Black Bolt #11 preview







How come Black Bolt is the only interestig one in Inhuman franchise
Kamalafag need not apply

Someone's gonna jerk off to that cover.

The Karnak book was fire too.

this is pretty funny out of context

The Karnak and Black Bolt books have kinda made me think the Inhumans hold each other back. They have a good enough dynamic with each other but not enough individual characterization. maybe a solo would fix Medusa


Karnak isn't interesting at all.

>that '''''''''''''art''''''''''''''
fucking hell

god i wish that were me....

That's usually the case with team/group books. There's often not enough space to focus on any individual or to give any of them real depth. And when they do try to focus on one it always comes at the expense of several others.

The Karnak and Black Bolt solos show that these guys have something to offer, unique perspectives and thought processes that are largely untapped.

Karnak's abilities are definitely underurilized. He would make a great strategic hero or even a bad was villain.

Real shame about the Inhumans TV. Black Bolt is a legit interesting character. I have a conspiracy that Marvel purposely ruined Inhumans because they got X-Men rights back.

>Black Bolt is the only interestig one in Inhuman franchise
He isn't. This title's being carried 90's by the art and 10% by the weirdness of the plot.

And the fact that Marble seems to be pushing the writer as The Next Big Thing over the artist is depressing, if unsurprising.


Boy, you shills are never tired, aren't you?
It's over. The only shithuman books remaining will be ms. marvel and moon girl, albeit neither are about shithumans

>implying the problem with the Inhumans was ever the Inhumans themselves
What makes this book work is exactly the fact that it's high concept cosmic weirdness rather than corporate mandated "Not-Mutants."

Give them a Thor: Ragnarok makeover and people would love them.

No trying to turn the Inhumans into the X-Men is what has been holding the Inhumans back.

I don't remember allowing you to reply to me

I really don't know why I find this hot. But I do.

Why? Fuck, I don't know.

And that would be me.

Because you're into vore?

Yeah, but why? Im clinically not an autist, so why?

I fucking hope you meant to type "fine" there and just made a typo.