Someone explain how trickle-down isn't a scam

Someone explain how trickle-down isn't a scam.
Inequality only went up after reagan and bush

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Inequality goes up, but overall everything goes up.

It all comes down to; would you rather have 1% of 1 trillion.


100% of 10 dollars.

The 99% have gotten richer just not as much richer. If the rich didn't get richer than neither would anyone else. And because interest rates are so shit there is no reason to horde money so all of those riches are re invested to create jobs anyway

Well, the people who actually get rich will stick around to get richer so you can slave away in their sweatshops. This is the republican option

It's slightly better than taxing the rich to death so nobody has any place to work. The is the democrat option.

The best way is that normal people are enabled to make their own sweatshops to work in but nobody seems to want this options.

This. Also "trickle down" isn't an actual theory that any economist has ever defended.


There's no such thing as trickle down, for starters you have to pay employees whether you make money on your business venture or not.

Trickle down is a scam. But no one believes in it, so the scam is that leftists have you believing that conservatives think it's a great idea.

those are the same numbers, idiot

In a true free market the widening of the gap would be impossible. The government is just funneling your taxes into the 1% pocket

Inequality still rises despite increases in productivity.
Is this a problem?
Supply-side economics then
I get that the economy grew under Reagan, but I just don't see how it benefits the middle-class
Basically I think we're fucked either way



>scam is that leftists have you believing that conservatives think it's a great idea
Reagan is the poster boy of the Republican party so I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Look at what happened to immigration in that time.

The government brought immigrants at a rate designed to keep the labor supply such that the price of labor was kept largely stable once you accounted for inflation.

Meanwhile walmart shares skyrocketed because they had millions of new customers, while each individual worker needed only to be paid at a rate comperable to the rates of the 1950's. Its a scam that has been repeated all across the western world.

Having the lefties tax and spend isn't going to redress this issue. That inequality will never go away until governments stop artificially suppressing the value of labor.



I wonder what happened to the currency when the lines started to diverge?

fucking greenbacks out of thin air would be better than debt to private banks out of thin air

hey faggot


instead of wages

today u learned


not an argument

>prove to me that [meme strawman created by leftist media] isn't shit!
>can't do it? ha, looks like i win another argument :^)



Not an argument

>wealthy people are richer than non-wealthy people.


I think the idea is that wealth has a multiplying effect. That is, business creates more business. I'm personally opposed to it and think wealth should be redistributed to the poor, but that's not going to get much love at the moment.

To all the people saying that trickle down economics doesn't exist. I believe the term is shorthand for the "Laffer curve" where the richest and the poorest get massive tax cuts and the middle class shoulder the burden of the taxes. I think the idea is that there are so few rich people it doesn't matter if they pay or not, because they are just an oppressed minority of humble billionaires.

Inequality isnt a problem and productivity is done mostly by technology not by humans and machines dont get wages.

What do you think is the actual co relation between the job performed by a machine and your compensation? It would obviously be stupid to pay more for a person that doesnt DO more. During Ford's line of production times people did much more and production was much less.

Now look at this and see what happens during Bill to Obama where all the people inside where either Neocons or outright lefties and see what happened with their regulations.

10000000000 is 1% of 1 trillion retarded fuck

it is a scam but increasing corporate taxes will also not work as they will just fire people to keep there huge salarys/bonuses so might as well do nothign right?

>chart doesn't compensate for full benefits
>chart doesn't use CPI and just uses GDP
>Chart does not compensate for IPD
>Chart does not compensate for trade from foreign inputs as well as Net GDP because companies now have computers that depreciate at different rates than factories.

Your chart is so fucking wrong. You blue pilled fuck.

The real reason why wages have stagnated is immigration and globalism. manufacturiNg left and all you really have left if you're uneducated is a job at walmart or some other service industry job.

Blaming the conservatives alone for this is folly, Clinton and Obama did Fuck all to help.

>10000000000 is 1% of 1 trillion retarded fuck
thats a funny way of spelling 10.00000

1% IS always 1x00

That's not even an argument.

you want better income equality and live in a quasai capitalist market driven economy?

move to Japan.

Trickle down isn't a thing. It was never implemented. We have had a solid 100 years of more government involvement in the economy and the FED and nothing good has come of it.

Inequality is a good thing. There is a reason why Trump and Gates make lots more money than Tyrone and Carlos.

learn more

fuck off cuck its not white peoples fault

that idea is all thats popular.

Yeah, you "white" fuckers and mexicans keep voting for people like trump who supports that shitty theory. You're fundamentally stupid poor niggers.

Except the evidence contradicts that statement.

"[T]he whole California gang had taken [the Laffer curve] literally (and primitively). The way they talked, they seemed to expect that once the supply-side tax cut was in effect, additional revenue would start to fall, manna-like, from the heavens. Since January, I had been explaining that there is no literal Laffer curve."[35] Stockman also said that "Laffer wasn't wrong, he just didn't go far enough" (in paying attention to government spending).[36]

Some have criticized elements of Reaganomics on the basis of equity. For example, economist John Kenneth Galbraith believed that the Reagan administration actively used the Laffer curve "to lower taxes on the affluent".[37] Some critics point out that tax revenues almost always rise every year, and during Reagan's two terms increases in tax revenue were more shallow than increases during presidencies where top marginal tax rates were higher.[38] Critics also point out that since the Reagan tax cuts, income has not significantly increased for the rest of the population. This assertion is supported by studies that show the income of the top 1% nearly doubling during the Reagan years, while income for other income levels increased only marginally; income actually decreased for the bottom quintile

'poor' people in 2016 have smartphones, free food banks + foodstams, housing(usually) and free medical care. Compare that with any other time in the history of poverty.

>people who know how to invest wisely know how to make money
>people who don't know how to invest wisely don't make money
What? I don't understand this. How is this possible?


The money is simply going outside of the country, or into hedge funds where people sit on it

Instead of "trickling down" to the American people

So, why do you think a billionaire, who has spent decades dealing with the financial crowd, has decided a large part of his political drive is to close off those leaks?

it is not a scam, but you shouldn't be poor and stupid consumerist whore in the same time.

>I'm personally opposed to it and think wealth should be redistributed to the poor
Of course you do, leaf.

you can't eat stamps, stupid


you're stupid and poor loser. your country is shit

Yes, im certain that is the case.

Which is why the most equal nations to ever exist in the world are currently the most successful right?

Such as, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela.

I am also sure China was a great power before they opened up to capitalism and started to become more unequal.

Go fuck yourself.

$50 china smartphones won't pay the 7000 per month rent in New York. Or any kind of mortgage. Muh goalposts.

>Free foodbanks+stamps
You're already removing those stamps, as for christfag soup kitchens, those are running out of money too. And someone did pay for that food.

Hahahhahahah. Sure a cardboard box is "free".

>free medical care.
Obamacare was never free. Before obamacare, not much better.

It's easier to think of labor as a resource
Too much labor = Low wages
Labor rare = High wages
Guess who are the main shills for mass immigration?
Also, the bunch of useful idiots who are immigrants & refugee welcome; then go to another thread to complain about unable to get a job

Check muh GDP and HDI, butthurt man.

the problem is unemployment goes up if wages go up, and supply goes higher than demand if too many are Producing.

"middle class" is a relatively set income level, it only can change with a larger economy. And a larger economy means the top earners are making alot more. This is inherently misleading to the public because even though the overall earning increase for the upper and middle class are relatively close, the distribution makes the individual gap seem wider.

Who me? I flew to Britbong to vote for Brexit, mate.

As for singapoor, most of the opposition want more migration, just not as much as li kuan (you) and the holy ghost.

We haven't had trickle-down in a while.

Obama's policies somehow made the rich richer and the poor poorer.

So it's hard for it to work when Obama keeps importing cheap labor and using them to drive down the value of wages

Hiding the stats behind "household income" won't change reality. Before the 70s most families live on just the father working. Now both parents work, usually multiple jobs.

To get a real sense of it.. look how many people aren't earning enough to actually pay taxes and get it all refunded. Something like 60-70% of the US is earning 25k a year or lower.

Here is the real problem.

trickle-down economics work when the government stays out of it.

the 1%ers don't want to hire American people because the government controlls how the person is hired and fired. if one thing is done that isn't "proper" according to the government they can fine the business.

because of this the 1%ers would rather employ overseas where the government is out of the picture.

That was when Nixon abolished the 'gold standard' and fiat currency was introduced.

Probably the best answer ITT

Fuck I wish

>let's limit the economy to the physical supply of a commodity!

>let's make it impossible to control inflation or deflation because people can just hoard their gold!

>Let's make trade between countries impossible since no one agrees on the exchange rate between gold and goods!

the gold standard is shit and an economist meme

Equality is a myth. You literally have to have a kindergarten tier understanding of the world if you think everything should just be "fair"

Globalism contributes to wage inequality more so than tax cuts, though tax cuts for really rich people doesn't exactly help

You keep using this word, but I don't think it means what you think it means.

You're retarded m8. Countries were doing away with the gold standard and trying to switch to paper money all the way back in the 1700s. Britain alone went on and off the gold standard several times.

You idiots refuse to learn history or even believe that known history is real and not some conspiracy or propaganda. People switched to floating currency because it's better.

really makes you think

Nobody asked for that in this thread, dumbass.

This is an OK explanation. It is weird how "trickle down" economics became so popular at a time when moving capital around the world was becoming easier and easier. I'm not saying that it was planned though.

Was Ronald Reagan a good president?

why has this 9gag tier meme resurfaced here?

>Lets give the control over our economy to the jews
No, fiat is.

Obama deported more illegal migrants then any recent prez. I like that nigga.

>jews control the economy!!!

>but they never controlled gold!


He was basically the GOP's Obama. So no he was awful.

Back then people were not fat due to overconsumption.

Back then not having the newest iphone wasnt considered poverty.

Back then people were happy by simply being allowed to be close to their family and were overjoyed when they could eventually have a big car.

Back then, we werent ruled by near socialists and even the Democratic party was more liberal than the conservatives are TODAY.

Back then people who 'coudnt pay taxes' didnt spend money on weed.

Back then most of the black families of america were actual functioning peaceful societies.

Back then there were no huge ammount of single mothers raising little shits to fight the system.

Back then working was more important than the class you acquire by achieving 'higher education'.

If you see that point as the start of the decline then you are right because thats exactly where this socialist equality shit started.

They are paid so little because they are doing jobs that are worthless and they try to obtain a standard of living that they cannot afford and they SHOUDNT be able to afford.

The biggest form of cuckoldry is to see working class and middle class people defending paying hire taxes themselves so that someone earning 10s of millions a year can pay a lower tax rate than them .

Yes goy few people owning the everything is the only way, never question that, but you still can dream of becoming one of them,.

>Muh gold

Overall gold prices have been dropping since stock market numbers have been recorded. In theory, that would just cause more regular financial collapses.

Also, what happened to the 15 hour work week they promised us?

>american education
Honestly i don't know why i even bother responding to ameritards.

I'll take the 1% thank you. I'd have more than the guy who has 10 dollars, and I'd still be able to invest it since I'd have 100% of 10 billion dollars.

Either your analogy was shit, or you don't understand what you're talking about.

>Britain alone went on and off the gold standard several times.
yes they just did this randomly not because they thought it was a good idea in certain situations

(((britain))) went on and off the gold standard therefore we should go off of it forever

The jews do not, nor ever have the "controlled the economy"

Gold back currency is dumb and every sane country left it a long time ago and for good reason.

Your logic is like saying "lets go back to leeches and trepanning because I don't trust modern doctors!"

>1% of 1 trillion is 10,000,000,000
>100% of 10 is 10
>Canadian education

That was exactly what i meant you retard.

Owning 1% of an unequal rich is much better than owning 100% of shit and eventually all equal societies go to shit.

I hug (((((jews))))). Problem, ahmad?

Trickle down is a leftist term used to smear Reagan policies.

That said, everything was fine until Clinton did shit like NAFTA and then made China favored trading status. Literally everything that has driven down growth, jobs, etc is because of those things.

Our current situation was created by Clinton. Not "trickle down economics". Clinton inherited a strong economy and a world of peace with the collapse of communism and he fucked it up and set us on this path of globalism and open borders.

Source: I'm an old fag born in 1979

>but overall everything goes up.
only when you measure wealth in iphones.

>The jews do not, nor ever have the "controlled the economy"


So is this supposed to convince us to vote demoshit? You realize there was a clinton and an obama during that retarded graph right? Leftists are fucking retarded.

The percentiles are misleading. Nobody wants to punch a millionaire(except me). We just want to earn money equal to my skills and education and not keep getting paid less and less, when inflation and cost of living keeps going up. Do you even realpolitik?

What do you measure wealth in if not actual purchasing power?

Happiness? The amount of grass left untouched? The amount of fur in the cows per capita?

>Living in New York City despite being poor as fuck

You deserve to be in poverty if you're that stupid senpai.


You are right. Wait 4 years and witness the butthurt.

>tip: China is still the future, no matter how much GOP impoverishes america

The federal reserve existed way before the NSDAP.

Now I know why the 90's were so fucking awsome!

>purchasing power?
Yeah, our purchasing power(in 1st world countries, not your nigger tier shit) have been decreasing for decades. Food, property and medicare have become more and more costly to us. Especially housing and medicare.