What is that makes money so great?

What is that makes money so great?.

With money you can do whatever you want

wake up call...it's not great, Pedro.

I love money!!!! The feel and smell of new cash, the weight of silver coins, the shine!!! Fuck pennies!' I throw them in he garbage or just on the ground for peasants! But I don't mind silver coins and I wish we had gold coins!

But cash is good too!! Foo foo on checks and plastic cards that are plain and ordinary!! I like fancy checks and weighted metal cards!!!


nigga you need money to eat like what do you live under a tree even trees need money to live why do you think their leaves are green ?

When you use it to pay for a wall.

Why would you need to eat if you could just suck on someones neck?.

Even if you are unattractive 70 year old, you can grab anybody by pussy.

I have been working and found out i have 1,800 saved up at this moment, but i might blow a grand on a really nice S&W

money is great, OP. But OP picture is not money, it is currency. Fiat currency backed by nothing.

pic related is money


>he fell for the gold is money meme

Well your nation certainly didn't.

why now blow a grand on a really nice SJW instead?

If you sell your gold you win.

The US government can seize all gold bullion. Executive order 6102.
Owning gold is literally retarded, the government can legally just take it from you.

It can be exchanged for goods and services.

It's not what you can buy that makes money so great, but what you can pay others to do the work.

If I had enough money, I'd be above giving a shit about politics

We got us something better than a Mexican intellectual

we got us a Mexican philosopher.

It smells good

Access to resources.

I'm sure cave men pondered how nice it was to feel the weight of a recently killed animal on their back.

Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

It's easier to transport than physical commodities.

having more of it than other people and knowing it