Were his war stories true?

Were his war stories true?

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Of course they were. Dale's stories however are bullshit. I'd like to think Cotton is what inspired Dale to lie so much

The episode has shown that those weren't.

They had an entire episode dedicated to him trying to deal with having flashbacks and a breakdown didn't they?

Some of them yes. Some no. You learn he was never in Germany and only fought in the pacific. So all the "Nazi's" he killed were bullshit stories. He did however get his shins blown off by a Japanese machine gunner.

Some were and some weren't.
Or at the very least some weren't.
There's no real way of knowing what was real and what wasn't since Cotton is mildly senile and mentally scarred, to the point even he doesn't know what he did and didn't do.
Then how'd he get Hitler's canoe?

I get the feeling they were based on truths, but exagerrated

It don't matter if he killed fifty nazis or fifty nippons

What matter is that he killed fifty men

No, that was the Nam vets. Buncha sissies!

Okay but he did have flashbacks right? I swear I remember him freaking out at Hank one time after picturing a dead soldier coming to get revenge.

Some of them - if you look at Cotton Hill's uniform in the few episodes where he wheres all of his medals (ex. Returning Japanese) you can see he received the Pacific Campaign Medal, the Purple Heart, the Silver Star, and the Medal of Honor, all of which suggest that, while his story has undoubtedly had parts exaggerated or omitted over the years, at least the core elements of his acts of courage and valor are true.

In Returning Japanese he hallucinates all the soldiers he killed, a disturbing experience which he claims is the motivation for visiting Japan (though it turns out his main motivation was looking up the woman he had an affair with during his hospital recovery)

That was in the one where he died. He saw the Mexican chopping shit at the hibachi place and it triggered his tojo vision.



>Then how'd he get Hitler's canoe?
"Well if i'm gonna buy it I wanna make sure it's really Hitlers canoe."
"Okay then, what colors does it come in?"


Not any of the ones involving Nazis.

The absolute truth is, he killed fiddy men.

In the episode where Peggy learns to walk again it turns out some weren't.

Yeah, the story about him climbing up the cliffs of Normandy with a fiddy pound ice cream maker on his back was fake, along with him fighting in Munich, and even some of his pacific shenanigans (like beating off a shark with a piece of fatty when we know fatty and his son are still alive) are likely embellished

Hes an old man, hes got no shins, let him live in the past he created for himself

>with a piece of fatty when we know fatty and his son are still alive

There was more than one Fatty

He probably didn't kill fiddy men. Probably not even a number that rounds up to fiddy.

>it turns out he didn't even kill ten

But did he kill fitty men?

Dale should have been Pyro

If anyone should be pyro it should be Hank since he blew up the Mega-Lo Mart

I like that part when he was all 'Dammit woman! You forgot Munich!' 'You were never in Munich' "I wasn't? Oh'

Who cares if they were true? He's allowed to lie, he killed fitty men!

my grandfather was like this, he refused to go to Benihana after"what those japs did" while he was a submariner in the pacific, his sub was the target of Tokyo rose at one point and narrowly missed getting hit

How the fuck the right of a Medal of Honor and Silver Star recipient to be buried in Harlington cemetery was ever in the questionable?

Never underestimate the ability of a bureaucracy to miss the fucking point.

>insane survivalist who throws shit at people
>not sniper

>Boomhauer, the guy we can't understand
>not as Pyro
Shit taste user

you mean peggy

I think it's more that he couldn't remember dates correctly. they wouldn't have all the shit they stole off the nazis without fighting in germany

there were like a dozen fatties, brooklyns, & stinkys

By being THAT much of an insufferable jackass. Which itself, is pretty impressive.

This was World War Two, Connie-girl. They was all Nazzies.

No, he was an asshole but his PTSD caused him to lie and embellish the stories. He probably did kill 50 men though, and he regrets it, sortof, he's an asshole.

>doesn't understand Boomhaur

I have had a problem understanding Boomhauer and I'm not even American

as true as the things in your history books.