Why global warming? What's in it for them?

Afternoon, Sup Forums

Ive been trying to redpill the only friend of mine that maintains the capacity to really ingest the information but Ive hit a brick wall with him when trying to convince him that global warming isn't man made and that the whole agenda and push for its funding is an absolute shithole.
Ive showed him the following video (youtube.com/watch?v=Gh-DNNIUjKU) to help him really comprehend how fabricated the data is and he is somewhat curious but refuses to believe that thousands of scientists have been effectively paid off to shill for the (((global warming cartel))).

One of his counterarguments was why global warming? What do they get from it? If theyre the ones behind most of the oil trade, why would they be funding their own opposition by trying to find oil free alternatives?

Im asking for any info you may have on global warming and who really benefits from it. Videos, infographics, and easy to digest bits of truth are appreciated. Ill be bumping with my own unrelated infographics as well.

Other urls found in this thread:


john delingpole is a good place to start for a not-too-technical source



michael crichton also

> " maintains the capacity to really ingest the information"
coming from the guy who doesn't understand the physics underpinning climate change science

> youtube
> source

it's an uphill battle trying to redpill people on this, since you're a layman arguing against scientific consensus

personally, I'm satisfied to look over the raw data and conclude that IF something is happening, it's barely happening and not worth getting all worked up over yet

the climate has barely changed

you must be new to the idea that its faked.

Look up Tony Heller and his website realclimatescience.com

Global climate change is real, thought it may not be anthropogenic.


It's all about control. If you can control pollutants, and you call CO2 a pollutant, then it gives you an opportunity to control anything that produces CO2 - in other words, literally every industry on Earth.

Who benefits? Al Gore for one. If his carbon credits scheme gets legal support, he'll make billions for doing jack squat. And there are others like him with their fingers in the Climate Change pie, just waiting to suck money from the teat of economic domination.


Since when does "redpilling" mean brainwashing?

Climate projections have mostly been shown to be true. Even if greenhouse gases are not entirely responsible for this trend, the average global temperature is increasing.

If you think an average increase of a few degrees is nothing to worry about, consider that this increase is an average, and some places will get much warmer than others. What's especially worrying is that places which occupy already agriculturally marginal lands will likely suffer greater crop failures. Plants germinate, grow, and mature at optimal temperature ranges.

Rice, for example, grows best around 30°C. If the temperature is too high during seed development, the spikelets (where the seeds are produced) can become sterile, reducing the overall yield. Spikelet sterility increases greatly beyond 35°C, especially in high humidity. We're talking 10-15% declines in yield per degree.

Wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, etc. all have optimal temperature ranges for growth. Wheat has an even lower heat tolerance than rice.

>Sup Forums still doesn't believe in climate change

Jesus fuck

Dont get me wrong, by op might've looked like I was denying climate change overall, im just denying the 'man-made' aspect of it.

Its man made m8

The earth doesn't go up 1 degree Celsius average on its own


thanks for attempting to correct the record.

Mandatory viewing


Political donors get huge government funded contacts for expensive climate studies. Then they just fake the evidence and pocket the change.
Green energy regulatory companies form and make huge money. You can't build a house nowadays without an expensive energystar evaluation

Basically, more government money for certain (((people))) who get contacts by donating to politicians

it'll take about 930 years to increase by 6 degrees, at the current rate of 0.85 degrees per 132 years

>at the current rate of 0.85 degrees per 132 years

You forget that the rate is actually increasing.

only if you cherrypick data

you can use the same method to "prove" that the world is actually cooling down

>only if you cherrypick data

The average you posted is from the data which shows the temperature is increasing at a higher rate.

If the rate hadn't increased over the past few decades, then the "current rate of 0.85 degrees per 132 years" you stated would actually be lower.

>past few decades
that's the same method people use to "prove" that the average temperature is actually getting lower

it makes more sense to use all of the available data, not just the pieces that support your narrative

and that's why people think that climate scientists are scumbags. They've been caught red-handed omitting data that they don't like

The average temperatures are rising, and CO2 levels are rising too, and there are links between raising CO2 levels and damage to environment, like rising water levels, the acidification of oceans, etc. There is consensus among climate scientists on this. I believe the link between increased levels of CO2 and a raise in temperature has been firmly established as well.

It's not clear what effects this will have in the long term, though, but I think most would agree it's somewhat alarming; or at the very least it's something we should study and be concerned about. There's also some questioning whether the raise in CO2 levels are due to human activity, but I think most scientists believe that to be true.

Climate scientists has shown a pattern of grossly over-estimating the effects of climate change, though, and under-estimating the capacity of planets ability to cope with it, sometimes to the point of being rediculous (we're not living in an ice age as far as I know), yet everytime they come up with something new they expect everyone to regard it as absolute truth. Or maybe not them, but the UN and those other globalist fucktards who makes it their business telling people what to think and do.

I personally wish people could just put politics aside and we could just study this and be intelligent about it, but we're way past that...