Why cant millennials get jobs?


is your wall plastered with pictures of steve-o? much like a teenage girl and boy bands.

why cant your mom stop slurping nigger dick?

I don't want to work around niggers

Because pretty soon you're going to need a masters to get a job at mcdonalds as well as work being modern day slavery

too hard

Because you need 1-2 years experience to bag groceries, that's why.

Shaneequa, Tyrone, Alejandro, and Muhammed will get the job though, thanks to affirmative hiring!

Why do millenials keep making threads asking millenials about millenials?

Idk, I graduated in may with a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration and it has gotten me all of jack shit. Go into business, there's tons of jobs and its good money! No one will even interview me let alone hire me. The only interview i get is with Amazon and its two black women doing the interview, the first is fat and loves me. The second is a social justice check your privledge bullshit cunt and i could tell I didn't get the job because of her. Fuck whatever generation is barely ahead of us too, fuck U cunts

Millennials get jobs. They're just temporary, unstable, part-time, and dead end.

The concept of careers is dead. We live in a mercenary economy.

>Be me
>Technically millennial
>Work full time as mechanical engineer
>Decent pay and full benefits

Admittedly about 2/3 of other people my age are royally failing at life though, don't get why.

Reckon the Steve-O/Millennial meme will catch on elsewhere? I think it has potential.

>Thinking a business degree is good
Business majors are 95% retards, and it's stupidly easy so anybody can do it.

They have a Gender Studies major

Glad I dropped out once I realized business degrees are bullshit, mad I didn't drop out sooner.

No job is good enough for them.

>overqualified for McDonalds jobs
>underqualified for entry level jobs
>unpaid internship require i be a junior or senior
>mother asks her friend to get me an interview at a bank
>i have absolutely 0 banking experience and reluctantly go in
>get practically laughed out of there asking wtf Im doing interviewing there

Who else here is a neet by nature but mom made them get a job?

Wow, you mean the private sector doesn't value a major in transgender studies with a minor in African cuckoldry?

If you fucking losers were out learning a skilled trade instead of debating how many genders there are for the last 4 years you'd be well on your way to a 6 figure salary and job security anywhere in the country.

We have basically full employment in my country right now

But Greeks, Spaniards and Portugeese still can't find jobs, neither can Americans

So it's a national thing, not a generational thing

It's the economy, stupid

It took me a full year and 100 applications to finally find a job at Boston Market of all places. I put in a fake resume with fake references to make it seem like I had more experience than I did. I also told the interviewer that customers asked for me by name at my last job. They started me at $9.00/hr which is actually more than some people working there longer than me. If you're in your twenties you have to lie in order to get a foot in the door.

Outsourcing of not only manufacturing jobs, which is what most millennials are qualified for these days, but also some high-skill jobs (ie tech jobs).

It's being outsourced to India and (from the looks of it) China. Trump will bring some of those jobs back, but millenshits are more interested in feelings and "WAH TRUMP IS RAYCISS!" stupidity.

They deserve to be disenfranchised and turned into the next hippy 2.0.

They either get in line or they get what they deserve.

People have trouble finding jobs here too, but there are still jobs if you can talk to people and are willing to work entry level jobs, many of them being labor and hard on your body. Entry level sucks, but the situation right now is too bad to be picky.

Because they are retarded, and live in a place that isn't suited for them, or they just apply to a job with low demand, and not go for a physical job, because they are lazy cunts.

Stop responding to this shit you dumb fucks.
Sage and report

because having to do any work at all hurts muh feelins

illegals take all the entry level jobs thus kids dont learn work ethics. mudslimes pay 50k to "gold star families" for visas to make minimum wage at quickie marts and gas stations. I had crap jobs from 17 to 27 but I learned basic shit like dont play on your phone all day and show up on time.

You are 100% correct. But the party was pretty worth it.

Its worthless. If you know someone you can get a job. If you don't know anyone and aren't an autist try super try hard then you're gonna get cucked. Like me.

>Trump will bring some of those jobs back
I cheered for Trump and hate Hillary, but don't count on him bringin any jobs back. He will only have limited influence on the economy.