Are you finally liking Venditti GL, Sup Forums?

Are you finally liking Venditti GL, Sup Forums?

at the start yes now I'm back to pre rebirth feelings
give it to someone else already and keep EVS away from it too while you're at it

I really liked the part in the earlier issues with Hal invading Sinestro’s planet and beating asses

It's good but the writing is poor and unsatisfactory. And I hate that in a book about space cops the only ones that matter are 4 humans.

I was but I just got to the point where I couldn't care anymore, the stories just got boring.

What happened now?

>Are you finally liking Venditti GL, Sup Forums?
Yeah, this Zod arc is pretty awesome. But Sup Forumsmblr doesn't read comics so don't expect much else other than a lot of bitching about nothing.

Hal n Pals is way better than his GL was, but it's still got pacing problems and there's zero character development

I still want Venditti to go

I dropped this after the first arc itself. Shit ton of filler and Venditti doesn't have any ideas at all. The GL franchise is in a bad place. It clearly needs someone with a vision.

Green Lanterns has been good, though Seeley's hasn't been as strong.

Book needs a new direction badly, Venditti needs to get off.

Humphries GL was just half added plots with the same banter every issue.

his valiant stuff was solid. im just glad his dc stuff is catching up and now outstripping that

Venditti's mediocre slop has been sullying GL for almost 80 issues now and I'll never stop being pressed about it.

Still mad about how badly he botched the Dark Soranik thing.

Yeah but it was FUN so that means it was the best thing since sliced bread

I fucked right off after Soranik's bitch fit.

Why did Venditti GL have to be one of the longest current comic runs? this isn't fair

pretty shitty writer

I actually liked Venditti at the beginning when his stories were mini events in itself, crossing over to other books. The big scale drew me in. now the bite sized stories seem like throwaway adventures

I liked his X-O Man O War and Book of Death but his Green Lantern really fluctuates in quality. It's at that point where he can make me excited for an issue depending on which route he goes and other times I just don't care at all.

Seems like that will be covered in #50. My bet is that Parralax will be taken care of and Kyle and Soranik will have their wedding.

I'm really liking it. All I want now is for him to bring back Parallax Hal, have an arc with him, and that's it. Can't ask for anything else.