious blasphemers who show no loyalty to our country and would replace it with a theocracy if left to their own will, just like they did in the 1850s or whenever mormon rebellion was.

No they're faggot freemason spinoffs. Christian fanfiction.

Mormons aren't even Christian

literally what? Fuck you guys get dumber every day

They've been on a good roll excluding their role in the Meme War but a solid C+ religion.

As they like to call themselves "West Coast Jews" is quite the appropriate title.


plains jews

They are almost as stupid as scientologists.

sounds pretty based

Yeah I bet it does sound based to you, Muhammad. But you are going to have to leave soon

Also, this.

lol no

No they're a degenerate cult that should be given the Waco treatment

they are the newest sect. So yes.

not with their incest and magic underwear.

Is this a question.

Their whole holy book reads like Battle Star Galactica.
That being said, it's still more believable than (((Christianity))) or satanism (the Catholic church).

Not so sure about that, but they have some of the finest women you could possibly wed. Absolute cream of the crop, physically and morally speaking.

Mormons are filthy cultists that would import 100million illegals if they could.

Do not trust these wackos, they'll sell you and your country out in a heartbeat.

Actually we are. Just so you know.

Mormons aren't Christian

They worship God the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ.

So yes. Christian, with marked differences.


They literally believe God is not a spirit, but of flesh and bone.

I wonder where this guy is

If you read the book of Mormon. You could say that it's a polytheistic religion.

>only group of whites with a positive Birthrate
>Jews always shitting on them
really makes you think

Yes you could argue that based on interpretation.
If you are saying that we believe that everyone can become a god in their own right then I could see how you would think that.

Otherwise we do worship God the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ like all christians do.

I got a German Mormon Girl that like me. Pretty cute about 8/10. I'm Christian and as far as I can tell the women that are Mormon use thier bodies to get other men to convert. Still though she's pretty red pilled and I've been conflicted on what to do.

What do Sup Forums

>>Jews always shitting on them

the south park jews

whats with the magic underwear

does it make you fly? what other secrets are you withholding from us


Do what you want. I know plenty of Mormon women who have "used their bodies" as you put it to convert people. It is what it is honestly. People like to fuck, and if you fuck someone into your religion and you're both happy is it really that bad?

You mean Elohim? Thats heretical bullshit

counterfeit masons
most I've met have been nice folks though
a lot of pedophilia and incest, but what else would you expect.

DON'T go for it

Yeah especially all the masonic shit you bastards do right? Have fun with the eternal hell fire.

It's not magic. Lol. It's just an outward symbol of covenants we make in our temples.

Basically religious garb.

I have a good video on this.


Lol user you're funny! Try spending a little more time around mormons.

Elohim is just another name of God the Father IIRC.

Definently a lot of similarities to masonic stuff. And I will. Thanks for your concern.

Christians are butthurt because a cult has a better value system than any other religion. Based crazy white Jews that sailed from Israel to America 2000 years ago. Meanwhile christians bash this cult but believe in 1 zombie.

Oh look the ground worshipping heathen is going to lecture us.. KYS savage.

Why do you all hate mormons? Genuine question, not trolling. They seem pretty based, conservative values, faith, big families.

Thanks for the insight user.

Will my dick fall off get shipped to Utah?

I guess you're right "redpilled" isn't the exact term. Yet she does enjoy Holocaust jokes to a large extent.

> the women that are Mormon use thier bodies to get other men to convert.

pretty much like protestants. hell.. i swear to God, i'm gonna dump her and get a satanist girl to replace her....

over religious girls are such snakes.

Mad because he knows all (((Abrahamic))) religions are Jewish control schemes and is mad that his sect rapes boys

>a bunch of atheist fedora tippers trying to discuss one of the few redpilled religions in existence
Go ahead and call me a cultist before posting in another thread about how to stop the fall of the west.

I will be preparing to attend one of the many weekly events my ward organizes, with the tight knit and 90% white community that I have been blessed to discover.

Hint: Anybody who says that Mormons are just pro refugee cucks or something similar haven't talked to average Mormons. The Quorum of the 12 say that shit for PR at General Conference, which is probably where you read that pro-cuck quote from.

Does she like Trump???

magic underwear and hats that talk to God what do you think?

Have fun at your burning man you fucking disgusting heathens. Some of the greatest white men to walk this earth were Christians and you fucking disgusting pagans think you can wave your fingers it really makes want to crack your skulls wide which will happen if shit hits the fan. You pagans will go by the wayside along with the rest of the trash.

If I see you fuckers come to the door again you'll be lucky to get the broom!!

good porn

damn this guys is triggered!
get to your safe space faggot

Yeah she likes him a lot. Her parents on the other hand liked Ted Cruz.

Hats that talk to god? This is new to me.
Or are you thinking of Harry Potter or some shit

Is she as hot as the girl in this pic???

Mormons are polytheists with a new holy book and prophet who made an OVA where Jesus chilled in America with the natives (Supposedly Israelites). They're as Christian as muslims are.

Paganlic's version of revisionist Christianity is farther from the original Christian church than the Protestant sects that took the faith back to its roots.

pretty sure the conman used to stare into his hat for hours because it provided divine intervention.

Oh you mean the Urim and Thummim. Not a hat, but still kinda weird.


She has the same hair. Slightly sharper nose. Blue eyes. Larger breasts. Not as skinny but niether fat or thick. So I guess she looks slightly less better? I don't know bro Id need to see that girl's body not just upper half.

South Park is not a source on learning about world religions

Mormons aren't real Christians. You have to believe in the Nicene Creed to be Christian. Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christian Scientists thoroughly reject the Nicene Creed.

See here:

>Based cult, but they aren't Catholic, therefore not Christian.

brother user what ward are u from? have u served? just curious


No are arent. Stop believing the lies that cult tells you.

No. they aren't even true Christians.

Ex-Mormon here. The best way to describe Mormons as Christians is this... Imagine if someone other than George Lucas had wrote the Star Wars prequels and the kind of reception/hate they would get. They would still believe in the original trilogy but they just made addons/filled in the gaps... That is basically what Mormons did with the Book of Mormon and their other scriptures. They still believe in the Bible but they made up their own shit. I don't really believe in it anymore. But I am going back to church this Sunday for the first time in 5 years. Not for the doctrine or anything. But for the good people that are there. They are all redpilled as fuck (to a point) compared to the general population and they are all nice ass people. They always got your back and they know what's up. A lot of Mormons in the country also are very versatile and can hunt, fish... Plus a good amount of Mormons are good with their finances. The biggest reason I am going back though is that I am going to the singles ward. I am going to find a based hot redpilled wife to buckle down with. You neckbeards might be hating on Mormons but you have never met the women. They are hot, a good amount are virgins, they don't drink, don't smoke. The best of all? They are loyal af and make great mom's. The most red pilled wives you can get. Regardless of how you fucks view the religion recognize this- they are god tier wives who will bend over backwards for you until death.

>They worship God the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ.
Yeah ok

Same girl from other pic

it's literally a fucking cult

>Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.
John 8:19 KJV

>I and the Father are one."
John 10:30 KJV

You can't not believe in the Trinity and still be a Christian, silly Mormon desu.

>protestantism took the faith back to its roots
Only superficially, protestants have zero understanding of the mystic divine unlike early sects such as essenes. Protestantism is just catholicism with less fluff

I've never been to burning man faggot. I was raised in the cult and got out early. I agree that Christian values are by far the best among major religions. I also have seen a generation of white folks taking the religion for its values only. Any other Christian who doesn't understand this is ignorant or stupid. I do believe in god. Im not sold on resurrection or priests who can tune in to gods word. Being raised jack Mormon gives me perspective you will never know. All you will know is hate because those are your values. Stop hating white people who are trying to live life they way most of wish we had.

Breast size would be bigger. Thighs slightly thicker and that's about it when it comes to the body.

Why do you want to know user?

>inb4 Jesus and Lucifer are brothers and God had them with Heavenly Mother
what a sad, misguided person you must be

So youre pretending to be a mormon to get a mormon wife.
This will surely end well

Not comfortable saying what ward on Sup Forums, for reasons, but no, I didn't serve a mission, my girlfriend got pregnant at 18 so I didn't go, we are still married and have four kids now though, life is pretty good

You are fuckin retarded. Jesus and god are one in the cult and also a part of you. Step up your shitposting or become informed

There was this guy named Luther. He'd like a word with you.

You know nothing, Slav Snow

ugh I'm not going to get into this other than saying this
interpretation is everything, some people think that doesn't mean they are literally one, it could mean of one likeness, mind, spirit, what have you

Naw I don't really have a problem with it. I'm into spirituality and I will turn the positive vibes/ prayers into just universal prayers and energy shit. When everybody else is praying about jesus I will just pray generally to the universe and give thanks to all of creation.

You can get a girl like that from a more traditional sect of Christianity. Traditional Catholics, Southern Baptists, Evangelicals, Lutheran (Wisconsin or Missouri Synod), and Orthodox. Mormons aren't Christians though.


Also they're kinda cuckservatives.

notice how the Mormon people in this thread are generally nice, and don't trash other religions, because that's just dumb

yet these other people are trashing mormonism and other religions, just let people worship how they want, damn

go for it dude, Mormon wives are pretty awesome

Mormons are polytheistic, they have a new holy book, and they have a new prophet. It's pretty much a separate religion like Islam.

Mormonism might be a cult, but they are more christian than any real christian in the USA.

Remember, the difference between a cult and a religion is that with a cult, the dude that made shit up is still alive, with a religion, that dude is dead

>No history of going DEUS VULT. Not as historical as other Christian denominations, like Catholics (even though their current Pope is a cuck)
>Origins are retarded - fucking Book of Mormon and its retarded author/the faith's retarded """prophet"""
>It's a fucking cult-y re-imagining of Islam, with a Christian veneer, as an excuse for polygamy

go look for a cross in their building

Poor christ chan looks so run down all the time

I want to comfort her so she becomes less crazy

They don't use crosses because they think it is violent to focus on the Crucifixion instead of the resurrection. If you were Jesus would you want people to focus on you getting stripped bare naked and nailed to a cross? Or would you rather have people focus on how you REUNITED YOUR SOUL WITH YOUR BODY AND CAME BACK TO LIFE?

Tell me about the magic underpants.
You know the ones you have to always wear.
Tell me about the Freemason "square and compass" over the nipples of the magical underpants.
Then I will answer your question.

I was basically gonna say this but differently.
If you think the symbol of a cross is what makes people identify as Christian then you need to talk to more people.