Is it gay if I fuck femme twinks. I also fuck normal women

Is it gay if I fuck femme twinks. I also fuck normal women.

ill correct your record if you correct mine

I travel to SEA once or twice a year just to fuck fem boys. I dont consider it gay because it's in another country.

Dunno, post some examples.

Yes, but ask yourself if that is really a bad thing to dabble in once a while.

AIDS is overblown, and practically isolated to the minority gay community.

Just use protection, and you will be fine.

I'm a twink and have made lots of guys question their sexuality when I end up being better at getting them off than their past girlfriends.

cuck and fuck beta low test boys is the most alpha and male thing to do

Pics of your boipussy please!


>casual sex

Fucking degenerate.

She's cute in an autistic kind of way

Who the fuck is this chick and why do you people keep posting pictures of her?

Of course it is cutie, but that just makes it even more fun right? I could suck your dick and nobody would ever need to know about it.

You can never be too sure, user.

its only gay if you get aroused when you touch them with your penis

because shes a whore



Fucking a femme twink (a faggot) makes you gay. Fucking a normal woman (an actual female) does not erase the gay you picked up when you fucked the faggot. You are gay.

>femme twinks


nice one

Just post moar goddamnit

Just wait until the day of the rake, leaf

Post moar, let me jerk off, and then you can rake all you want