Mfw I have recently taken the redpill and realise that most of the things I've been thought in life have been a lie and...

>mfw I have recently taken the redpill and realise that most of the things I've been thought in life have been a lie and I can no longer live in modern society thanks to it degeneracy
How do I go back?

You can't. That's the bargain. When you take the red pill, you trade happiness for truth. There's a fucking reason most people dont take the red pill, mate. Most people dont think it's a very good trade.

You don't move back. You move forward. To make Finland great again.

you jmst go and fuck yourself in teh anus. finaldn gom to austaria. you wake up to the a big man with the big muscles and you say; fucka me in the anuso. and he will , you will feel better. call me my number of 0450026318 (austarlia n numb)

>implying it's a choice

>make Finland great again.
everything is already shit
there are no finnish donald trumps
it's hopeless

haveu alled yet im not getting a number

>How do I go back?
sorry m8 there's no way to reverse the red pill.

remember: you're here forever.

please call

You're right

It gets better user, your mind and body will try to reject the red pill several times, especially if you OD or swallow an especially high strength redpill.

Stay strong and know you are on The Golden Path alongside The Teflon Don.

There is no going back, but spirituality is a beneficial redpill you should take.

Atheists are fucking cancer hipsters

Sooo its a normal day in Finland then?

>most of the things I've been thought in life have been a lie and I can no longer live in modern society thanks to it degeneracy

what things?

Is it true that you have milk in plastic bags there?

just you keep putting one foot in front of the other. nothing else matters.

not op, but i think he means almost everything

ew that sounds like some china tier bullshit

Apart from drinking there is not much to do

Live for today. Hope for tomorrow. Fuck with normies.

You don't go back. You can only go forward to a glorious future or die trying.

Turn you rage into motivation

Imagine your death. Crawling into a hole to die. The chase at an end. It will end somewhere. It is absolutely inevitable.

Imagine how much you hate that idea. Now go and live your life, defiant of every rule you've ever been taught.


read stirner

Fuck off religious cuck.

Embrace the degeneracy. Become a trap and eat my ass

You don't know that, user. That's just the natural pessimism and frustration that comes with the red pill. Some measure of hope will return eventually.

At least we still haven't been completely invaded by aliens, and if luck wills it and we keep fighting, that's the way it stays.


In the current world, Happiness is ignorance and sadness is truth. I'm sure 500 years in the future this time period will be regarded as a dark age, but I truly believe we can pull through if we keep fighting. It's not limited to Finland friend, keep up the fight everyday worldwide

welcome to the club brother.


>At least we still haven't been completely invaded by aliens
(We have)

there is no way back, user

Then the answer is obvious. YOU must become the Finnish Trump and run for office. Get a shave, get a suit and a twitter account. Order the art of the deal, read it. Perhaps while in prison/isolation write your own 'mein kampf' detailing your ideal finland and meme magic that fantasy into a reality. Make Finland great again. The red pill doesn't make you miserable, knowing how great the world could be and seeing it as it is makes you miserable. Your advantage over the blue pill merchants is the ability to see the root cause behind the symptoms.

Yarp it is true.