Caleb and Sophia

What does Sup Forums think about it?

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I think you know exactly how we feel about it and are just fishing for incest porn.

What do JWs have against my boy Sparlock?

Jehovah's Witnesses are fucking scumbags

you know, for a bunch of religious nuts the animation isn't half bad.

>tfw the mom/daughter pic isn't on paheal

why? just asking, I know some of them and they're nice people

Something about cutting people out of their lives and burning bridges.

I like the animation since they don't have a big studio but the quality isn't bad. About the content, it's for kids so okay I think.


What's wrong whit that?

Sparlock did nothing wrong.

>I think you know exactly how we feel about it and are just fishing for incest porn

They've killed a lot of kids because of their retarded policy on no blood transfusions.

and the polio vaccine killed 70 millions of people with AIDS cause they used monkey blood hehehe Africa and its suffering. But seriously many Jews died in WWII cause they didn't abandon their Jewish identity and beliefs so it isn't different.

The difference being that those kids didn't have a choice.

Nah, many Jews died cause they were stubborn about their roots. Gypsies would be a better example, honestly impressed by how stubborn they were.

the vaccine was created with kidneys and blood but nowadays the vaccines don't have blood or organs anymore.

Dated a Jehovah's Witness, can confirm. It's like this switch they just flip. And they always find a way to convince themselves that they 'real the victims despite all the shit-talking they do. Super weird.

This for one . It's not about just "cutting people out of their lives", the choice isn't entirely theirs. People are forced, under threat of hellfire, to end perfectly healthy relationships. Families are torn apart because the church deemed someone to be "problematic".
There's also this and the fact that they're hiding a bunch of pedophiles from the government.

You honestly believe the Jews were killed for their religious views alone and not their hereditary?

It's a cult. Seriously it's a cult.

>eople are forced, under threat of hellfire, to end perfectly healthy relationships

They don't believe in Hellfire.

They believe there will be an armageddon and that if they don't end relationships with their family because the elders say so that they'll live through it and be denied entry to heaven.

My friend is a french Jehovah's Witness, I can confirm there's nothing wrong with them. I knew some others from several countries because of the place where I was living: 4 from USA, 2 from UK and 1 italian woman.

I can't imagine what was your problem with her.

You don't know a lot about their beliefs, they don't believe in hellfire at all, people aren't forced or something like that, they decide what kind of relationship they want and that's their business.

>Families are torn apart because the church deemed somebody to be "problematic"

nope, they kick you out if you do something wrong like cheating your wife and you don't repent cause well, cause it was written like that in the bible. My friend explained it easily it's like when you're annoyed at somebody because they did an evil thing, that I can understand, once my uncle stole from my grandma and I stopped talking to him for a long time.

>and the fact that they're hiding a bunch of pedophiles from the government.

people think that because the Catholics church does it everybody has to do the same. But I can confirm they won't hide a pedo, I have never met people more decent

Give me a link to it then

Sincerely they aren't a cult. They don't even have rituals, symbols or anything like that, they just the bible...a lot. They don't live in some strange camp but among normal people.

You guys should watch Telltale videos about Jehovah's Witnesses.

It is a cult. Normal religions don’t have shunning or make you not talk to people outside of the religion. Have people spy on you and tell the elders you might be doing “bad” things. It’s a cult trust me. I’ve done search on cults and it fits all the cult points.

Man, who told you that? cause it is not like that. They don't believe in a heaven for dead people neither. I don't understand what are you talking about when you say "end relationships" with their family.

And the so called "elders" are just guys without any real power, organizers, they can kick you out like a judge if you did something bad like adultery and you insist in that conduct but they don't have any special right or authority, Jehovah's Witnesses don't have a clergy

Wrong, only the 144,000 are going to be granted access to heaven. People in the "truth" that survive Armageddon and those dead who were in God's good graces are given access of Everlasting Life in the world that will be MAGICALLY REBORN as Paradise.

t. indocrinated into being JW by a super zealous Mother for 18 years to the point where she went insane

I mention "super zealous" because if it involved anything outside the "truth" I wasn't allowed to do it. After-school activities? Nope, got to study the Watchtower or some other fucking publication. Friends outside the congregation? Can't have friends that don't go to the Kingdom Hall because they're not in the "truth". (Didn't have friends inside the Kingdom Hall because my Mom was crazy and no one wanted to be involved with her)

I could tell you stories about how fucked my childhood was simply due to my Mom being a complete retard and forced me to become a fucking golden child in the congregation just to make herself look good. Talks, Bible Studies, D2D Services, etc I did all that shit until she suddenly lost her mind more and ran out.

your idea of "cult" isn't an accurate definition LOL anyway they can talk to whoever they want, I mean my friend was one but if you're still underage probably your parents could be annoyed if your friends are guys who drink too much or stuff like that, bad companies.

>Normal religions don’t have shunning or make you not talk to people outside of the religion.
You're an idiot. Look at any fucking Ultra Orthodox religion and you have all that shit and more.

mate I don't know about your personal problems, cause those are personal problems but I can confirm they are good people, the best people you can get in this planet, they're so good people that you can't even believe them in the beginning but years pass and then you realize they're an authentic thing.

>People in the "truth" that survive Armageddon and those dead who were in God's good graces are given access of Everlasting Life in the world that will be MAGICALLY REBORN as Paradise.

The funny thing is that it was written in the bible, that was what people ask for in the model pray Jesus taught, strange, but it is what was written.

Didn’t a lady just kill her self and her family cause she was shunned ?

They don't just coerce people to break ties with people for adultery or large crimes. If you have family who aren't witnesses' you can't be in contact with them. That's why my mom, thankfully, left. And if they aren't sheltering pedos, then why are they being fined by the government?


>t. indocrinated into being JW by a super zealous Mother for 18 years to the point where she went insane

if your story is true and your mom went insane, still it didn't have anything to do with her religion, she was ill and that can happen in any religion, to anybody, something to be afraid really.

>They don't just coerce people to break ties with people for adultery or large crimes. If you have family who aren't witnesses' you can't be in contact with them

Now, I'm absolutely sure that's not true, I can confirm that.

>then why are they being fined by the government?

what government? source? cause USA don't have any problem with them.

What a crazy woman! if the story is true, she could have left her "sin" instead of kill herself, if you are sleeping around with married men just say sorry and I won't do it again and that's is it. But I doubt it's true since she killed her family and Jehovah's Witnesses don't even fight in wars, nope I don't believe it, maybe if she was really crazy, literally.

So many JW shills in this thread

is Sup Forums the hot new place for cult recruitment or what

>used to work at family party center (think chuck e cheese but a local business rather than a chain)
>Family of jehohvas witnesses come in
>JH dad:"Um do you guys like serve pizzas, ice cream that kind of thing?"
>Me:"Yeah we do"
>JH dad:" and you can reserve the whole place right?"
>Me:" well you can reserve the party room for birthday parties and the kids can use the play room afterwards, is that what you would like to do?"
>Jw Dad:"oh no we don't celebrate birthdays"
>JW dad:" but can you make us a pizza/cake and kick everyone else out?"
>Me:" well you need to make a reservation for a birthday party in advance and even then we don't kick out other customers..."
>Me:" we don't have cakes in stock this is why you have to make reservations in advance".
>Whole family then storms out.

It’s true and she wasn’t sleeping around with men she just wanted to send her kids to college.
>Stuart’s friend, Joyce Taylor, said the couple left the Jehovah’s Witnesses, in part, because they wanted to send their kids to college — a move that is frowned upon by the religion.

You can confirm that? You know the policies of every JW church around the world and the actions of all the elders and can confirm that no one has ever been told or pressured to break ties with family?
Here's just one article about fines they've paid for sheltering pedos. If you want more just Google Jehovah's Witness pedophilia you'll find a shit load.


That Super missed up.

>Normal religions don’t have shunning or make you not talk to people outside of the religion

But they literally all do. Even Buddhism. Religions involve following specific creeds, and that includes shunning those with contradictory/incompatible cultures and beliefs.

hyper-religious thought is a stable of psychosis, and it can be focused on any religious belief, although IMHO some religions lend themselves to it more than others

*a staple of psychosis
a calling card, a hallmark, etc.

>she just wanted to send her kids to college.

Now I know the article is wrong cause they can't kick you out because of that. It's a fact they can't. I know several of them who graduated from college.

but false too.

This is my experience with members, what I know for sure. I won't tell rumors or something just what I know.

>“They were shunned every way possible. If Lauren went to the grocery store, they didn’t look her in the eye,” Taylor told the newspaper. “When you are raised a Jehovah’s Witness, they choose your friends. They choose who you associate with. And if you go against that, they will dis-fellowship you, or shun you.”
Why the ever loving fuck do we take such a piss on the Catholics and the like when you have this kind of shit move stuff that hardly even gets noticed?

Makes me think of this dump post that pointed out how the kids that would freak out over McDs meme sauce are the same kind of people that would get rope up in cults back in the day.

Short answer is they are a small number with less influence than most. There are snake handling churches and cults but we don't really think of them in a day to day way because they are likely a smaller number than homosexuals or even disabled

But it really did happen. Here's videos about it.

what do we know about the person involved really? she could be a sick person, was she really a Jehovah's Witness in first place? cause the website "" doesn't belong to that religion lol they have other url.

The thing can't be entirely true cause they can't do anything if you want to send your kids to college. It is not against the rules, I'm sure.

>It is not against the rules, I'm sure.
It is against the rules in JW.
>Stuart’s friend, Joyce Taylor, said the couple left the Jehovah’s Witnesses, in part, because they wanted to send their kids to college — a move that is frowned upon by the religion.

>You know the policies of every JW church around the world and the actions of all the elders and can confirm that no one has ever been told or pressured to break ties with family

Yeah, I can. All the churches have the same policy, the exact same policy it doesn't matter the country, the same rules in France, Costa Rica, USA or UK.

If you have a problem with the "elders" you can bypass the chain of command and demand mediation the one kicked out could be the elder

>It is against the rules in JW.

I know it is not against their rules, like absolutely sure. For example the people working on their buildings are Jehovah's Witnesses as well and they are engineers

>this entire image
holy shit, I've been seeing some of this but I didn't draw the conclusions
I think this guy might be on to something
and yes this is sort of a conspiracy theory, ironically enough, except it's not alleging a conspiracy so much as an accident
I mean Google doesn't even know specifically how a lot of their algorithms work, and I'm sure there are other cases of that
I'm not sure about the tie between narrative and marketing actually being made by computers without any human help, but if it is, fuck me, we could have some problems

>Here's just one article about fines they've paid for sheltering pedos. If you want more just Google Jehovah's Witness pedophilia you'll find a shit load.

And I can find a shit load about Aliens and Elvis. They don't help pedos.

Yeah, but only in the same way Christianity is a cult off of Abrahamic religion.

Honestly, the only person in the wrong here is the woman who murdered her family.
I mean, if you were in a community of people who are super into new age homosexual stuff, and told them you wanted to do something they didn't like and they stopped being friends with you, you don't go and kill your family over it.

I feel like there's more to the story that we are just never going to get.

Every time I see certain people I know who I hate for their lifestyles, I remember this image and figure in different times I'd still be butthurt.

Look for shit, ya find shit. Same goes for literally anything and anybody else. Except for Mr. Rogers.

I read something about hate(don't remember where).
Hate comes first. Justification is found later.