Students at my uni are trying to petition the administration to give refuge to undocumented immigrants. Are you serious?

Students at my uni are trying to petition the administration to give refuge to undocumented immigrants. Are you serious?

Also does a private institution even have any power to stop officers from entering campus...?

Once Trump is in office, rat them out to the Feds.

For CSU schools they're doing the same thing it looks like. They will refuse to cooperate with the federal government. they will only act if the state forces them to (please trump, you can hold california by the highway grants)

inclusive is the word of the day for these folks

Yeah, how dare people try to get a good education to contribute to society, how dare they!!!!

People like you are why we don't live in Mars yet.

If ICE wants to walk in and get the Mexicans themselves they can do literally nothing about it. Sanctuaries refuse to cooperate they cant ban the federal government

rlly mde me thnk

If foreigners don't have to obey the law, then why should you?

For what it's worth, I'm an international student from the UK who is studying here legally after acquiring a student visa, undergoing background checks, and paying all processing fees. I'm all about being able to get an education abroad, but these kids literally want our university to house a bunch of illegal immigrants because if they don't it's not PC

Haha have them gathered and ice will scoop them up come inauguration day.

Take off your proxy, Leaf scum.

Why are millennials so stupid?

>Illegal immigrant


Fucking leaf found a proxy I guess.

I have a bunch of people from my CSU virtue signalling all over their 'stand' to refuse the federal government from coming on campus.

Chicano studies was a semester of indoctrination bullshit there and the 'Dreamers' room was down the hall. There was some brief La Raza kind of rhetoric about Aztlan and shit. It just made me saltier sitting in there.

[spoiler]Only good thing that class did was show me how horrifying circumcision is. Never ever will let that happen to my own kids, fuck that noise.[/spoiler]

Subversive language. Stop using 'illegal' and it softens the stigma.

can't they just wait for them to get out of there?
they would be living like prisoners otherwise

Are students going to get pushed out of dorm housing to accommodate the illegals?

That's what I thought. I'm by no means a legal expert but I feel like this is common knowledge, why the fuck do students attending supposedly one of the smartest unis in the US think signing a petition will make them above the law? So disappointing.

I'm tempted to ask the 'leaders' of this petition if they're willing to give up their dorms/flats for the illegals. Obviously they won't do that, but of course "someone else" should. They're helping the cause by signing a petition, you guys.

The same thing is happening right now on my campus, and many others. This won't come into play for a while, since Trump said getting out felons and building the wall is top priority, and what to do with the rest will be assessed at a later date. When it does come into play, though, it may accidentally set the stage for major higher education reforms by giving Trump a valid reason to threaten funding for a wide net of universities (including both in terms of funding the universities directly and funding loans for students to attend).

But wait there's another petition...
As if one of the most privileged institutions isn't already a safe enough bubble for these kids.

Oh sure, there's what was said and whatever happened to that after all. Good job.

lmfao kill yourself my man

Honestly I think they should absolutely be free to do this, and the feds should comply with their wishes, on one condition:

The school becomes ineligible for all federal money, including financial aid and research grants.

See how loudly they virtue signal when there's actually consequences involved for them.

john hopkins? good shit man

They seem to think universities are nation states, seems to me we are in dire need of reintroducing civics.

>colleges push bullshit 1 in 4 sexual assault statistic
>sanctuary for illegals
>statistic becomes factually based

That's some fucking 5D Backgammon

>Also does a private institution even have any power to stop officers from entering campus...?

Absolutely not. They can petition all they want. But the minute any faculty place their hands on a federal officer trying to perform their duty, they'll be on the ground and arrested.

That would be hilarious, considering Johns Hopkins is almost entirely funded by the US government

Shit user I'm applying for an internship at the Applied Physics lab there.

Does the SJW crap extend to that or is it mostly STEM and Military people like I thought it would be?

its just virtue signals

ice is a federal institution they can walk in no fear

>Can a private institution ban federal agents from removing people who broke the law

We're not a lolbertarian society.

Providing refuge to illegal immigrants is a felony.
Your uni will be shut down and people jailed if they cater to student wishes.
This is a fair warning.

Congrats on getting into Johns Hopkins. Sorry to hear it's turned into a leftist shithole like so many other US Universities. Have ANY (once-)prestigious US colleges not moved so far to the left as to become virtual social justice factories? I know no campus is entirely devoid of that kind of thinking, but it's starting to seem like it's become mainstream pretty much everywhere.

But what about a World without boarders?

Don't worry, I would say a rather large (and silent) majority of Hopkins is sane and doesn't spew BS like this. Most of these SJW's are undergrads who grew up in middle-upper class homes and never even left their state and suddenly want to be a part of some revolution so they can feel important. Because JHU is in Baltimore there is definitely a lot of talk about race and BLM but most people see right through it. I would also say JHU is definitely more liberal than other schools, but it's not a liberal arts school (quite the contrary) so we do have more intelligent and rational people than other schools..

Just a lot of loud SJW's but way more quiet normal people. I guarantee once finals begin and these SJW's realize no one gives a fuck about them, they'll stfu until they find some other thing to whine about. Good luck applying to APL though.

At least your tuition bucks are being put to proper use :^)

I'm pretty sure that's like that british island that claims to be a country. Except that they don't have the benefit of being in a corner nobody cares about.

SJW's complain about not enough women or POC in stem,
yet they never actually try to do stem...

>does a private institution even have any power to stop officers from entering campus...?
Ever heard of the 4th Amendment? It's private property.

Thanks user. This is my last year here and I have definitely noticed a fucking surge of this leftist bullshit in the recent years. Definitely was a different campus my freshman year.

It's funny because the loudest black kids on my newsfeed who shit on white people for their "privilege" are almost always these rich private school kids from NY who think they're invincible. Talk to some locals in Baltimore (black or white) and though a lot of them lean left, I would say they are a hundred times more rational and level-headed than some of these "smart" kids I go to school with. No time to talk about white privilege or institutional racism because they're too busy trying to make a living and not getting shot in some alley here.

>Good luck applying to APL though.

Thanks man. Know anything about their machine shop positions, cause that's what I'm hoping to intern for.

You mean germany?

No. They do not have that power

The 4th amendment doesn't protect you from hiding 1,000's of illegal immigrants. Harboring illegal immigrants is a crime in itself.

Funny you mention that, this is only anecdotal but most of the kids spearheading these walkouts and protests are writing sems (same as writing) majors. Or something equally retarded like that. The rest of us are just trying to pass our classes, get our degrees, and become engineers/doctors. At least you know your future engineers/doctors won't be SJW cucks.

Same at Vandy

>Stop using 'illegal' and it softens the stigma
>Stop using 'illegal' because I can't face the facts

Nah, what you do is this:

>Go to the school itself and strip all federal funding as you said
>Go to the city the school is in and strip all federal funding that goes to the school or any business/charity/etc within 5 km of the campus
>Go to the state and strip all federal funding that goes to said school
>Give them 2 years to sort this out
>If they don't sort it out then do ICE raids and leave the school a pile of rubble

I guarantee you if the Trump Administration did the first three things on that list this bullshit would be over in 3 months and all illegals/SJWs would be expelled.

>that number 2

>take out gun
>try to beat high score

>"oh sorry officers you collaborate with ICE, you're not allowed on campus; this is our safe space"

Ah I don't, sorry mate. I know a few friends who work there full time or part-time and they love it though, so I hope you get the internship!

>school accepts petition
>provides refuge for local homeless instead

Thanks again man. All power to you.

>Students at my uni are trying to petition the administration to give refuge to undocumented immigrants.

Seeing as Johns Hopkins is Maryland's #1 employer, I would love to see SJW's justify stripping all federal funding and possibly fucking up the entire state of MD just to help out the poor illegals :'(

same at Princeton, there was a protest rally today and a petition going around as well

>your parents forcing you to break the law means you are as retarded as me

If you want to have a LOT of fun, expand the stripping of federal funds to every single organization (yes, federal agencies included) in Maryland that have employees from that university.

>NSA, CIA, FBI, every major company, etc all dogpile on Johns Hopkins within a week
>For the next 5 years everyone within 10 km of Johns Hopkins with blue hair will get mobbed and screamed at

This is so hideously naive and unrealistic.

It's pretty disheartening to see students at Ivies and other top schools think this is in any way rational or this will actually lead to a change.

Seeing as Baltimore has a huge homeless/meth problem, the possibilities are truly endless.

Interesting how the SJWs that screech the loudest are almost always from the East coast and have most likely never dealt with illegal immigrants in vast numbers before.
And then we have my Asian/Hispanic classmates from the west coast who support Trump 100% - "you don't know how bad the illegal immigrant problem is in California, no wonder Trump wants to get rid of them"

I'm sure the school will arm itself and protect its constitutional rights to reject the government's illegal search of their private property.

Oh wait. They're just gonna roll over like the pussies they are.

How do illegal immigrants even get to go to these schools? I'm a legal immigrant with full citizenship but god damn, sometimes I wonder why I fucking bothered. Six years of dealing with US courts and thousands of dollars, when I could just have voted Democrat and had a full ride to everywhere because I have oppression points by default.

There's been a letter circulating here, urging my school to do the same after we received a rather bland message from our Dean of Students. It boils down to money, primarily that lifeblood of research schools, federal dollars. These are going to be yanked from any school pulling this shit.

Luckily I go to one of the few redpilled universities in the US.

If it makes you feel any better, there are a lot of secret redpilled people here on campus. It's just 1000% unacceptable to voice those views, so you have to be really careful in sounding people out, as everyone will pretend to be a liberal (I have become a master of it, though).

But it very much surprised me. I had always heard Princeton was the most conservative of the ivies. Makes me scared about the others.

But yes, it makes me very sad. Especially when I remember that it was Princeton students that started the first movement that would eventually become "America First" at Yale. A long time ago we were based, friendo

Totally agreed user, here's to hoping that we go back to how it used to be before all this PC culture began. Absolutely unacceptable to voice any non-liberal opinions on social media or even suggest having a civil discussion about it on campus. Good to hear that Princeton also has lots of redpilled people, I would say we do have quite a few here at Hopkins as well. But god forbid you wear a MAGA hat or any Trump-related clothes to class... I have seen snapchat stories "shaming" them or even Facebook posts "denouncing" them for supporting a candidate they don't agree with..

Good school user. I want to work there some day.

Even when it's one of your own doing the shitposting, we leaf's get blamed. Feels bad man

no. they would be obstructing justice

Oh please do, I want nothing more than to see the police and the military charge at the students and break some faces.
It would also be the perfect excuse to remove the cucked administration.

Cheers, man, good luck surviving. Don't get caught, taking a stand isn't worth fucking your life over. We definitely don't have "lots" of them though, just some. Enough to get by, but...

I think a good Trump presidency seriously has the potential to save college campuses. A bad one would be disastrous.

>its a "liberals suddenly hate federal overreach" episode

The consistent and utter hypocrisy of the left has to be in the top 3 things I loathe about them. They absolutely zero introspection and only care about what they "feel" is the right thing moment to moment.

>take em in
>call ICE

C'mon senpai, we know the deal from WW2