I Am going to Freeze my Head when I Die

I just thought of this today and from this day foward I am planning on when I die, I will have my head or brain cryogenically frozen so in 25, 50,100 years I will awake in a NEW BODY...Synth Flesh or Chrome I don't care but I am fucking EXCITED. What do you guys think? Am I crazy or genius?

Literally thousands of people have done this in California.

They all got punked though because we don't have the tech yet to freeze your brain in a living state. Cryogenics is a meme.

If you're middle-aged or younger this is still a possibility though.

lol this is my end goal

I will likely do something else when the time comes for me. I've got another 40 years at least for tech to advance enough to develop a better option than having fluid crystals destroy my neural tissues

I would make it a personal goal to stop by this facility and just pull the plug.

>I get to live forever!
lol no

You're just mad you don't have a brain worth preserving, faggot.

The freezing process destroys all the neural pathways. What gets revived might have your DNA but it won't have your memory or personality. It won't be you.

We're just going to throw you away you know that right?

>anything past Avatar B
>Hey I made a computerized copy of my personality but I'm still dead!

Absolutely disgusting

I think you are retarded

This post needs this pic

>Am I crazy or genius?
You're a pussy. Just embrace the great beyond, faggot.

Why is it the people with the most uninteresting life are the ones who seek immortality?

if you want to life longer with proven science get a blood transfusion from a young person

>Am I crazy or genius?

Neither. You're just a bit naive.

Older user here, can confidently say that living longer than the natural life expectancy (~85 years nowadays) would fucking suck.
I'm 47 and honestly fucking sick of the stresses of life.
Successful, have a family, love my wife and my kids, love my job, love my coworkers, get along well with my neighbors, participate in community projects and pretty much have achieved everything I would like to in my life but fuck christ the stress does not end. EVER.
Don't even know where it comes from anymore, but waking up every day just fucking sucks.
Seriously, cryogenic freezing/immortality/exceeding the natural lifespan/etc are just childish dreams. When you've outlive the glory years of life (14-35 or so), and realize that living longer than naturally expected would just mean more years of being old and shitty, you won't want to submit yourself to this shit anymore. Trust me.

inb4 fake and gay
inb4 "why are you on Sup Forums at 47"

I'll actually answer that last one- My kids use the site (they're adults, don't give me shit about bad parenting) and informed me that it's a great political site. Kinda true.


I have literally been working toward this goal since I was around 12 or so. So around 15 years of my life. The idea of dying terrifies me. That I haven't done enough with my life. If I don't have the ability to choose when to end it, after an exceptionally long fulfilling life, then I might as well check out right now.

So I work on acquiring enough resources to one day regain my youth, and live as a more evolved being.

I had a friend, growing up, who shared this same dream with me. He took his own life a few years back. He never knew happiness, and now never will.

I must succeed.

Hint: when your dead, it will be too late. You're not stored in the state of your brain cells, but the connections and interactions between them.

If you haven't made it to your biggest goal in life by age 27, you're going to kill yourself. Look up the conspiracy surrounding male suicides at around age 27. A LOT of guys do it at this age. Why? Testosterone production is beginning to decline since age 25, and within the first two years it has dropped a decent amount (most guys get depressed at age 25 if they hadn't been before), so you're going to be less motivated and depressed if you can't combat this with a mind-over-matter approach and force yourself to be successful. Also, the body is no longer growing so essentially from age 25 onward you are just dying slowly and for a lot of people it sets in with the depressions as well.

My suggestion as an old fart is that you should seriously just wake up tomorrow morning and whatever it is that you have yet to achieve, that you want to achieve, you write down the steps to take to get to it and you start at the first step you wrote and fucking do it. Make your own 12-step program and follow that shit. Take control. Do not live an empty life; Go achieve. Take what is yours. Be successful.


Are you a fucking retard, or do you know nothing about what happens to cellular tissue when it's frozen, the membranes sustain damage from crystallization of the fluids in the cell.

Now it is possible if CAS was more applicable. But sadly, it's still being developed.

I work plenty. I am following my dreams daily. I'll never lose sight.

>male suicide

I'm a woman.

>Do not live an empty life

I've had my fair share of good experiences. Been with many women, almost married 2 of them. Made many friends, shared many laughs.

But I had to put all that shit aside, and get to work instead of just edging along in the beaten normie path.

Thanks for the advice, but I feel like I'm on the right track. I'll get to where I'm going. I hope you do too.