Why does he hate Frank Miller so much?

Why does he hate Frank Miller so much?

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desuarchive.org/co/search/text/a deadly bee weapon/


because he has shit taste

Never seen this guy's videos. What's he like?

His reviews of All-Star Batman and Robin would be much better if he did reviews of The Dark Knight Returns or Born Again to show why Miller used to be good and how far he's fallen.

He's enjoyable to watch if you can look past the whole sperglord thing

He's always gone through the route where Miller's overly brutal and sexualized version of characters represents that the man is a monster and should be put in an asylum.....or something like that.

>how far he's fallen

He made 3 bad comics ever. That's not even that bad. His quality ratio this century is 50%. That's better than nearly every other writer over the same time period.

Because it's EASY-MODE.

Linkara represents that kind of comic fans I HATE.

He sees himself in Miller and he hates no man more than himself.

Frank deserves crucifixion with rusty nails and termite infested wood, so why not?


I read that as thermite and that would actually be awesome. No racism.

I think he should review America and bendis works.

Because he hated how Batman was this anti pc dude on how he was protrayed. Which in reality, I can’t blame him but I look at Miller’s work as satire on both political parties. Or you know I just don’t give a fuck because the Dark Knight was controversial and a reminder to every editor on the planet to never let Artists have their own way.

Nah he’s not that brave to do what the AVGN did.

The same can be said for people who do a lot of FINGER-POINTING to divert people away from the fact that they are monsters themselves.

He's honestly one of the better comic channels. Everything is else normie cancer or nonstop bitching about marvel(which has gotten so overblown that's it's just as annoying as the comics themselves)

Because he's a shitty writer who write shitty stories

Because he applies a double standard. Writers that have had much worse good to bad quality ratios get a free pass because they didn’t write stuff that Linkara somehow finds personally disagreeable while Miller has.
The problem is that Linkara’s hate boner for Miller is so strong he would tear those works apart anyway even though they are amongst the greatest comics ever made.

It started as a joke when his first ASBAR review. He hated Miller but nothing beyond his typical complaints and gimmicks. Then some of his fans complained on the comments section about how Linkara didn't get ASBAR was a satirical work and then Linkara lost it. His next Miller review, TDKSA, wasn't really a review even under TGWTG standards but a diatribe against Miller as a person and all the people who can enjoy his works after the 80s. Linkara never recovered

How did mr cockslut hurt you user?

He does't hate Miller, just his more recent shitty comics. Pretty much the same comics Sup Forums hates, honestly.

Then he and Sup Forums have shit taste. But considering there are just as many people with good taste around here, no, he is not the same as Sup Forums. Because beside not being a single entity, and despite there being a contingent of "woke" individuals with shitty taste, Sup Forums is not settled on an opinion of Miller.

People like me directly offset and are offset by the retards who hate frank. So we're left with a "divided" stance.

Frankly, anyone who speaks ill of Frank Miller or his work loses all credibility in my eyes.

Guys, can I post my channel to get some input? I do comic/manga reviews for 2-3 years now and every little bit is always appreciated.

The definitive opinion on Miller is
>Was god-tier (DKR, Year One)
>Went insane and turned shitty (All-Star Batman and Robin, Holy Terror)
>Got slightly better but isn't nearly as good as he was at his height (DKIII)

>nonstop bitching about marvel
Three words:

because frank miller sucks

because Frank Miller cucks

What did he mean by this?

Because cucks are jealous of alpha males

I still can't understand what Dobson was thinking with this.
>popular for the past 15 or so years
DKR bats preceded fucking TAS.

Miller literally re-used one of the scenes from his Daredevil run for his Man Without Fear book. That's just lazy. How is liking that "good taste"?

Dobson tries to be a normie really hard. That includes saying stupid shit without actually knowing what you're talking about.

He fell for the memes, just like Sup Forums.

It's more that he hates what Frank Miller has become.

Cheesy. I actually like it a lot, but I have bad taste.

Nahh. Not literally.

>>Got slightly better but isn't nearly as good as he was at his height (DKIII)

user... Miller wasn't really involved in DKIII (and it wasn't very good in any case).

>year one god tier
It's not that great though

>all star batman and robin
was fun
>holy terror
Literally the only criticism you hear about it is something something bashing islam
again fun comic

>Miller wasn't really involved in DKIII

Not true. Azzarello has said he got together with Miller weekly while scripting it to go over the dialog together. Miller also came up with the story outline and concept and co-plotted.

>it wasn't very good in any case

The latter half was fantastic. The first half was not bad. Overall a solid 7/10.

One thing anyone has to admit about Lewis though:
The volume of his stuff is astonishing. He's done more than 400 episodes - going on 500.

It's the same sort of admiration I feel for Dave Hopkins, completely apart from the actual content of their work (which I happen to like): They just won't quit.

His writing style, while delightfully rough and gritty, is sometimes nothing but. He likes to overdo everything now. He struggles with the nuance he used to have in earlier stories. He used ot be elegant, yet would write about the crudest shit. He had class. Now, it's like reading a playboy magazine. You can enjoy it, but it doesn't have the class or same type of "feel" anymore.

Why is his face so FAAAAAAAT?

Why was this guy in Littlest Pet Shop?

do it !


He's a teen titans fanboy masquerading as a "sequential art" expert.





>Linkara's work may be shit...
>but at least he takes a dump every day!

>does constant character skits in every video
>makes references instead of jokes
>has to have a storyline in his fucking reviews with "deep" lore
>his voice and accent are so annoying that your ears feel the cringe
>tries to constantly force his own memes on you
>none of this is including his social justice boner

If you also read Holy Terror as the Batman project it was originally intended, then it gives an explanation why Year One Batman would turn into All Star Batman.

there's an issue with that
Frank's a comic book legend

he's praise it for its diversity

>>tries to constantly force his own memes on you

its called in-jokes you brainlet

>watches his review on holy terror
>it's him screaming for 1/2 the time
no thanks


Here, any input is appreciated.

dobson is literally so stupid that he makes up his own facts

how is that admirable? he reviews comic books
it's not like video games reviewers where you actually have to play it for several hours to get footage, then edit it all down. hell, even movie reviewers are more screwed
the dude has arguably the easiest editing job, and he's incredibly lazy with it. he basically reads out the entire comic book for you, doing "le silly voices" for most of the characters

because artist is a cucked fan of him

He's a nasty cockslut.

because nothing's funnier than an in-joke
that you use 5000 times

It can work.

The fat-faced fedora-wearing ponce in the OP is still a fag though.

An in joke is something funny that happened to you and your friends and the jokes you make surrounding it. Making up your own in jokes is cringe.

have you tried reviewing french bande dessines ?
like Lastman, and countless other ?

I want to go to my summer house where I keep my collection of Asterix and Lucky Luke and do a big review on them. I don't have any plans on others but you can always recommend me any good ones to read/enjoy.

ok (i'm talking about Eurocomics in general)

Meta-barons (old and new)

Aren't we in the worst possible website to be complaining about memes

I do know and I have Meta-Barons in the "Read ASAP" pile, but I will check the others as well.

i suggest you follow the storytime of Okko

at least the memes here aren't shit like
>Bees, my god
>Of course, don't you know anything about science

best input I could offer is to not be a reviewer
they're basically a dime-a-dozen & a worn out fad by now. only the big ones who have been established over the past decade are the ones raking in the big $$$ & getting a ton of views

He's a little too preachy with his opinions on some topics, sometimes even to a higher than thou extent, and uses a few too many in-jokes, but he's a decent comic reviewer. If it's something he's impartial too or enjoys (whether because it's actually good, or so stupid it's funny) , he does a good job, especially when giving a run-down on the history behind said work (if applicable), but it can get a little tedious to keep watching when he starts a rant on something he dislikes, unless it's something that everyone can agree is bad, then it can be kind of enjoyable, until he goes for a 'melt-down' joke, like every 'angry' reviewer does.

His skits are kind of obnoxious as well, but thankfully 9 times out of 10 when he does them now, they're usually after the main review (with an occasional teaser before it.)

As a person, well, I don't know him personally, but from I've heard he's a bit of a spaz, especially when called out on something. And a bit of a hypocrite, preaching some stuff in his reviews while doing the opposite in the past. He doesn't seem like a bad guy though, like some reviewers online are.

It's understandable why some people don't like his style of review, but I enjoy him, and I'd say give him a watch if you haven't. Some reviews I'd suggest are "Superman At Earth's End", "Tandy Computer Whiz Kids", "Pokemon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu" "Mightily Murdered Power Ringers", "Spider-Man: One More Day ", and "Comic Book Quickies #6"

Looking at his list of episodes, it scares me a bit I've been watching him and other TGWTG videos for so long. Before his hundredth episode, at least. Then again, I've been spending hours the last few days downloading Screwattack's old videos for when Rooster Teeth expunges them all. Fuck, I was still in middle school when some of these guys started and now I'm having my friends graduate college.


Look, I have like 280 subscribers and I'm slowly getting more. I don't do this to earn money because I will never manage to get any, unless something big happens surrounding my channel.

I just love comics and I want to talk about them. It's a nice hobby and a good incentive to go and read many comics from different publishers and such. For example, right now I'm reading Judge Dredd. I would never read it if it wasn't for the "I can review this" reason.

He has the same problem that most angry reviewers do. He looks like a total sperg when getting angry at a non interactive media like comics or movies. It worked for AVGN because video games are interactive and it's relatable to get angry at them sometimes.

Also his storylines are some of the stupidest shit I have ever seen. Like read this shit, it's pure cringe.


You actually care about the story?

subs don't really mean much when you can't even break 100 views on your past few months worth of videos, man
not trying to be too harsh, but I don't really see the point in trying to be any kind of reviewer when that fad peaked over a decade ago

but, if you honestly want advice, I'd say to try & stand out. some thing I'd personally like to see from a comic book channel

>less reviews & more editorials
>talking about different runs on comic books, including who you prefer & why
>making videos about an entire event in comics rather than singular issues
>talking about the evolution about different artists/writers & where you think they shined best & did their worst

I think a channel like this would do decent, but that's just my own personal opinion
hell, I noticed you even do videos on webcomics. why not try & contact the creator(s) & see if you can get interviews for said videos so that they can talk with you about their work

If he wasn't before, he is now. Simply through exposure.

Oh, is it shit?

And what have you done?

And also make you want to lock up Frank Miller.

I liked it. It was fun.

>how is that admirable? he reviews comic books

Yeah, but over 400?

>I have Meta-Barons in the "Read ASAP" pile

Heh. Overrated.

>Also his storylines are some of the stupidest shit I have ever seen

...Yes. Yes, they are. Don't really get that.

Those actually are good ideas, never thought of doing something like that (Except for editorials, because I want to do some). Thanks mate.

>Yeah, but over 400?
once again, it's not that admirable
especially when he's so shit at coming up with an entertaining show that he pads it out with that horrible fucking story

He puts the story shit after the review now so you don't have to watch it I would be curious to see what the drop off is his analytics would tell him how many stick around for that shit

the fact that I can skip the shit doesn't make it any less shit

Autism Incarnate.

hey, wish you the best of luck, man
who knows, you could probably pass Linkara in viewership one day
that guy, diversity & comics has almost caught up to him in subscriber #s, & he hasn't even been making videos for a year now

Quality over quantity.

People will latch on on something they hate, more than something to love. So, that's a plus.

>make you want to lock up Frank Miller


Quantity has a quality all its own.

Because he had created 'Holy Terror'.

so what?

>Don't read DKR
shit taste

But "Bees, my god" is literally a Sup Forums meme

desuarchive.org/co/search/text/a deadly bee weapon/

So he needs to be locked up for his own, but mainly our, good.

of course it's a Sup Forums meme
dude stole it from a comic book
the difference is you don't see it in like every other Sup Forums thread

>man who makes reviews of shitty old comics


>man who triggers SJWs by calling their comic books shit
D&C will burn out eventually or get banhammered after enough triggered cuckmonkeys complain to Youtube

When he puts in the beginning or the middle of the review, it becomes really distracting and you wish for it end.

I agree, but I still think it's funny that a guy who's basically been making videos for the past 12+ years isn't far from being beat by a guy who's been making iphone videos for the past 10 months

The plebs will always go for new pussy, user.

Frank miller can actually draw. Linkara cant

I really dont think Linkara cares about being a bigger youtuber with all of the stress that entails as long as he can mess around with his friends.
If he did he would put his energies into the History of Power Rangers rather than creating badly written fan fiction.

Is the new episode coming soon?

Are you casual enough to think that's all he's written?