What is the most controversial view you hold?


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Women, minorities, and poor people should not have the right to vote. They are all retarded

I voted for Hillary and I support her policy positions.

I really want to have a complete and total black holocaust. Like divide Africa up between Europe, China, India, and South America, but killing every single black person alive anywhere in the world.

that all people regardless of belief, gender, or ethnicity should be given a chance to be heard and hold reasonable employment

Evolution is just the antireligion religion.

Mass muslim immigration would help us get our women in check.

I fucking hate Turkey and want to commit genocide against all Turks

What do you mean by reasonable employment

god exists

The undesirables, such as those who do not want to work, drug dealers, shut-ins, retards, et cetera should be allowed to live free up until their 25th birthday.

Then they shall be used for medical testing and turned into fertiliser or burned for fuel.

This x100

Voting is a privilege, not a right, which should be restricted to only property holding white males.

Reality is entirely subjective to perception.

I want regime change in Iran

Hitler was right. The world would be a better place if it were 100% white. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Jews should be inherently mistrusted or outright removed.

Women shouldn't have to work or take off their clothes for money. In a perfect world, everyone would give women money just for existing.

The holocaust probably did happen, at least to some extent.

a job proper to their abilities, and benefits in regard to what they deserve

that being the base benefits are medicine, money adequate to food and rent, and education provided by the state to any of the children their family should have (given their family should have children)

J00s control everything and the Holocaust is a sham.
>pretty obvious but some people don't see it the way I see it.

That isn't controversial and everyone wants to do that

Global warming isn't man made

There should be a new colony established in Antarctica.

They should not be told anything of the outside world.

They should be tested on to further life for the rest of us.

Democracy was a mistake and this republican experiment in America needs to end. The West needs to return to its monarchical roots or we'll perish.
>but Rome was a republic
The Empire was superior.


If you don't own land you shouldn't have a say in property taxes or bond measures

interesting, I support this

All crime should be punished by death. No second chances.

I think abortion should remain legal.

That the entire "Holocaust was a hoax" meme is a ploy to discredit conspiracy theorists, every idea they believe in, everyone they associate with, and demonize the same.

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

This has to happen. I want this. Get me this, please.
>"sorry user, you can't have a black genocide"
Fuck you mom, you never let me get anything I want.

Women, non whites, and non christians should not be allowed to vote or own guns. There should be a three strikes system for criminals implemented where the third strike results in a firing squad style public execution.

"Western culture" isn't actually that good and has been steadily going downhill for centuries if not millennia

My wife must never know... But yes. Women are too emotionally driven and lack the ability to
Make rational decisions for the betterment of society as a whole... They vote for muh feels

A lot of black people seem like okay people

Colonization was the biggest improvement to Africa

That the US should've assisted Germany instead of the USSR in WW2. I've voiced this to ~50 people, but only one could "see where I was coming from".

There were murders of jews, it was not done in work-camps but out in the fields. Himmler ordered much of it.

Atlantis existed and Irishmen are the proof.

Earth is not flat, but plate tectonics may become obsolete eventually.

There is a vast underworld below Earth, though not hollow. Verne and Lovecraft were redpilled as fuck.

zionist jews are trying to dominate the world which will bring in the antichrist

women shouldn't be allowed to vote

college is a scam

I'm gay but I think children should grow up with a mom and a dad. I guess my view is only controversial with other gays though.

Masturbating to trannys is completely heterosexual

Race is a social construct


Expand on that first point, you've piqued my interest

Eugenics for the mentally unfit.

Advanced technology should be taken away from the general public.

They only abuse it and lessen the quality of their lives.

Only the educated deserve advanced technology. It should be heavily monitored.

go on...

That you should be required to take a comprehension test to qualify to vote for government officials. No sense in allowing people to vote if they're just doing so "because she's a woman." People should have a decent level of understanding of the candidate's policies.

-t. subversive hon

if we lived in a more advanced society child sex and incest would be normal

Women who fuck niggers are worth less than shit

pence will be the next president



Genocide isn't wrong when applied to other races than caucasian, oriental, slavic and Mediterranean nor necessarily is any killing of other living beings


Logic and reason are absolutely godawful means of argument because they inherently lend themselves to critical questioning of traditional values.

The holocaust lie would not hold any value, the international Jewry would have no power, all communists in the world would be dead, no Cold War, Japan would thrive as well, France would replace their white flag with a Nazi one.
>this is pretty great desu. Hindsight is always 20/20

In real life? Holocaust denial.

On Sup Forums? Black people are true Americans, the prime victims of the jew, and American Nationalism can't win without Black Nationalism working side-by-side with White Nationalism.

Jesus followed Torah and so will I.
The Gospel is Torah because the Word made flesh is a walking Torah. That means Jesus = Torah = Truth = Life = Light = Law

I literally believe I can alter reality at will, live as my "god', mind control people and my slave girl (fuck that fucking motherfucker), and I cannot die until a set time, which I choose to not feel.
I do not need my physical body any longer, except as a coil.

In no particular order:

>Eugenics is a net positive(neuter retards, genetic illness, etc)
>universal suffrage is a mistake in modern times
>corporal punishment needs to be brought back, Saudi Arabia has the right idea ie cutting hands off thieves
>free speech needs to go, arrest people who preach ideas that are destructive to society ie radical islam, communism, etc
>religion should be discouraged but not through taxation or law, just through PR

The west needs to wage a next-level religious war on Islam.

They must make the Muslims believe that Allah has commanded them to kill themselves and enter paradise.

This must not become public knowledge.

dang, what happened to Danzig?

Slavery was a mistake because now we have niggers.

Stay strong brother Sweed. It has to be hard in a land of Athiests. I admire your faith.

you might be schizo

If we were to kill every single person living or who has lived most of their life in a 3rd world country the quality of life would go up substantially for every more superior civilization and we would not have to worry about running out of resources probably ever again. By the time we ran out on earth we could mine space without the 3rd world holding us back.

Society is a natural construct
>racism is thus natural

>Implying niggers are worth all that effort
>Not muslim arabs

Use your brains. If we're genociding, then we can thin the nigger herd and spook them into line as has happened in the past. Meanwhile with Islam gone you've saved mankind itself. Niggers have never been the problem, modern conceptions of what's acceptable are.

I think the number one thing taught in schools should be how humans think and how emotions affect thinking
so everyone will gain some insight into why they think and feel the way they do, instead of just going on instinct like animals
It enables people to make better choices everywhere, or understand why they made bad choices and thus enabling them to prevent the same circumstances in the future

Right now most people I meet are dumb sheep

I used to think pedophiles and lolicons weren't so bad. As long as they don't touch children.

Even if they did, I had hoped they could be saved.

I guess when we come up with a cure, we can save them.

Until then, they belong in the oven.

ronald regan wasnt senile. he let slip a top secret government program to use high powered lasers and conventional rockets on satellites to try to defend america against spy satellites and a potential nuclear attack

he never had old timers and it was just to cover for something any one would end up making if they thought america was doing and they had a space program

most arguments against star wars tech as it was dubbed are outlandish. they say things like you cant fire anything from a satellite because of conservation of motion but you could let go of a rocket that had a powder that has a oxide that fuels the reaction like thermite being part of the mix and its mostly just getting a push towards earth so it gains speed then as it burns down it hits the normal solid fuel

some one would argue it would burn up but the reality is thats determined by speed and angle. space dust drifts into our atmosphere and doesnt even heat up. so lets say 30 mph until in atmosphere then 750 mph and it separates into 3 smaller ones

lasers just for other satellites that our star wars shit drifts to. fuck up their solar panels or parabolic mirror

Compact theory that the states have the right to nullify any federal law they deem unconstitutional according to strict construction of the Constitution.


I opened this thread to post exactly this, a little glad to see this view's popularity.


are you autistic?

All multicultural states fail in the end and women should stop trying to mimic men.

White men are the chosen race of god. Its why the entire planet wants to breed with us or exterminate us.

Spain, tell me more about Ireland and the underworld.

You're beyond retarded.


Nah, I just understand the conceptual psyche of the 3 rule mind, that when in love, expands to 7 minds + fake ones.
I listen to music and make myself trip. I can feel the vibrational changes along with seeing others and their atmospheres go nuts. I also see the world in yin yang.
If I'm schizo, I'm glad.
I'm fully flanging daily nigga

The Holocaust never happened.


>inb4 Trumpkins get triggered by my different opinion

I never said it would be worth it.

In response to your question, maybe a little.

Women and faggots should not be allowed to vote or hold office because they use emotion as justification for policy.

They did this not too long ago back in the 70s, if only it was still around today

Eugenics and state-enforced sterilization are the ultimate solution to all of the world's problems.

The empire was a collection of shitty tyrants who drove Rome into the ground. The Late Republic was shit only because they became morally degenerate after expanding so incredibly far (ie after the first punic wars). They didn't have the administration or will to maintain a tight grip on their spanish colonies, and corruption started in earnest. The Imperial Republic was the superior form of government. There is nothing better than mixed constitution. Its flexibility saved the Republic from populist revolts and crises countless times. Don't talk shit about the republic if you have no idea what you're talking about.

If you aren't at least 6 feet tall with an 8 inch dick you are hard to respect and you probably get cucked easily unless you are EXTREMELY alpha

Gangs (crips/bloods, MS13, Aryan Nation, BLM/Black Panthers, Italian mafias, biker gangs of all stripes) should be reclassified as domestic terrorists and drone striked with impunity on US city streets. Without trial.

>buying into the logical jew
lmao kid

Buttmad republican trying to defend his shite decentralized system

America and the world would be a much better place if we'd never had slavery. Identity politics spawned from the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's and has spread across the world. We'd also be better off if women didn't vote anymore.

Jews scare the fucking shit outta me, and if they really ARE running the world, they need to go.

Black Lives Matter

all Juden should be documented
all Muslims should be documented
number of Synagogues should be limited - excess should be destroyed
number of Mosques should be limited - excess should be destroyed
Fluoride is poison
Holocaust never happened

Seriously chink?

J O?

>slavery was bad