Is "modern art" a conspiracy to dumb down the masses? Is there some kind of agenda to promote meaningless...

Is "modern art" a conspiracy to dumb down the masses? Is there some kind of agenda to promote meaningless, uninspiring art to keep people from being uninspired and thinking?

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Literally the reverse.

It's a response to shitty old art that makes you go "Yep, that's some guy" or "Yep, that's fruit"

Old art is for the unthinking masses, keeping them from being inspired to think.

>In b4 people post a bunch of paintings they think are "deep" when in reality they are as shallow as possible because they go over-the-top with heavy handed emotional messages obvious to morons

>shitty old art

Fuck out of here kike. Modern are is Money laundering scheme.

The National Endowment of the Arts was used as a CIA counter-soviet propaganda tool for decades thanks to Peggy Guggenheim. Loads of artists and sociologists were financially aided, unbeknownst to them, by the American government in an attempt to provide an alternative to Soviet realism.

Going full retard, beyond retarded.

Money laundering would be my guess

It's part of post-modernism, i.e. doing away with standards and values until you're only left with 'valid' or 'invalid', which in turn is defined by an elite.

Mostly though it's just money laundering.

>haha yes I am paying for this... blank canvass... ART!... in the amount of $60m this is totally a legitimate transaction and you can't do anything to disprove that.


Not exactly dumb down. To install moral relativism. To call for the model, where no objective truth exists. To confuse people, so by the time you find out the truth, you are already too old to do anything with it.

Art is made for the purpose of beauty & feeling. The artist once had skill, his intention did not matter, it mattered what the viewer felt about it, something that brings about a flame within yourself.

Modern art is tastless garbage that tries to highlight whatever trendy social injustice horse shit liberals percieve as a problem. By their standards everyone, even toddlers can be an artist.

These SJWs try to make people 'feel' or 'think' the way they do, that means thinking like a complete & utter selfish moron. This pic here is REAL art.


Why, yes!

Modern art is CIA sponsored propaganda.

You're a moron, OP.

No, it's a conspiracy to be able to use 'art' as a safe way of storing and investing money, socialising with other rich people and appearing deep, human and classy when you totally lack artistic taste and wouldn't know aesthetics if it kicked you in the balls.

If all the meaning is down to marketing and the description of what the work is about rather than craft and visual aesthetic aspects - take the art out of that equation - it makes it easier to just pick what your advisor tells you and their advice can be based on what previously sold - and what previously sold is what you and your advisors stitch up to be good.

It's a conspiracy between crap 'artist' bullshit peddlers, marketing, dealers, paracitic critics, investors and hangers on who want to be cool and fit in and not appear 'ignorant', and no one can challenge them because art that actually looks like art, requires talent to make, etc is unfashionable and passé.

Helps exclude the common man too. You are only part of the club if you are 'refined' and 'intellectual' enough to appreciate 'conceptual art' over ermmm... art.

It's a bullshit scam and it worked.

No, there's just a bunch of rich elitist snobs who feel they can define what art is for everyone else and every single hipster listens to them because it's an extremely inclusive scene. Art is now about how well you can market yourself

Holy fuck you probably even believe what you are saying. Like not even trolling.


You are the fucking problem with society.

Modern art is "sort of" a conspiracy. Examples here of those jumping on the bandwagon for $$:

If you can look past those willing to capitalize on past movements or "schtick" for notoriety or to make a buck, you'll find some cutting edge real deal artists out there challenging your perceptions and doing so in a very honest, transparent approach.

These days you have to dig through the piggybacking fakes to find something of substance.

Modern art is marxism, it is against the established values like effort giving value to things, thats why is just shitty art that anyone can do and requires no skill

art is a tax free investment

you buy original art and store it away. Museums look for deranged or degenerate shitty artists. And exploit their need for crack or some shit.