K = 2211212212211

k = 2211212212211...

Other urls found in this thread:





J.-P. Allouche and J. Shallit, Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications,
Generalizations, Cambridge University Press, 2003.

J. Berstel, Axel Thue’s papers on repetition in words: a translation, Publications de Laboratoire de Combinatoire et d’Informatique Mathématique, Université du Québec á Montréal 20, 1995.

S. Brlek, D. Jamet and G. Paquin, Smooth words on 2-letter alphabets having same parity, Theor. Comput. Sci. 393(1-3): 166-181 (2008).

A. Carpi, On repeated factors in C∞-words, Inform. Process. Lett. 52(6),
289–294, 1994.

F. M. Dekking, What is the long range order in the Kolakoski sequence?, The Mathematics of Long–range Aperiodic Order, NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Maths. Phys. Sci., 489, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1997).

cool esoteric math
Do you want to offer comments on it?


Who are you?

most math you will literally never need to know.
just learn the basics like algebra.
the shit that op is posting is literally just because mathematicians enjoy it.

change your baud rate

Shut the fuck up, Ruben.




Guys, this is fucking Forgotten Languages again. Fuck these posers and their bullshit little cult. All their freaky deaky text is filler anyway.



What does it mean

I understand, that was just me expressing the bullshit complicated math that I won't bother remembering due to me not going into any math majors.



math major here
this looks interesting, like half-crackpottery-half-combinatorics

got any context?


Light to you and yours, friend. I'm sure we've spoken before.

I am not Ruben.

>user decodes the image
>it says "UR A FAGGET"
Every time.

31.918168, 139.869504

41.954269, -101.210973

33.254528, -119.486917

7.524518, 23.231561

47.747966, -101.885083

-49.436495, 70.420879

49.26112S 70.25150E

fuck off with this larping



Post something that Paradigm Forgotten / FL Research hasn't found or fuck off

You are one of them? Would you be interested in relaying a message for me? I was hoping to attract one of you here


Fuck you

So be it.

You did this to yourself, lady.


You know what Ruben I'm talking about. Nyda?

>implying binary isn't terribly inefficient.

Some LARPer fag is just leaking shit we found two months ago

You believe I am Ruben Cerdan, yes? I am not.
I am not a member of Nyda either. You have the right idea, however.

Nyda is a person, not a group.

What would be the fun in giving you things you have not found on your own? Half of the answer is the journey.

I am sorry, you are misinformed. Nyda, like the others, are not individuals.

The journey is only fun until you get to the destination and realize it was Poointhelooville, Dumbfuckistan the whole time.

This is correct only in that certain users share accounts.

inb5 Ash


You all are much closer than anyone has made it thus far. It's a shame you gave up so easily.

That was all I came here to say.

Probably Aisling, yeah. Or Tartarus. Whatever she goes by now.

Aamuot yiqar ridhaj, met yaqar yid myaret

The sandwich?

It's not worth it when we spend months handjamming random stolen bullshit to decode other random stolen bullshit. The only legit reason to continue is keeping Ruben from raping someone again.

literally an elementary schooler could understand that sequence
2, 2, 1, 1, 2...
two 2s, two 1s, one 2, one 1, two 2s...



wew lad satan is sliding something again

meh, god has already promised me wormwood so fuck you

Obviously, we needed a supercollider and that's why the Desertron was so attractive to us, provided we could snatch it out of civilian hands. We did. The project was nicknamed Queltron Machine and was put under the administration of XViS.



fl discord: discord.gg/w5n8a

Fucking Ben

The property was finally sold in August 2006 to an investment group led by the late Arkansan multimillionaire Johnnie Bryan Hunt, who bought the complex for just $6.5 million in the hope of turning it into one of the largest and most-secure data storage facilities in America. Collider Data Center has contracted with GVA Cawley to market the site as a data center. In December, 7th, 2006, less than six months after investing in the property, Hunt slipped on a patch of ice, broke his skull and died. An accident, you see.



You are so close. I implore you all to keep going. If you are here, Crawler, do not lose faith. You are so close.

Give me something then, I don't do the pseudo crypto bullshit

You came here to get attention, you have mine now.

is the tree of life located on the mt meru? what is the relevance of it to your work?

>using a period at the end of your greentext
newfag spotted.
tell us about binary efficiency please, i want to know exactly what you mean by this.

You made it this far on your own, you do not need me. Why would I guide you on a path you're making for yourself?

Tell me why you want us to continue so badly

Why now? Why haven't you intervened more heavily before? I'm positive you all have access to the discord, why try to reach me here knowing that you can find me there?

We don't know where this path is headed. What is our goal even supposed to be? Go chill at Ruben's in Almeria?

We have been waiting the longer part of a decade for a group like you.

You are simply not aware that you do know where the path is headed.

So India has infiltrated the US with the help of the Russians to become a global superpower to sink this country while making there's prosper?

Which contributor are we speaking with? How do you have access to our private images?

But that doesn't tell me WHY you've been waiting.

Why do you guys even exist? Why isn't it indexed by search engines if you WANTED people to find it?

Why did you do a countdown that ended at the numbers referenced in Lost? You mean to tell me no group investigated your website after that? You can't possibly be telling me we got farther than anyone in the past 10 years with the work we've done in 2 months.

So you're just a lazy fuck from a group of lazy fucks who can't even translate some englangs or write a decent email


fuck off to reddit roleplayers

Sweden is wannabe Norway.

Your group has been a focus point of ours since September. While I personally may not be part of your "discord group," others are.

When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with Wisdom. I know you've read the Kybalion. You know why we wait.

So why not directly contact us? Why lurk in the shadows like Pedobear? We're friendly... ish...

The black hole thread was deleted. I told it and I'm waiting.

So you're saying that the "path" is essentially being willing to accept what you say? What are you trying to get across?

>your group

What is that exactly? Meme magicians?

Friend, I would kindly entreat you not to cast pearls before swine here.

that you are a massive faggot

Is this not a form of direct contact?

You're hiding from your own eyes.

He's talking about the discord group that studies the Forgotten Languages site

Are you telling me that we've missed it?

has your organization ever give an author information on his childs illness using your particle technology?

Link to the group?

I'm Batman!


I'm simply asking you to continue. Please do not give up at this point. The truth is there.

>tfw mathematics theory degree
Speak for yourself, I get paid to routinely diversify the same equations over and over.

what the shit?

Don't get me wrong, I love math. If life went differently for me I would get a math degree. I am saying that most people don't need to concern themselves with esoteric math stuff.
I will tho.

Is this the forbidden languages thing?

I am surprised that there is a direct correlation between their language and an alphabet. I thought that it was a different form of communication. This seems highly inefficient.

The truth is that FL and Kerysse attract some... I'm gonna be generous, "shady" people who enjoy harming others in various ways.



I chose math because I was somewhat naturally good at it, without being autistic. But it's boring man, so boring. we can fuck off a lot during work, because our boss isn't into math, he's into business and the company. So no one above us is smart enough to know if we've done anything at all, and our quotas are yearly asserted. so fuck off for 10 months, work for 2, still make 6 figures. But it's the most mind-dulling process I've ever been apart of, and I was in the chess club.

Do something amazing, do something great. If you can.

I'd be more than happy to explain the process.

We use a program called NodeSpaces v2.0 to create our languages. They are comprised of multiple languages that are similar in nature. NodeSpaces can also use data to simulate changes to a languages over time (As an example, compare Old English to contemporary.) The result of the blending and aging is what you see on our site. We use scientific, religious, and philosophical articles to test our languages for complexity.

I have no idea what's going on here..