Give me 1(one) reason to convince me that Assange is alive

Give me 1(one) reason to convince me that Assange is alive.

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the files that would be released upon his death would have several big names begin arrested before you could make this post

But hashes don't match.Also WL is compromised so don't expect a dead man's switch.

the hashes are for decrypted files not encrypted files

because the backlash for him being dead would be huge.

i really couldn't tell you at this point its 50/50 in my eyes.

The best reason is the simplest - they could easily kill him and announce his death as an accident and nobody would be any the wiser. Nobody with any power would care. Occam's razor son.

It's not my job to make you feel all warm and good. It's not my job to think of something you obviously cannot do on your own. Go fuck yourself! PS watch out for the poo when you try to fuck self.

alive, dead, who cares. it doesn't make you not a faggot, no does it?

this is just not true.
as said before the backlash would be big.
also, if they made WL into a honeypot it would be efficient to keep up the lie as long as possible.

Can confirm he is alive but captured. His deadman switch has been deactivated and he is in negotiations with US/UK/EU officials to help spread future misinformation to get his bs charges dropped. They thought hed give in earlier but our boy is holding out hoping the longer this goes on the more suspicious things look

What backlash do you think would happen? A bunch of lefty students tweeting angrily and then getting bored and doing the mannequin challenge? Lol

So, India has removed all of the high value rupee notes which constitute 86% of the countries currency in circulation value. The stated aim for this is to reduce currency hoarding and tax evasion. However the 350m people in India who don't have a bank account now need to exchange their high value notes for lower value notes, waiting in queues for hours or getting ripped off at money changes. Was this a good move for Modi? Discuss...

Bad move desu

We comin wit the dicks out

I just saw on /x/ a psychic said "he hasn't crossed over on to the other side."

>Racist UKIP supporters bomb Ecuadorian Embassy

>release hashes for years
>always work
>one day they don't
i-it's okay guys, no worries! you did it wrong, haha! we are wikileaks and in full control of our operation! julian is fine!

he knows too much to kill him off, he is also the face of a movement and in times of civil unrest the last thing the US needs now is a martyr.


He got locked up in a cryo-prison by (((them))) so he's sort of alive, right?

skip to 3:00

this interview had to be the 20th or later, as the "17 intelligence agencies" quote was made during the second presidential debate, on the evening of the 19th. All the people that are saying he hasn't been seen since the 16th are wrong, however the lack of pgp key signature and also the incorrect hashes are concerning

I'm not sure what to think

The in other threads mentioned DDOS attack to disrupt the dead man switch happened on 10/21. Probably this interview was really taken after 10/15 and Assange is AWOL since then.

Do we now the exact time when WL-Staffers started to act weird, with several Community Mods getting replaced and Assange-Threads killed off?

you're a dumb cunt that will believe anything?

if you need help or want your story backed up somewhere, hit me up at csktn at notsharingmy dot info - the message will be forwarded to my protonmail address. if you're serious, send me a screenshot of your (You). i have journalistic experience, i know how to handle such stuff.
