Is it possible to smoke a pipe and not be considered hipster faggot?

Is it possible to smoke a pipe and not be considered hipster faggot?

If you wear traditional menswear but have at least some masculinity, you'll be okay.

If you go to far, you'll look like a fedora-tier loser and if you don't, you'll look like a hipster faggot.

If done right though, you're set.

What if you are hill billy tier?

It's a lot better than being a fedora or a hipster.

Gotta smoke a corn cob pipe if you want that look though.

What is traditional men's wear?

Smoke at home. It's the best place to smoke too because smoking a pipe takes time.

My gramps did, so technically it's possible.

if you smoke a pipe for the sake of smoking a pipe you're a fag
if you smoke a pipe because you've run out of rolling paper that's okay


Not unless you're over 40.

Smoke where I want

Not unless you're an old man

Depends on your age. If it's a family heirloom that's fine too.

I have not had an issue with this and I smoke regularly. The key is to have a well made and well worn pipe that is obviously used and not just a prop.

For extra points smoke Lane 1q and Cherry mix, thats what Ike smoked.

My uncle used to smoke a pipe. I always thought his smoke smelled better than my fathers cigarette smoke.
I never smoked either though so don't know how they compare

Sup Forums can't jerk off to the good ol' 1950s but call smoking degenerate since it was the peak of the smoking era.

That's not what I meant

Who cares. Smoking a pipe is awesome and it takes great.

The amount of variety in flavors in pipe tobacco is staggering. Some pipe tobaccos, like flakes, requires prep time and you need at least an hour or so to smoke. Others, like Prince Albert and lane 1Q, you can just shove in your pipe and walk down the street smoking.

Because it always requires SOME prep time, it's much harder to get addicted, and much easier to go long periods of time without smoking.

It's literally the best way to enjoy tobacco.

>The key is to have a well made and well worn pipe that is obviously used and not just a prop

This. Smoke more than once in your life.

Love me some Captain Black.

some doctors back then would actually reccomend you smoke for certain ailments

I get it if you're into something like sailing or trekking
But smoking a pipe out in public in like an urban setting would be gay af, dude

Be old.

Homeless people probably smoke pipes too.

Gee I sure hope so, I picked up the hobby from a friend of mine a while back, I don't do it for attention. It genuinely helps me relax and think through some things.

Yes, I still have my grandfathers pipes and smoke the same tobacco as the smell takes me back. Most of us grandsons do the same and can really cloud up a garage if we are all around.

Just don't act like a faggot trying to show it off

Urban areas are a police state


The 1950s were degenerate as fuck. That's when rock music was accepted into the mainstream and people started to think that promiscuity and drug abuse were perfectly fine since that's what all the cool negro rock stars were into.

Yup, very possible. My dad is a pipe carver and I was raised smoking a pipe. Nothing better than a good bowl of tobacco while hiking and taking a break along a creek or nice river. Granted, I'm kind a man's man without sounding like too much of a faggot, so I can pull it off. Good conversation starter as well. I just traveled the country for a year or so and I get asked about it all the time. Granted, I'm usually rocking flannel, jeans, a beard, and long hair so I guess I kinda fit the mountain man stereotype.

You can tell a faggot hipster right away though, just don't be a tool about it. It legit is a fantastic way to smoke and the tobacco variety and quality is fantastic.

That's the 1960s and 70s you sneaky kike

>I'm kind a man's man without sounding like too much of a faggot

You sound like a faggot.

No, it was the 1950s. By the 60s, the kids who grew up with that bullshit were more politically active and helped found the hippie movement.


I smoke a churchwarden when walking to and from work because it holds a small amount and is longer than the 5in brim on my hat.

At home I smoke a hand carved walnut pipe. I can not find a picture right now sadly. Carved it in the shape of a octagon, came out pretty well.

>Is it possible to smoke a pipe and not be considered hipster faggot?
Sure. Just as long as you're in the comfort of your own home, and not in public like some attention-seeking faggot.

This is super blog post but here it goes.

I smoked a pack of black and milds and Prince albert's (like a nigger) for almost 5 years because I love pipe tobacco. I have a nose and palette for it. I can identify blends based on smell as soon as it is lit, and I can almost discern every note of flavor. I would buy my own bags and roll my own pipe tobacco cigs when I got sick of b&ms. Then I got a corncob and would smoke that. I have a nice wooden one now but I don't smoke in public anymore unless I am hunting pheasants because smokers have an image associated with them.

If you look and dress slovenly, you will look queer smoking a pipe. Same with cigarettes. I wear leather work boots, jeans that are well worn and have fades and holes in the pockets, a leather belt, my cross, a horseshoe ring and a buddha bracelet on my right hand for good luck/protection, and some sort of nice casual shirt. I'm tall and kind of skinny but /fit. If you do it in public, among friends or otherwise, even if you look like a lumberjack, but you aren't an old man or rocking a monocle, you will look like a faggot.

Son that damn well better not be a fedora-da-explora.

that is not a pipe!

The autism in this thread knows no bounds.

Congrats Sup Forums, you've officially gone full /neckbeard/

If you can do it and not give a shit about how you look doing it, you're there.

This is only passable if you are over 50 and write grizzled Southern prose for a living. Otherwise, you're just going to look like a fucking hipster.

Who cares?

Oh, and you also have to grow a Mark Twain mustache and dress accordingly.

Who gives a fuck what other people think, good or bad.

I like a pipe cause you don't waste anything. I can pack as much or as little as I want. You smoke a cigar and you're committed to the whole thing, as it turns to shit if you try and relight it later. Plus pipe tobacco is dirt fucking cheap and comes in a a zillion varieties.

Just don't walk around with an attiude like HEY LOOK EVERYONE AT MY PIPE IM OLD SCHOOL ARENT I NEAT.

Literally utilitarian tier.

OK Sup Forums, since this thread seems to have a number of pipe smokers I figured I might as well ask. I inherited a number of pipes a few years ago. I've never smoked any of them, but I've thought about it. Is there anything I should know about using old pipes? Is there a chance they are no longer any good for use, and is it really sanitary to do so?

Worrying about looking hipster makes you a hipster. Prove me wrong. Protip, you cant.

get a respectable, well kept beard. dress well. no shorts. ever. no t-shirts. ever. as long as you do these things you may smoke a pipe without looking like a faggot.

This. Are you smoking at home and enjoying yourself? Congratulations, you are not a hipster douchebag.

Are you smoking in public for attention? Congratulations, you are a hipster douchebag.

You could pretend to be a 1950's father.

But muh cigars

just look up guides on cleaning/restoring estate pipes

What is the point of smoking tobacco?

Does it get you high or some shit?

Why tobacco instead of cannabis?
What is the difference besides the fanbase?

Only if no one sees you.

Pipe tobacco is the most aromatic and flavorful of all tobacco. Gives you a good buzz. It's an experience and ritual, very relaxing and satisfying.

>instead of cannabis?
proper cured dank weed is rare

I've smoked a number of old pipes. Are those in your pic the ones you're talking about? If so, they look fine, but old pipes do need to be cleaned. Like another user said, there's all kinds of guides out there, but I use the salt treatment. It's a pain in the ass, but it's worth it. Be aware that the calabash on the bottom has a meerschaum-lined bowl. Don't get any water in there, meerschaum dissolves in water.

If you determine it's not worth it, you can sell them. I've rarely seen an estate pipe not sell on eBay. Calabashes like that one on the bottom are really popular.

This. Smoking a corncob on the porch during this winter cold, 10/10

The only reason you want to smoke a pipe is so you can look like ol timey people you see in movies and read in books and look sophisticated. That's hipster faggotry at its finest.

It's the same faggotry as neckbeards putting on a fedora and thinking they're suddenly Humphrey Bogart.

In public over 50, and even that's pushing it. In private who the fuck cares.

Thanks for the tip

The availability seems like an obvious factor. But what are the differences in effects besides the increased health risk?

Sounds like cannabis but more affordable.
How long does the buzz last?

I feel like I'm coming off as a cunt but I'm seriously just asking questions fellas.
I have a really decent tobacco pipe that I use for cannabis.(legal where I live.)
But I'm not opposed to trying a decent mainstream blend of tobacky.

The buzz is nothing comparable to weed. It's just sort of relaxing and trance-inducing. If you go into it thinking you're going to get a substantial high off of tobacco, you're going to be disappointed. Even then, there's a lot of stuff out there that isn't very strong. If you want something strong, pick something that has a lot of burly or perique in it. Aromatics (the shit that tastes like chocolate and vanilla) won't do.

It's honestly like comparing potatoes to oranges, they are unique.
Smoke a bowl of green and you are done in a couple mins.

When you smoke tobacco you take your time and puff on that shit for a while. Savoring the flavor, the aroma, the bite of the nicotine on your tongue. It is very much its own ritual. As far as mainstream, prince albert is alright and pretty widely avail. I usually only smoke fancy overpriced tobacco when I bust out the pipe.

Once you smoke tobacco out of your pipe you'll probably never want to use it for weed again, I'd get a dedicated tobacco pipe.

I'd think weed would ghost the shit out of a briar pipe.

Actually you can get a vape pipe, I look pretty cool with it.

When did it come to this?
I'm 60 and smoking a pipe had nothing to do with being a hipster faggot in my generation.
Can't people just smoke pipes in peace instead of letting hipster faggots steal everything that is good from us?

YES, but only If you have a manly beard.

A pipe is similar to a cigar in many respects. Cigars are more social because you wouldn't share a pipe.

I don't recommend smoking, but I smoke cigars with my best friend on occasions. Remember that you don't inhale the smoke into your lungs, just your mouth.

You wanna know the key to not looking like a hipster faggot? Don't be a hipster faggot. There you go enjoy.

But seriously smoke a pipe if you want to, grow a bear if you want to, wear clothes that fit your body type well and fit your context (casual, business casual, business suits, outdoor, etc.), and most important of all don't be a hipster faggot and care what other people think.

Cigarettes are very thin, very dry, finely cut tobacco and often have added chemicals.

Cigars are larger pieces of leaf tobacco and usually have no processing beyond the normal smoking/drying/fermentation. Cigar tobacco has moisture, which is why you can ruin cigars by drying them out. (Humidor) Cigars can be flavored, but good cigars usually aren't.

Pipe tobacco is shredded tobacco leaf, it can have lots of moisture. Pipe tobacco may have various blends and flavors mixed in. But it varies.

Cigarettes are usually inhaled into the lungs.
Cigars and Pipes are mouth smoked.

I'm envious of you, this is a vile generation.

I enjoy a pipe once or twice a year, usually around Christmas. But I smoke it in the comfort of my own home.