Will Trump stop LEGAL immigration?

What are the chances Trump repeals/amends the 1965 Immigration Act?

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No, he wants it to happen legally

What difference does it make if it is legal or illegal? The end result is still the same, America will become Mexico.

If he did that, I would truly, truly be proud. No more taking in people based on racial quotas. Only the best.

Not unless the public wants to stop it.
And the public does not, because America has losts its sense of self.

Yes and 100%. Go to his website and read what's there and read between the lines, too.

The closest he's come to mentioning it was in his immigration speech; "We've admitted 59 million immigrants to the United States between 1965 and 2015. Blah blah blah cultural enrichment"
So no, it probably won't happen during his presidency.


Wanna cum in her ass so bad

because we can have them come from white countries

The end goal must be to stop all none white imegration. Or maybe even from the american view point all none north americans, so basically only candians and americucks. And in turn europe will stop all none european imegration

So America is basically dead then? No matter what Trump does, it will all be for not if legal immigration is not curtailed because the democrats will win every election once demographics shift in their favor.

"legal immigrant" is a fickle term. The government could import 3 million Syrians then give them citizenship, and boom they're 'legal immigrants'.

it would fun to see a new white develop in america independent of europe.

>implying most non-white immigrants actually put more into the system than they take out.

If that happened, redpilled Nords would just call us mongrels like they do now.

Either way, it won't happen. If America falls, Europe falls. And if Europe falls, America falls. The way it's looking now, America is fucked.

>once demographics shift in their favor.
This is already happening. Hispanics number almost half of the white population (even more if you don't count Middle Easterners and North Africans), and are increasing in number at a rapid rate.
America is not dead, don't fall into the defeatism nonsense. Right now America is experiencing a change because the overton window is moving in our favor, and Generation Z will likely be the new bearers of the right wing.

Normies lie to themselves and pretend they do.

The only people I've met who are in favor of sending all mexicans back are boomers, "greatest generation"ers, and alt righters.

I am doing my best to prove you right, user.

We can repeal the immigration act of 1965 and still have legal immigration.

Hispanics (and other non-whites) overwhelming vote left wing every where they are on the planet. This is not going to change in the U.S. If legal immigration is not changed to increase the white population America will essentially become a one party state.

Trump can't repeal laws.

I was of course implying non-white immigration, white immigration should be the goal.

hopefully.. Its getting out of hand
Im tired of our countries being the dumping round of the world.

reminds me of: youtube.com/watch?v=nHav2bhd-4M