How redeemable would Dominator have been in S3?

How redeemable would Dominator have been in S3?

In the show, probably would have gotten to where Hater was mid season 1.
If any real world applications were applied, public execution would be the only redemption granted.

If Dominator existed in real life, then Earth would have probably ended up getting deleted before we even knew that we had a problem. She made all of her ultra-advanced equipment by herself.

She’d have to endure a lot of suffering.

with my beengis

It's WOY. The previous intergalactic destroyer is now a tree-hugging hippie. Character development in that universe doesn't have to make sense and consequences for past actions are temporary at best.

Could have been interesting to see her played as an actual tragic BPD who constantly sabotages herself and everyone around her even when she wants to change and needs others, but in all likeliness she was just going to be a sassy punk girl who begrudgingly discovers the value of friendship when she hits rock bottom but not at the cost of her rebellious marketability. e worked great as a foil for Hater's character, but I don't see anything good coming of her if they had gotten another season.

I want to have sex with Lord Dominator!

The universe is big, maybe there's a rouge law enforcer hiding deep in space with even more advanced tech

Depends on whether her crushing defeat makes Wander's attempts at getting through to her more or less effective.

Lord Hater-tier when he was in S1. Then she'd be hit with the bat of character development.

I think it'd be great if she's not redeemable at all. The show needed this real/brutal type of villain, to contrast with Hater's type of unserious villainy. I think turning her into another tree-hugger or Hater's gf or even a tsundere frienemy would be a mistake. Her character is immune to all this plot bs, she's okay with being a loner or hurting someone solely because she can.
The only way I see her tolerating others or communicating with them is if there's gonna be yet even bigger/worse enemy that she wouldn't be able to take down on her own, then if WOY team would aid her w/o damaging her ego in the process, she'd probably reconsider friends as a helpful resource (but since only while the goal is the same, so the chances are slim).

She would be gone for a while. Return eventually to kick ass, doubt about redemptoon and disappear for a while. The same as Queen Crysalys from MLP. But even sexier!!! Her existence would become a secondary plot. Who knows about her end.

God how much I wish this show will continue somehow. Third season, comics, reboot, a napkin with some Craig McCraken ininteligible words and doodles... I would buy the shit out of it.
In my dreams they make a reboot with a more mature style and a more badass scary look. Nothing wrong with the actual one desu.
For me, WOY is the 2010's equivalent of Courage the cowardly Dog from the 2000's. Something pure and untammed.

She'd have a tragic backstory at the very least I assume.

No redemption, she ruined the fandom and was a grating character from start to finish. I enjoyed the bigger thread/mild peril with happy characters thing but her specifically was on of the worst characters I've suffered through.

I want Dominator to destroy my penis

>Hater, after conquering the galaxy and finding that he's been burnt out on evil, finds Dominator in an abandoned mechanic's workshop on the outskirts of the galaxy, having grown incredibly bitter and resentful of everything
>Takes her prisoner, is just barely convinced not to kill her by Wander
>Dominator breaks out of the prison sector so much that Hater eventually just gives up on trying to contain her and installs a forcefield around the Skullship, making escape impossible unless he deactivates it
>Dominator, having absolutely nothing else to do and nobody to talk to, and Hater, having absolutely nothing else to do and nobody to talk to, start shooting the shit with each other
>They eventually become something vaguely resembling (dysfunctional) friends

This would lead into various situations where Hater either plays the straight man to Dominator and her near-complete lack of humanity or pals around with her to the general detriment of every sentient being in range.

Dominator never approaches anything resembling a good person, but eventually comes to find that she actually likes spending time with Hater and opens up to him more.

I wish for that too, but Craig went for a gamble and lost. Disney has all rights for WOY, so even 50mil$ kickstarter won't help Craig with making s3, because he has no rights whatsoever to the characters he created more than 10 years ago. And it's unlikely that Disney decides to pick WOY up again (even though it was their fault the tv show failed in the first place). If something doesn't brings Disney millions atop of millions straight away, it's safe to say it's gonna be axed.

>destroys galaxies
>lack of empathy
>has totally killed somebody
>thinks friends and slaves are the same thing
No redemption would be believable

Turn her into a NEET

I think she's already pretty much NEET. It's not like it was her job to roam the space and drill planets, lol.

Frank Angones said things where getting worse before they got better for dominator,so she was totally gonna go through a lot of suffering. Her commupance was probably coming in S3.
If i had to guess her redemption would be like Vegeta,where they lose everything and are surpassed by the heroes,so they resign to be “”good”” for a while

Gargling Wander's ball juice by the season finale.

>Dominator retreats to a shitty planet on the edge of the galaxy nobody ever goes near
>Tries to remake bots and/or armor without using Volcanium X
>Gradually loses her composure over the weeks as she has absolutely nobody to interact with, not even robots, and continually fails to replicate her earlier work

This. DomiNEET's tale actually doesn't sound far off from what Angones was talking about in .

omg, this is so pathetic, yet wonderful! chubby domi


Pixiv, actually.

I wonder how she's renting a house and getting food without tyranny or work

It'd be funnier if Dominator retained the same physical appearance, but gradually got more disheveled and tired-looking as time passed.

Also eliminates the fatbait desu



This. DomiNEET isn't a fatty, no matter what you chubby-chasers think.

She would have been made the new protagonist because it's Disney.

Also it's really lazy writing to just make a character fat to show that they're in a slump, it works much better if you just take their original appearance and deteriorate it to a noticeable degree.


>That picture




She wouldn’t be.She reveled in causing other people misery.She destroyed literally every single planet except one causing billions and billions of deaths.She deserves zero redemption.