Characters who did nothing wrong

Characters who did nothing wrong.

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>Has a turd-wig
>Did nothing wrong

He's also a good Christian.

Looking like that is definitely wrong. Looks like Rainbow Dash shit on her head.

Blooregard Q Kazoo
Angelica Pickles
Eustace Bagge
Eddy from Ed Edd n' Eddy
Tom the Cat
Sylvester the cat
Wile E. Coyote
Everyone who has ever disagreed with Bugs Bunny
Squidward Tentacles


It's definitely hard to not agree with her after the corruption bomb , putting her in bubble was unfair .

>did nothing wrong
pick one faggot OP

this commie was crazy yo

Interestingly enough, many anarchists are huge fans of Bismuth.

>nothing wrong
Pick one and only one, you filthy pinko.

Rebecca Sugar’s ideology is fucking garbage.

rose put her in the bubble because she tried to kill her. same happened with steven

the only thing that bothers me about those episodes is that I find really hard to believe the fact the crystal gems never ever had to shatter a gem

But it’s okay to leave Lapis and Peridot (white coded characters) up and about?

Peridot is too weak to be a threat and Lapis is too powerful to be contained

steven is retarded, but rose had a solid motive. it was wrong to not tell the others what happened tho


>is a violent unreliable backstabbing traitor who attempted to murder her commanding officer and friend for forbidding her from excercising pointless cruelty, got a second change, pretended to be reliable and then tried to murder her commander again for the same damn thing
>did nothing wrong

If you turn on your teammates during warand try to murder your superiors because you don't like being told no, you deserve much worse than what Bismuth did. Bubbling her is way too lenient.

Nah, if anything the corruption point proves that she was an idiot and just wanted to execute homeworld gems brutally to work out her grudges. Using breaking point wouldn't have changed anything, except maybe gotten the Diamonds to nuke Earth faster, but it would have completely destroyed the morals the CG supposedly had.

*smacks lips*

>Rebecca Sugar is fucking garbage

Lapis and Peridot were openly antagonistic while trying to kill Steven, became allies later, and haven't tried to kill him since. Bismuth was supposedly on their side, a CRYSTAL GEMM YEAHH, and then lured Steven somewhere alone to pressure him into agreeing with her plans and immediately tried to kill him when he disagreed.

There's a difference when a member of an opposing faction tries to kill you because them's the orders but later is brought to see your point and become an ally, and when someone pretending to be a reliable member of your team turns out to be a traitor and a danger.

Kill traitors before enemies, isn't that the saying?

>make a weapon that could shatter anything, even Diamonds
>the target has to stand still for it to work
So did Bismuth expect the Diamonds and their bodyguards to stay still or...?

>a privileged white bitch trying to preach “let’s all get along” in an era where people need to stand and fight
Yeah, she honestly is garbage. I don’t understand how she has fans.

Is she voiced by Whoopi Goldberg? She looks like a character who'd be voiced by Whoopi Goldberg

Odd way to spell "everything".

Probably was supposed to be a two step process. Poof the Gems, then use the nasty Gem smasher thingy on them.

Yeah, apparently. Also
>i-it was totally designed to fight the diamonds, not ordinary grunt HW gems like we all were before we were given the choice to join the CG
>i-it would totally have only been used against the diamonds

>all the targets are small and normal gem- sized, not even as big as Jasper let alone a Diamond

My guess is Bismuth just wanted to execute some prisoners of war or wounded HW troops or whatever to work out her anger issues. "designed to attack the Diamonds" my ASS.

Lapis was imprisoned but conscious for five thousand years. Lay off her.

There literally was no other solution for Bismuth. At least this way, she can eventually be brought out in a world she can live in without shattering anyone.

And why do they need to stand and fight?
Because nobody seems to want to get along.

Honestly, sometimes I wonder whether humanity should survive.

She's voiced by this lady, whom I shall someday marry. As you can see, she is quite distinct from the Whoopster.

It's gonna be a harem-type deal.

But she wouldn't need the crusher for that. She could shatter a gem with her bare hands, I bet.

She did nothing at all really

Why are Bismuth fans so autistic?
Yes, even compared to Pearlfags and Perifags, Bismuth fans are somehow even more insufferable.

>makes a shitty weapon only effective for executions in a war where it's trivially easy to take prisoners
>attacks commander of already tenuous rebellion
>does the same thing again once she's let loose years later
Those are pretty big ones



I love Navy. She's awesome.

And no, she did nothing wrong. Brave little ruby! I hope the Diamonds gave her a little Pearl in recognition of her actions.

Isn’t always down to that?

“Pacifism only ever works if the other side is willing to listen.”
-Jules Bonnot

I know. If there are two people and one wants to fight and the other doesn't, they're gonna fight.

Some where there is a huge prison camp. Filled with the loyalist gems, that the rebels defeated and bubbled. Where they sit for all eternity. Unaware of their surroundings or the passage of time.

Which is why Bismuth was in the right and Steven (and Rebecca Sugar/Toby Fox) are garbage people.
Violence is the only answer.

>"I hope the Diamonds gave her a little Pearl in recognition of her actions."
>Implying that living shields like Rubies ever get Pearls.

The Crystal Gems used violence, user. Just not lethal violence. They didn't need to, since they could POOF AND BUBBLE their opponents, and that would take them out of the fight as effectively - arguably more so - than shattering them would have. Sun Tzu said you always have to give your enemy an escape route or the opportunity to surrender and definitely not make him fight himself to death.

The only garbage person I see here is you.

Well, Eyeball fostered hopes.

>Navy gets a little runt Pearl, too small and 'deformed' for the fancy high-born gems
>She becomes the team mascot

I should draw this.

I should definitely draw this.

Eyeball was pretty convinced she'd get one for killing Steven.

She's not a commie, she just wants to kill her enemies (we can all relate to that)

Jules Bonnon>Sun Tzu

This still raises the question of why Rose shattered Pink Diamond. I know Rebecca Sugar and Toby Fox are moralfags who think everything can be fixed by singing kumbaya and kissing each other's asses but that's wrong in real war. Should we go around shattering every single Gem we see? Hell no. We should shatter the Diamonds sure and maybe the few irredeemable gems when we see them (but Sugar a hack and will have everyone heel turn). Considering their size and power I doubt you could just bubble a Diamond and the entire reason Homeworld a shit and Earth's a shit is because they exist and have influence. Also once bubbled you might as well be dead anyway. You're trapped for all eternity and cannot think, perceive, or live an any meaningful way. It's not "physical killing" but you're putting them into a brain-dead coma until you unbubble them. The gems don't try to reform anybody they bubble, Steven just lucks out and converts Lapis/Peridot because of dumb stuff. They're locked away and forgotten otherwise.
>Muh Sun Tzu
He wasn't as benevolent as you make him out. Those weren't words for compassion but a combat trick. He never wanted his enemies to escape and come back to fight him, he wanted them to think they had an avenue to escape which would lead them into a trap. For example, make them think they could escape through a valley which I have already rigged to blow/overwatched with archers so they're fucked either way. The opportunity to surrender was just militaristic rules at the time and he still had those he considered enemies commit ritual suicide to save face or assassinated. Fighting themselves to death is actually a misnomer because it's about you not fighting yourself, not the enemy. That line is about conserving strength, picking your battles, and not overextending into enemy territory without a plan/necessary firepower. Sun Tzu encouraged trickery and having the enemy exhaust themselves from infighting, goose chases, and jumping at shadows.

>I know Rebecca Sugar and Toby Fox are moralfags who think everything can be fixed by singing kumbaya and kissing each other's asses but that's wrong in real war.
>UT and SU had "real worlds"
It's fantasy user.


>The moment the show through Bismuth under the bus was the moment it showed us what an ugly heart it actually had.


>(but Sugar a hack and will have everyone heel turn).
Because Sugar is the only one to ever have her villains reform.

> white coded
does this just mean they don't act like niggers or what

Yeah, he may routinely put civilians in danger and viciously attacks IR when they're just trying to rescue them, But he's fucking awesome whilst doing it so...

Sure you can claim fantasy but when Rebecca talks about "realism" in her stupid CN podcasts and how she wants to tackle "real world themes" then that means she's lying to you and everything is just bubbly fantasy. So she's a hack and a liar but that's okay with you because muh fantasy?
Never said that and that's not an argument. The problem is that she wants to have every villain heel turn. You can have reformed villains but when every single villain can be reformed by Steven crying and caterwauling then it cheapens the story. Having villains that cannot be reasoned with or emotionfu'd by Steven would be a good thing with the show as it encourages Steven to stand up for what he believes in even when he can't brainwash others towards his side. Otherwise it comes down to everyone will always agree with Steven in the end because deus ex machina/gary stu powers and that's not only boring but hackney as hell. This is why Bismuth and Jasper could have been good villains if they weren't fridged with bubbling as they showed the aspects of Rose's "muh individuality" rebellion and the ramifications for it. Jasper especially because we see Jasper break down because Pink Diamond was a mother to her and she sees Rose as the sister who killed her. Since Sugar's a hack it came down to Jasper being Sasuke and Rose being Itachi but instead of actually delving deeper into that relationship which could of given Sugar her tragic backstoryfagging for Jasper (as she's done for all the gems), she just went nope can't have Steven and the Gems think about their actions, better but her in the back of the bus.

What the fuck is your deal with Sugar?

See, I know you post on TV Tropes

>Never said that and that's not an argument.
Wasn't trying to make an argument?

Was an asshole
Was a manipulative bitch, and she wasn't even 6!
Was just bitter
Was a greedy turd
Doing his job
Was an asshole trying to eat his owner's pet bird
Everyone's gotta eat
Three cases of bull shit on that; Elmur Fudd was hunting INTELLIGENT species, Yosemite Sam waa a cheating shit, and Daffy Duck had an ego problem that made him intolerable over half the time.
He just wants to relax after accepting his life is garbage at the ripe age of... Over 18?

Yep. Tumblr got it right for once and are finally accepting the rules of nature. Now all we need is for them to stop yapping.

>Rose shattered Pink Diamond

By now we can be fairly certain that she did not. Leaves the question why Garnet thinks she did.

Also you mean 'face turn', not 'heel turn'. A heel turn is when a previously-thought-to-be-good-guy turns against you.

As for Sun Tzu: "The very best way to win is not to fight at all."

Gems are not humans. They are not descended from apes. They are not governed by instincts. They do not know hunger, lust or greed (Well, maybe lust and greed...), only duty.

And something I have noticed is that they seem almost entirely free of guile. They are very bad at, and with deception. Even a chump like Lars manages to get one over on them. Even a relatively clever gem like Aquamarine was easily confused and deceived by a strategem that would not have misled any human. When Zircon, through applying fairly simple logic, started to pick a thousands-of-years old deception apart, Yellow Diamond knew no better than to poof her on the spot.

Pearl is arguably the most secretive and 'deceptive' of the Crystal Gems... and she has been around humans for longest, too.

So basically Gems are very, very powerful and possess technology far in advance of humanity, but as individuals they are simpleminded, even dumb. No human society would ever employ Rubies in the role of independent combat units.

By all of which I mean to say that you can't judge them by human moral standards. Ethically, they are like children. Jasper was more than ready to inflict pain and suffering on other beings, even though she herself is consumed with grief and loss. Peridot was a cold, almost robotic being at first, but as soon as Steven was allowed to work on her she became responsive.

I don't think Gems were ever meant to live independently. I think they were made to serve human beings, and still need them to optimally function.

>He just wants to relax after accepting his life is garbage at the ripe age of... Over 18?

No octopus lives to that age. Even the big ones live maybe five years.

>having taste this bad
Sup Forums summed up in a single post.

Pretty sure if she killed what the gems consider rose she would be treated as an exception not the rule.


>mutually assured destruction: the character

user, Bismuth was imprisoned for years. The whole point of making her a bad guy in the first place is that she wants to shatter gems, not the fact that her device was impractical. She upgraded the group's weapons they had within the same day she returned, so it's not like she isn't capable of progressing. She would have progressed in the "wrong" direction, possibly to the gem equivalent of a nuke if possible.

>makes some good jokes
>is treated like a villain in and out of universe

Unironically was completely in the right with everything he ever did or said

Well he went a little far in some places

>Toby Fox
Why do you keep mentioning Toby Fox? He didn't have anything to do with Steven Universe.

To be fair, Pink Diamond is fucked up betraying her sister's, of course she's confused

I actually agree with a lot of this. There are people in real life that you can't bring back or help no matter how hard you try and the fac that Steven will win everyone over in the end/everyone has good in them is just naive.

>Pearl is arguably the most secretive and 'deceptive' of the Crystal Gems... and she has been around humans for longest, too.

Didn't they literally have an episode where it's basically explained that Pearl barely spent time with humans at all?

Except the being retarded commie part

Rorschach was an objectivist user he hated commies.


>and the fac that Steven will win everyone over in the end/everyone has good in them is just naive.
Except he failed that.
3 times.

>3 times
>out of the countless other times that he succeeds

Jasper's going to come around to him after she gets uncorrupted. Navy and Aqua have a large chance of coming around too considering how peridot got redeemed as well.

>countless other times
4 times.
Not that big a gap.

>did nothing wrong
>made a weapon that kills gems for good and almost killed a child with it

>killed the egg that help his species reproduce
>Killed his love interest because she don't what to go with him to join the enemy
>killed other trolls lusus, making them orphans
>make a troll blind
>Prince of Hope means destroyer of hope

>I will conquer the world
>By giving away the advanced technology that provides me my only advantage.

Did he do fucking anything right? I can't think of a single part of his plan that should have worked. I don't even know why anyone in Wakanda cooperated with him or why everyone in the whole kingdom didn't challenge him to a death match BEFORE he burned the botanical source of their super powers.

>white coded

Oh fuck off.

>could have changed the dynamic of the gems
>might have possibly hated gems
>killed lapis

So why did they kill her off besides the VA being expensive? She could have been a cool antagonist or at least keep her around Steven could have just talked her out of it.

While I agree that the gems are a servitor race, I'm not sure if they were meant to serve humans outright, unless we're going Hyperborean or White Diamond did the time warp.

Also Navy picked up deception fairly quickly, though that was after being tricked twice and having a lot of time in space to think about it.

Which reminds me, it is super messed up that the gems never took the time to retrieve the Rubies even though they had nothing else better to do, even if they would have just poofed and bubbled the Rubies indefinitely once they found them.

See a doctor.


T. Turdwigian

No, just someone who doesn't shit Skittles.


>Peridot is too weak
The little motherfucker can lift cars now, user.