What exactly is so wrong with nationalism? Or is it only wrong with Americans do it?

What exactly is so wrong with nationalism? Or is it only wrong with Americans do it?

Because Americans have nothing to be proud of that isn't war related

it's pathetic being proud of something that isn't real


no nation is more important than the life of an individual

>implying war isn't honorable enough to proud of
Fuck that, moxxed the feather indians with booze and blankets, locked the japs up like kennel dogs, turned bombing Baghdad into a song, Laced enough drugs to the cartels to kill a nation, etc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc

Fuck right off, inbred.

What if that individual would kill at least two individuals? It's in the public interest to kill that person, because their existence still results in a net negative life.

theres nothing wrong with nationalism. the pussies that dislike it are the kind of people that think the world can actually all get along and be peaceful. Take care of your own people first, then help others when you can.

It's only because of the nation that the individual can have life.

It's a form of brainwashing propaganda that makes you think your government can do no wrong and every thing is ok.

it's only wrong when white people do it

Nationalism/patriotism =/= governmentism
Politicians were a mistake because of that.

People don't understand nationalism.
It's not even mainly about being proud of ones nation, but about the weird notion that the idea of nations in which the people rule supreme actually has some merit.

and when germany does it

Typical Hans

Nationalism restricts Mass Immigration which the (((Elite's))) need for cheap labor.

That is why whites in general and white Americans in particular are targeted every time they try to form so much as an exclusive white community.

Exclusive communities are the start of Nationalism and the (((Elite's))) are sure to nip it in the bud before it makes them less wealthy.

Nationalism? Nothing.

Jingoism? Then you're getting into some murky shit and is what most people are thinking of when they think negatively of nationalism.


What is wrong with it indeed

Prove it.

When lefties talk about how nationalism is stupid, I always feel like it's kind of ironic. They always preach about being multicultural and all, but that position comes from such an American-centric upbringing, one in which you've never truly experienced another culture - at least not more than a holiday or a trip to a restaurant. Often I hear the sentiment from my liberal friends that nations are just "arbitrary collections of borders and rules", but much like this pic, that's really only scratching the surface. Claiming that nations are nothing more than borders ignores every element of culture, language, heritage and collective experiences. If nations are just arbitrary lines in the sand, how can life be so different just a couple 100 miles between the US and Mexico? Between Russia and Germany?

It's just ignorant, almost ironically so.

That's the same reason why the defend BLM.

>one in which you've never truly experienced another culture

Fucking this so much.

We have sudanese here running rampant crime waves in the city we shove all immigrants. Multiculturism doesn't work.

If you come to a country expect to follow and become a part of the culture or be jailed/killed/deported is how it should be.

Gas yourself you demoralizing kike.

For once I'd like to take them to experience some kind of actual cultural shock - to Saudi Arabia, or to the rural parts of China. Just to let them see what it's truly like in a non-Westernized area. I'm sure they'd get some serious cognitive dissonance and deny that there's anything wrong with it, but the discomfort would be so sweet.

oh my god, i dont know how you can say such a racist thing. you americans too were immigrants which pilaged the natives and now you dare to want to close the boarder? can you be any more of a hypocrite? i thought my people at least served as an example to what racism and nationalism will make out of you. but i guess my anchestors burdened me with this sin without any reason then and the 6 million jews suffered beneath our terrorregime for nothing. its really sad that people are able to that line of thinking, maybe eve should never have eaten that apple...

modernism is all about believing that human intelligence can surpass natural domains.
meanwhile conservative(paleoconservative and burkean) is anti-modernism, liberalism is modernism which believes in the artificial concepts like liberty, human right, free market, equality etc.
since our history, customs and religions are natural and spontaneous things that's beyond any narrow circle of elete intellectuals, conservatives love those things while liberals hate.
samely, nation(as in nation-state) is the naturally-generated entity throughout the long history, so liberals love to signal their virtue as modern people by hating the concept of it.
for them, nation is as anachronistic as voodoo rituals.

but it's just arrogant to think that human intelligence is better than nature.

Liberals seem to decry anything deemed to be a "social construct", including gender, race (that's a laugh), nations, religion, and the like, but they seem to hold onto their social constructs of rights when demanding free college, food and healthcare.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it which is why people have been taught to hate it so much because the rich wouldn't be as rich.

>then help others when you can.
why so they can rise up and compete with you? this is why im racist. not because white people are better but because i want to stunt other children that compete with mine

Nothing wrong at all with nationalism - a sense of belong and pride in one's country. Libtards are just the useful idiots of Cultural Marxism, which requires that everything good is destroyed.

Ding ding ding /Thread

no individual is more important than the life of a nation

Absolutely nothing.

this tbqh

This doesn't even answer the question...