So who do you think will be the big bad after Thanos?

So who do you think will be the big bad after Thanos?

Glactus, Mephisto, Dormammu?

I'd like Galactus but does Marvel Studios have the rights to him? I feel like he might be stuck in Fan4stic

Needs to be Doom.

Either Doctor Doom or Kang the Conqueror
They don't own him, at least not yet. Galactus is packaged with the Fantastic 4, and the FOX deal isn't finalized until next year

The MCU universe will die out after Thanos, its the reason the universe stayed alive this long, and people will start losing interest after IW2

Kang the Conqueror, retconned into being a relative of Tony Stark instead of Reed Richards. If Avengers 4 has time-travel bullshit shenanigans it might hint towards that plot line too I guess.

they need to touch up on some higher concept constructs

>People will lose interest
Guess that's why completely unconnected films like Ant-man and Black Panther do so poorly eh?
Have you ever considered that people like these because it's easy to watch escapism? Sure they probably get a boost from the build-up, but it's not as if they're going to drop off massively after IW is finished

You really think Thanos is the draw to these movies? Cause youre wrong

And Fox is planning to release ~13 capeshits during 2019-2021. People will be burned if they do Galactus again.

Audience Engagement

Disney lawyers and accountants better step it up an finalize this shit. These X-Men and FF movies all look like they're going to be shit.

>The next movie will bomb, I swear! No one watches Marvel movies anymore!

Just keep telling yourself that.

Skrulls, secret invasion kid

Galactus is not a big bad you complete and utter casual.

Skrulls probably, otherwise galactus would be endgame.
Or they could do osmething outlandish and create an entirely new original movie villian


Knowing Disney, it'll be Thanos again or something.

He has a point, though. People's attention span is low, and they always want new things. That's why products are always changing their appearence. The only reason Antman and the other nobodies did well was because they got the Marvel logo plastered on the title, making people think they're part of a wider story. Or what? Did you really think those characters with nothing interesting to them and who repeat the same formula would've do well by themselves?

The MCU won't die. It already has a fanbase and the monster that is Disney backing it up. But when the Thanos shit is over many people will stop caring. And it will get worse when RDJ and the other members of the main cast leave.

Looks like MCU is gonna need Reed and his time travel shit to retcon the universe; Onslaught would be a good story to bring it all together with X and F4.

>The MCU universe will die out after Thanos
No no, you "hope" that it does, not that it will

Norman Osborn. Go the Dark Reign route.

Will revert back to being set mostly on Earth.
Will have some sort of falling out like Civil War or else some new street level issue.
They won't do anything too major or too religious. Dormammu possibly but it'll mostly be through other playesr

half of them, such as Gambit, will never enter production. Even fucking New Mutants got delayed a year. They can't possibly get another 4 or 5 movies crapped out in 2 years, and if they do they'll be rushed harder than Justice League and of the absolute lowest quality