
why are Canadians and European cartoonist more raunchy with thier comics? Should comics be censored or should comics be left alone completely?

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Wasn't there supposed to be a continuation this month?

>Earphone in the sand

November is when part 8 comes out

>Should comics be censored

>using earphones

What do your questions have to do with each other.

What makes one country comics different from another, and does a generation of home grown comics define a nation

Are you retarded?

>Should comics be censored
Fuck you.

Just fuck you.

Why? I can't see your point if you don't present it
You too

>I can't see your point

Y-you too

Most of us frenchies do not give a shit about it. We just don't make a big deal out of smut. It appears everywhere in life, after all.
I don't mind as long as it doesn't feel forced.

>why are countries that aren't run by Christfags less sexually repressed?

American right is tied to uptight religious conventions where "sexy is sinful," and American left is tied to uptight feminist conventions where "sexy is sexist."
Both sides can't stand the idea of strangers having impure thoughts.

That said, even if you censored mainstream comics, there'd always be underground stuff since comics are a great DIY medium.

You can do anything if you are not gonna caught a lot of attention.

SJWs and moms are too busy with video games and movies, to care about comics or books.

>Nudity in comics should be censored
Americans, this is your mindset.

Here's the link for the bellybuttons in English and color

Fight me then

>Should comics be censored
How can one nation be so prude?

>Should [anything] be censored
The answer is always no.

The raunchy comics aren't that prevalent, it's just that they're the only ones Sup Forums cares about.

Op here, any recommendations similar to this or something to read during my shift at work?