But whose horse was it really?

But whose horse was it really?

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it was my horse.

It clearly belonged to Ed, he was very adamant. Rolf was just being a troll.

The village only has one horse, the song and dance is a show of dominance.

Excuse me but that's my horse, user.

no, it's MY horse.

Ah ah ah, t!hat's my horse!

my horse

Ok user, ok! It's your horse!

uh uh uh... you don't get out that easy.

Forget that guy, I think you'll find that horse belongs to me.

>all these anons who think its their horse

Sorry to break the news but its my horse


It's his horse!

Fuck all you nuggas, the horse is mine

I married the horse, its mine.

that's my horse.

THAT'S my horse.

Sorry anons, its my horse!

Back off vagina-breath, it's MINE!


You're wrong. it's my horse.