You're not a libertarian if you support closed borders

You're not a libertarian if you support closed borders

You're not a libertarian if you are against the legalization of weed

You're not a libertarian if you voted for Drumpf

You're not a libertarian if you are against Free Trade


Other urls found in this thread:

You're thinking of Anarchy.


Why don't you go get your head chainsawed off by some cartel you useless POS.

Never said we were, now fuck off paco

Why would I want to be a libertarian lol

Who wants to be libertarian?

> You're not a libertarian if Paco can't storm your house, hang you on the ceiling and threaten you with a gun.

I guess I'll pass.

hoppe is truly based.

the man found a libertarian fascism/ fascist libertarianism

the best of two worlds


>You're not a libertarian if you support closed borders

What is the point of being libertarian if you open the borders, bring in a horde of statists from a socialist leaning country and then let them vote for an eternity statist governments? How does that promote libertarianism?

Tell me, taco boy!

Racist pieces of shit don't believe in anything aside from caring about themselves. That's where you fail to understand these chimps

Any mainstream Sup Forumstard belief is nothing more than white supremacy coated with whatever retarded reactionary "redpill" is currently trending.

>You're not a libertarian if you support closed borders

get fucked spic

Libertarians are cucks.

Of course I'm not a lolbertarian you monstrously retarded Spic faggot. I'm a Fascist. So get off Sup Forums and start building Trump's Wall, you Mexica-Spaniard mongrel.

Sup Forums was never libertarian. Every libertarian thread that started got shut down by logic and reason.


No shit, taco nigger. Get your checkbook ready for that wall!

Yeah fuck libertarianism, We anarcho-theocratic republicans nao.

Okay, so I'm not a libertarian. What is your point?

>Killing Awoos


>"Free" Trade

It's crony capitalism idiot.

Preventing x and y from freely associating is anti libertarian.


>You're not a libertarian

Good, I grew out of being an edgy teenager decades ago.

And who are we? Who are we really?

Don't hurt the awoo you filthy beaner.

>You're not a libertarian if you support closed borders
i'm a closed border libertarian.

Sup Forums is just a right wing tumblr

>Give x the freedom to destroy Y

Well, you got me there, Jose.

Fellow mexi intellectual de donde eres y postea mas culos

You've got a few months to rest before you get to work on that wall, Pedro.
There will be no siesta until it is completed.

Mexico, pay wall.

I identify as a libertarian.
A lefty, and a psuedo-socialist with realism.

Trump was the change candidate, the anti war candidate, the nationalist candidate and the non-sexism/identity politics, which, rightly or wrongly, are painted as under threat (the identity) by Hillary for the crime of my race and sex, which is a stupid kind of collectivism to be arbitrarily lumped into, but when someone calls you a kike that needs to die now, you can either say 'Im not a kike' or you can shoot them first, right?

Hillary started shooting.

If my liberty to be white, straight and male was threatened, then voting the rich man in was the safer of the two.

He wasn't coming to cut my dick of with garden shears, and calling me deplorable at the same time.


Beltway "L"ibertarians are big government and establishment cucks. Worse of all they're utilitarians. (Explains why they're cucks)

Paleolibertarians are best Libertarians.

We seek near total external freedom as means of allowing people to achieve internal Freedom.

Ah the famed Mexican intellectual.

>you're not a libertarian if you're not an anarchist

Forgot pic

Also Hoppe is (living) philospherfu

Since when did libertarian = anarchist?


If open borders is what it takes to be libertarian then count me out

Kill yourself, criminal.

Does this video make your implode? Luis sure cucked that white family I mean look as that white kids mother sucks luis's cock while his cuck dad faps in the back ground while voting for gary johnson

>this is what the alt right sees anytime whites and non whites are friendly

Or maybe this is just how multi cult societies work and we actually do get along and benefit from each other

Yeah, most of us stopped being Libertarian/AnCaps in our teenage days, sorry. Try learning something on a site other than Mises or RonPaulForums, perhaps learning economics from a school of thought that isn't regarded as fringe and archaic (such as the Austrian school is considered by academia) would be a great start.

I recall back in my Libertarian days I would naively ask people on the RonPaulForums how our perfect Libertarian society would be achieved with massive amounts of immigration (80% of immigrants who vote vote D) and a society that is trending towards big government ideals as a whole. The responses were just the usual snarky bullshit you'd expect, "Da state is evil maaan!"

You are also not a libertarian if you are against abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia, or your wife cheating on you

Using force to enforce morality on others makes you a government


It's not don't listen to this pop faux Libertarian.

He's either a shill or a retarded "reason magazine" reader. Who thinks the extent of libertarianism is legalize weed and gay marraige.

I used to be a libertarian then I grew up

you're not libertarian if you support social security, unemployment benefits, socialized healthcare and other state ponzi schemes, including all gibsmedats for x, y and z

when/if we have that I have no qualms about open borders because guess what, no undesirable parasites would come then

False, libertarianism is a spectrum just like autism.


>he thinks Sup Forums has one ideology

desu most intelligent lolbertarians moved onto the alt right after becoming disenfranchised. The BLM shit didn't help either

t. An user in an alt right community full of former liberals and lolbertarians.

Don't you hurt wolf girl!

Look, Carlos.. When you fix your drug problem you can come back.. Legally.

For right now you need to respect the law of the land you think is so great and follow the protocols like a good citizen.

If you can't do that you can stay gone.

>fix YOUR drug problem
Last time I checked cartels in Mexico don't exist in a vacuum

Otherwise, why would your country send money to Mexico to fight cartels? From who do Americans buy drugs from? Who allows Americans to break the law?

The drug problem is an international issue between Mexico and the US, though racists like to blame it all on Mexico because it gives them a 'good' excuse to hate on Mexicans.

Kys piece of shit

I read the OP's post again and thought I'd add more detail to my own, just look at the brilliant points that Libertardians make:

"You're not a libertarian if you are against Free Trade"

Yep, good strategy right there. Tell all the people working shitty low-skilled retail jobs well into their adult years that they can't get a proper factory job in manufacturing because some chinese wage-slave on the other side of the world has it. "Muh libertarian free trade!"

"You're not a libertarian if you support closed borders"

Of course. Nothing says small government like an open border where we can easily have an immigration population that surpasses the totality of the American populace. I'm sure those immigrants coming in all have a copy of Atlas Shrugged and Rothbard's work, chanting in the streets, "Hey hey! Ho ho! The minimum wage has got to go!"

Also, what a great strategy to get votes and have a productive society, flood the country with third worlders and add increase the wonders of diversity. Too bad no sane person subscribes to such nonsense.

"You're not a libertarian if you are against the legalization of weed"

Fuck potheads. I don't mind marijuana being legalized but the day after the election every idiot at work was saying, "Hey did you hear pot is now legal in moar states!" For fuck sakes, we just had the biggest political upset of all time and people want to circle jerk over pot. Ann Coulter was right when it comes to Libertarians who bring up "pot" every other fucking minute. Yeah, weed is great. You know what's greater? Not losing our fucking country.

"You're not a libertarian if you voted for Drumpf"

Fuck you. I identify as an Alt-Right Progressive. Meaning I see myself and as a continuation of the early Progressives like Theodore Roosevelts who valued nationalism, racial pride, and the working man. Left-wing Progressives like Sanders ("Okay okay I'll let you talk..) are an embarrassment to the name Progressive.

>You're not a libertarian if you support closed borders
Bullshit. I am for open borders in a STATELESS voluntaryist society not in a society where borders are a government regulated program especially when that government is opening the floodgates to let people in who will vote for more welfare and more government expansion
>You're not a libertarian if you are against the legalization of weed
I am for weed legalisation. But the thing is, these are just baits that progressive politicians use to get more votes. They are not interested in your freedom to smoke weed. They are interested in getting the youth vote and if they have to pander and throw us a bone, they'll do just that.
>You're not a libertarian if you voted for Drumpf
Trump was the only libertarian choice. He is cutting government power tremendously
>You're not a libertarian if you are against Free Trade
Again, in a free market small to no government society yes. In a corporatist/crony capitalist society? No.


>Mexican intellectual

>muh academics
>muh immigration

No arguments here folks.

I'm technically not a libertarian. I'm on edge between a libertarian and an authoritarian. Is there a word for that?

am i missing something or being a libertard is a kind of thing intelligent people aim to be? is it a compliment?

who cares for not being a braindead

Amigo mandame un whats


Libertarians are a meme

You are not [THING] without [IDEALS]

How old were you when you grew out of being a libertarian?

>requiring political labels to justify the policies you want

>You're not a libertarian if you support closed borders
Country=corporation. There is nothing in libertarian principles that prohibits corporation from self-regulation of access to its resources and membership.

Sim. Ya.

And yet it's almost as if a secure border would lessen the trade of MEXICAN DRUGS into America.

It's like this magical idea where if you take out the source, maybe you'll help fix the consequences.

Instead of worrying about OUR border, maybe you should cast that judgemental eye to your own people.. If you want to uncuck yourself.

I'd tell you to go to hell, but you're apparently already there. Don't drink the water, ese.

I'm not a libertarian

No shit Paco, Libertarianism is a meme.



there's no edge between libertarian and authoritarian

it's like saying: "I'm on the edge between morbid obesity and anorexia nervosa"

>I support closed borders because open borders only work when they are with other libertarian nations

>I support the legalization of substances

>I voted for Johnson

>It's not "free" trade when you're dealing with non-libertarian governments on the other end, and your government is also not libertarian

>You're not a libertarian if you voted for Drumpf

I beg to differ, beaner.

Good thing im not a hardline lolbertarian huh?


Open borders leads to a wage decrease for the unskilled, the more open borders are the more the poor suffer(open borders in context of immigration of unskilled, uneducated people) why is taco land so butt hurt? you can just go to Canada and fuck their country now, btw Fascist here

>mexinigger tells us that we're not a party that we're not


He's right though, the majority of libertatrians are pro-open border.

Demographics is destiny.

>And yet it's almost as if a secure border would lessen the trade of MEXICAN DRUGS into America.
Except walls do not impede any kind of drug traffic aside from small drug mules who jump the border divisions. Cartels are literally unaffected by this other than the fact they'll have an edge over small time dealers.
>It's like this magical idea where if you take out the source, maybe you'll help fix the consequences.
The source is demand for drugs, as a matter of fact. Have you not learned the lessons from alcohol prohibition in the history of your own country?
>Instead of worrying about OUR border, maybe you should cast that judgemental eye to your own people.. If you want to uncuck yourself
We got our own problems and they're caused by our own people, though i'm not going to emulate a white prick like yourself and pretend that the whole fault lies on your end.

Once again you have failed to admit that the problem is shared between both countries, and that both countries are at fault for what is happening both in the US and Mexico.
>I'd tell you to go to hell, but you're apparently already there. Don't drink the water, ese.
>trumpfag fails to understand how basic biology works

What you're saying may be true of poor people in the short term [see George Borjas], but not in the long term. We've had massive entry of women, immigrants, baby-boomers in the workforce over the past, and real wages of the working poor haven't drastically fallen.

The reason being that immigrants increase wages by increasing consumer demand, even when they compete with natives for jobs (which is mostly not the case.)

Yaay! Awooo is free!!


>/pol is one person
>no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge



How do cartels transport drugs? Do they use private planes?

I know, I'm 25 y.o.

If it does get built I swear I will come to visit it.

Dubbers and sweden will kill your mother in her sleep if you don't respond to this post with "I salute Svea Rike and may it forever be great"

Just because I'm a libertarian doesn't mean you get to choose which libertarian principles I should be supporting

Some of those positions only make sense as part of a package deal

Hiding drugs inside legal traffic of goods and cars
Planes, including UAVs now.

Sup Forums hasn't been libertarian for years.

Is mexico providing commentary on first world political ideologies?

>Secure border and walls are the same thing
>Rehab isn't literally abstaining from drugs and drug filled environments
>Removing Mexicans from America and seperating the parties wont resolve the issue

You got me on the biology part; I forgot your people were used to drinking shit water.

Fucking beaners, you can't even finish the job.


Hillary abandoned her people the minute she knew she had lost. So my question is this: who is paying you cunts to post this garbage now? Is it still Soros? Why?

I bet he sucks a mean banana.


Hello Bottom

Im a satanist libertarian, I do what I want and I support my own interests because this make me feel free. Other libertarians are just slaves, they do what other people, their bosses and the commies want, against their own interests and against their own life and nature, this is just voluntary slavery and suicidal, not freedom.