Red Pill me on the Red Pill

Can any of you actually agree on what "The Red Pill" is? If you had to define it what is it in your opinion?


I think the first red pill is realizing how hard certain ideals are being pushed even when they don't make sense. And then it starts to lead to other red pills

it just means seeing things for what they are after a long period of being deceived by society's rosy narratives that are meant to control you through ignorance.

people disagree on what the truth is that the red pill shows you, but the red pill is always about dissolving the illusions and seeing the truth.

example: women say they want a nice guy, but nice guys bore them and women use and cheat on them. women want a strong, rich, attractive, tall, powerful man who has better things to do than be nice to her.

It's just like the Matrix. When you take the red pill, you start seeing what you were previously completely blind to...

Read up on something called r/K selection and study warrior cultures such as bushido and chiverly (sp?). Learn about the philosophy and life of Nietzsche and watch Jordan Peterson's videos on YouTube.

There is no truth. There is only a constant realizing of false consciousness.

perception and context changes everything...

Sage CTR spam. Red enough for you?

This. Generally speaking, the Red Pill refers to the truth, no matter how unpleasant. More specifically, it refers to the conscious denial of the Overton Window.

To realize that there IS a narrative, that there is an "Orthodoxy" in society, and then consciously rejecting that orthodoxy in favor of your own view of the truth, no matter how 'radical' is the red pill.

The only truth is that there is no truth

You faggots need to read Kierkegaard's Sickness Unto Death

Ideals are ideals as they are necessary and forced to protect people affected by the ideal of ideologies.

except instead of getting out of the intravenus-cannibal prison pod you hop into it.

that's just relativism, which is the philosophy of the void. it's postmodern idiocy. if the only truth is that there is no truth, then that also is not true, which means that there is truth. it destroys itself.

Wow an actual good thread.

well said friend

A concept thought up by two tranny film makers that Sup Forums now uses as the basis of what is and isn't acceptable for some reason.


Being 'red-pilled' is being willing to accept a painful truth over a comforting lie. Or, said another way, it's pursuing truth no matter the cost to yourself.

Because of this, fencesitters and bandwagoners - those who join our cause only after we start winning - can NEVER be considered 'red-pilled'. They're blue-pilled herd creatures.

There are going to be millions joining our side and pretending they were with us the entire time, when in reality they were viciously attacking us when we were outside the mainstream. They didn't pay the price for truth, so they will never be anything but blue-pilled.


>being "red pilled"
>calls fellow human beings "herd creatures"
yeh nah you just took the cunt pill.

The only thing reports of "The Red Pill" have in common is that all of them are written by people who think with a very high percent chance of being right (most of the time right about 100%), despite most of them being mutually contradictory and arrived at not by the scientific process but through philosophical mind games.

you are colorblind, that was not a redpill.

Bandwagoner detected. How are you liking the alt-right so far, newfriend? Tell all your normie friends how enlightened and redpilled you are yet?

What does that mean, Skwissgaar?

Accepting the statement
>The holocaust never happened, but it should have
As true

> the lolocost has not happened yet.

is equally valid

Shining the truth through the deception and lies that the society has put in front of you.

The first red pill is probably understanding that all living things die.