70 years old

>70 years old
Is anybody else worried that the donald might not even be able to make it to a second term?

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Madam president 2020

It'll be fine

Luckily "madam president" will be dead by 2020.

I'd give her 2 years. And that's being gracious

I dunno, Trump's heart might give out soon. I heard that he sleeps for only 4 hours a night and that he drinks gallons of Diet Coke every day,

Healthiest man to ever be elected president.

Think of how much presidents tend to age while in the white house. He will literally die while in office. Mark my words.

Crooked Hillary has been very ill for some time, there's even several leaks that say this, we don't know a full list of her health issues of course though.
The reason she looked so bad yesterday was because her CGI makeup team are no longer needed.

Every candidate was an old geezer this time round though desu which makes it even more stupid when normies sperged out when people brought up Crooked's obvious ill health, it's not hard to believe a 70 year old has medical issues.
It's more surprising that Don seems to have as much stamina as he does at his age.

He'll live long enough to abolish estate taxes. Then he'll be free to stroke out.

That will happen soon. He's addicted to junk food.

I wouldn't expect him to even want to run for a second term. The House and the Senate are both Republican dominated until at least the 2018 midterms. If there is anything he really wants to make happen, he'll make it happen pretty quickly before the dems have a chance to actually get their shit together and take some seats back in 2018. After that, it turns into the Obama presidency again, with basically no movement.

He's only 70. Man's still got 20 years left. Which is longer then most people who think 70 is old have been alive.

>mfw he didn't put the gravy in his cupholder


He will be reelected in 2020, and he will die 3 months after. Mike "Deus Volt" Pence will be the next POTUS

Screencap that

He is the most energetic 70 year old I've ever seen so no

I'd be okay with Pence. He really showed where his allegiance was when he fired Christy and gutted the transition team.

I heard he eats thunder and shits lightning. Also that he is 10ft tall.



No he could live to be 140 his middle aged

We can only hope
Look at this guy
>the last president of Soviet union
>still able to criticize happenings around politics

He even visited the 25th anniversary of the fall of Berlin wall